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Why no motorcycle commercials?


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obviously i put this in off topic but i just was wondering why you dont ever see suzuki,yamaha,kawasaki bike commercials? Ive seen a honda one everyonce in awile (usually mixed with cars and what not but not just bike) but I honestly cant recall every seeing any of the others. Now ive seen dealers advertise but thats even a rare occasion unless I just dont watch the right channels..:confused:

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because commercials wont do shit, but seeing one of the new bikes on the street ripping it up, or one that looks really cool, whatever the potential customer is in to, will get them to buy it. The rider and the bike itself is free advertisement, and it works

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because commercials wont do shit, but seeing one of the new bikes on the street ripping it up, or one that looks really cool, whatever the potential customer is in to, will get them to buy it. The rider and the bike itself is free advertisement, and it works

very true...

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If I read the graphics right it's a 220cc bike... you better stick with your Ninja 250.

Yeah but still sweet stunting. I just looked up the company, apparently they are only available in India and come in 150, 180 and 200cc models.

I guess in the crowded streets of India you wouldn't need much more power than that?


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So you're telling me, that if you need to "compensate" in India, you can only get a 200cc machine to let everyone know you have a small penis? That's weak. :D

I'm sure there are bigger bikes available for those that need more "compensation" in India :p

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I've seen several, of all brands...

they are much rarer than car commercials, but i've seen plenty...

the most memorable one was a kid in a car in gridlock, slams his fist through the roof and tears through it, climbs on the roof and grows 2 giant red wings, then flies away..

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