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Dear Representative Beatty,


This week, Senator Feinstein along with some half-dozen of her colleagues introduced a broad "assault weapons" ban in the U.S. Senate. Vice President Biden followed up with a presentation on the administration's latest proposals and asked us to contact our representatives.


I would like you to know that I am in general support of proposals which improve our ability to perform effective background checks and support providing even private individuals a way to access the background check system. States need to do a better job of reporting 'prohibited individuals' into the system.


I also support efforts to improve our response to mental health issues BUT on a state/local level vs. creation of new federal programs or mandates. Our focus should be on how we support the states in their efforts. The reality between the states may be very different and I think it's important that they are able to tailor their response vs. a 'one size fits all' approach.


Beyond this, I do NOT support any attempt to further circumscribe the civil rights of the American people. Not only are 'bans' of any type completely ineffective and therefore bad policy, most importantly they are incompatible with the language and purposes of the Second Amendment. Contrary to what the President and Vice-President often state, the Second Amendment is not about hunting and target shooting but instead recognizes the individual right to protect self, family, and country from both internal and external threats. You cannot say you are a supporter of the right to keep and bear arms and then attempt to tear it down, hiding behind this deliberate misrepresentation.


I urge you then to uphold your oath to support and defend the Constitution by voting 'no' on ANY legislation eclipsing the free and lawful exercise of EVERY civil right recognized and guaranteed by that document.


Thank you.


Best Regards,


I didn't get a reply, automated or otherwise. You don't suppose Rep. Beatty would ignore one of her constituents just because they have contrary views do you? Say it's not so!

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I joined the NRA and BFA last month using Mike's links in the OP. I had expected to maybe receive a membership card or something in the mail. But today I received the exact opposite from the NRA. A NRA Shield Sticker with an application to join. Uh, didn't I just do that?
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I'll hand it to Tiberi, I don't like him as a politician but that's a very measured and intelligent response. I'm not a fan of Portman and Johnson going after individuals in their responses; in my mind, that's a radicalizing method of getting things done, and in part is the reason we're in the predicament that we are.


Stivers and Kasich really impressed me with their responses as posted here.

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I joined the NRA and BFA last month using Mike's links in the OP. I had expected to maybe receive a membership card or something in the mail. But today I received the exact opposite from the NRA. A NRA Shield Sticker with an application to join. Uh, didn't I just do that?


You should receive a membership card within a couple of weeks. Maybe they are running behind with all of the new applications.

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I joined the NRA and BFA last month using Mike's links in the OP. I had expected to maybe receive a membership card or something in the mail. But today I received the exact opposite from the NRA. A NRA Shield Sticker with an application to join. Uh, didn't I just do that?


I think I read somewhere they send out renewal crap every Feb. regardless of when you joined, and so just ignore it.

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