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Very Official 2013 Football Thread

Dr. Pomade

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So I am watching ESPN before I fall to sleep and I can't believe how many people are suddenly supporting college players being able to get paid for signing and selling shit. Where was all this support for AJ Green or the Tat 5? Simply amazing how it's now suddenly ok and should just be allowed. I'm actually in favor of college kids being able to make money off their name, I am just against the hypocrisy that is the NCAA and mass media (ESPN). I really don't think Manziel will be suspended this year, by the time they rule on him he'll be gone from A&M.
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on the way home from work, the chancellor at A&M was interviewed stating that it's not fair for Olympic college athletes to be able to be paid for autographs while football players are not. There is a loop hole that needs to be closed. He also added that it is not fair for the NCAA to be able profit off the likeliness of the players and that universities should not be able to profit of their likeliness as well if the rules stay the same.
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College players ARE paid for their likeness and autographs. College is EXPENSIVE, especially at some of these larger institutions. These kids, many of whom would not have been able to get in otherwise, are able to take advantage of that and graduate debt free, whether they make the NFL or not. If you look at this as an employer/employee relationship (which it essentially is), then how many employers do you know that are willing to let you just own your own ip that you developed while working for them? None that I am aware of. These kids have signed a "contract", and they have stated that they are willing to accept the salary that is offered (the tuition number). Why should they be paid anything else?
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So I am watching ESPN before I fall to sleep and I can't believe how many people are suddenly supporting college players being able to get paid for signing and selling shit. Where was all this support for AJ Green or the Tat 5? Simply amazing how it's now suddenly ok and should just be allowed. I'm actually in favor of college kids being able to make money off their name, I am just against the hypocrisy that is the NCAA and mass media (ESPN). I really don't think Manziel will be suspended this year, by the time they rule on him he'll be gone from A&M.


I don't know, black kid profits selling autographs and memorabilia, it is not okay. Richy rich white kids profits from it, it's all good. Just throwing it out there... lol

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Wood was iffy to even try this season with his shoulder. While I never liked Griffin taking up a scholarship he looked competent in the spring game so that's actually shitty. Could have at least contributed on ST.


I believe he was the top ST tackler last season. He also broke up the pass on the fake attempt by PSU.

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Football scholarship from tOSU = bragging rights?


I think it was more a respect thing. OSU had an extra scholarship to throw around at the time so Tressel used it on Griffin's son. Obviously with the scholarship penalties that came down it ended up hurting a bit more than it should have.


He also broke up the pass on the fake attempt by PSU.


There it is. I knew there was a specific play last season where he did something and I said, "Welp, there's your scholarship."

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I think it was more a respect thing. OSU had an extra scholarship to throw around at the time so Tressel used it on Griffin's son. Obviously with the scholarship penalties that came down it ended up hurting a bit more than it should have.




There it is. I knew there was a specific play last season where he did something and I said, "Welp, there's your scholarship."


I'd say if he is getting more tackles than the 4 and 5 *'s on ST that he is worth his scholly.

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I've got an idea. How about the NCAA pays ALL division 1 college athletes on a full ride scholarship a set amount for "living expenses." Since most athletes can't work due to school and practice, throw them an extra $600-800/month or something on top of their tuition so they can afford rent, food, utilities...ect. I receive a housing allowance from the VA while I'm in school. It could be similar to that. Lose your scholarship, lose your pay. It will be a perk to being an athlete at the elite D1 level. It will also force players to be more discipline when they know they have cash in hand on the line. Idk, just a thought.
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Not going to happen considering most D1 athletic programs lose money. It's great to say when there is just one sport for a few programs. The problem is is due to Title IX, it would also have to be given to sports that do not generate any sort of revenue. Regardless of the money players are paid, there will always be a percentage with discipline issue. Still happens in the NFL and players have pockets full of money.
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The change that needs to happen is that scholarship athletes need to be allowed to have jobs, just like folks on academic scholarships. Fine to not pay these folks (beyond all of the perks that they are already getting), but at least let them do some earning away from school.
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I was under the impression that their room/board was paid for under their scholarships. I have never heard of them not being able to work, I know a few players got in trouble for being paid for work they never actually did. Time to look up the rules I guess.





"What do athletics scholarships cover? Full scholarships cover tuition and fees, room, board and required course-related books."- NCAA.org



Totally unrelated but cool stat regarding the percentage of college athletes who go pro in various sports



Baseball – 11.6%

Men’s ice hockey – 1.3%

Football – 1.7%

Men’s soccer – 1.0%

Men’s basketball – 1.2%

Women’s basketball – 0.9%

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but reading that, I get the impression that any money earned would be taken OUT of the scholarship money that the institution would be providing?


So, "congrats on earning 5 grand last month, son. That's 5 grand less that the college is going to give you now.... "


That article came out after my buddy graduated, so, guess I just showed you how old I am.

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I think they can only earn $2000 over any grant money they recieve for the year, if I read it correctly. I honestly think we will see a day where players get paid in some fashion more than free schooling. I think the 2 players who sued EA sports over them using their likeness have opened up the flood gates, add in everyone suddenly backing Manziel. Either that or like others have said in the past, schools will leave the NCAA and start their own thing.
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They're allowed but when does a high-level BCS program football player have time to work? Football is a year-round gig now. The second your bowl game is over you're in winter conditioning. Then spring practice. Then summer conditioning. Then fall camp/the season. Then repeat. On top of school.


And any decent job an OSU football player could land that would really be worth their time would be looked at as a handout. There isn't enough incentive for the headaches it would likely cause. Like the kids who were suspended for a few games at the beginning of the 2011 season for taking too much money for their work. They got like $15/hr instead of $12/hr or whatever it was and $12/hr was what was researched/approved by OSU compliance. Their increase was never discussed/approved with OSU compliance so... boom. Suspended.

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They're allowed but when does a high-level BCS program football player have time to work? Football is a year-round gig now. The second your bowl game is over you're in winter conditioning. Then spring practice. Then summer conditioning. Then fall camp/the season. Then repeat. On top of school.


And any decent job an OSU football player could land that would really be worth their time would be looked at as a handout. There isn't enough incentive for the headaches it would likely cause. Like the kids who were suspended for a few games at the beginning of the 2011 season for taking too much money for their work. They got like $15/hr instead of $12/hr or whatever it was and $12/hr was what was researched/approved by OSU compliance. Their increase was never discussed/approved with OSU compliance so... boom. Suspended.


And their Easter Bonuses that every employee got. BOOM suspended

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Yeah you're right about it being a year round gig now. My buddy had classes with a few players when he was in school (Spitler, Hartline and Mo Wells) and would even go to lunch with them from time to time. Said they never really had any free time and always appeared to be tired
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EA sports NCAA football 2014 is the last one, after this it'll be called EA sports college football, the NCAA is removing their name from the game to avoid any future lawsuits(O'Bannon brothers) The SEC and the B1G already announced they will not be a part of the game anymore.


I'm not sure how I feel on the pay to play crap, honestly the scholar athletes have a free college education, that's payment enough. they should be given 2 choices:

1. Full scholarship. Means no gifts/money because your getting a free education.

2. No scholarship. Means you can have a job or except gifts/money


but again that will open up a whole other can of warms of its own...

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I dunno....its been debated for years. Its never going to change it would screw up recruiting if one school offers more perks pay wise than others. A free ride is pretty good perks. How many 18-22 year olds are making 25-30 grand a year or whatever it costs. I would love to not have to be paying school loans the rest of my life.
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