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imstock2's thread of fail and AIDS


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So, you are saying that you are the exception and not the rule?


There are quite a few exceptions here, but that does not negate from the fact that there is still a rather large population of ignorant fucks here as well.


Take the good with the bad, I have met some of the coolest people I know in this town. Moving from NY may be the reason for that though.

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Yeah I'm 100% sure he filed his taxes incorrectly. Idk who would hire this moron anyway. Enjoy that shitbox vette for the next few months until it gets repo'd.


Didn't file my taxes? Liberty taxes did. Dude you drive a sti and your calling my vette a shitbox? Check yourself sweet hear

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If I offer you online grammar classes, will you oblige to them?


Wow Alex... This is like the first time you posted something in like 10 pages... I'm surprised. And I give no fucks how my online grammar is. I don't get graded for how well I can type or post on a forum site. When one resorts to grammar is useally because they have nothing else to say so they nick pick. Or go find a YouTube video (geeesammy)

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I can start grading your grammar if that's what it takes. You really should care about how your grammar is in any instance (you know for communication, point conveyance, all that good shit).


Like I said... No care for forum grammar.. If anything it's just another way to get under people's skin, in which I'm all about

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You're currently at a D: I can understand you, but I still you're stupid. The overuse of ellipses, particularly using them as commas, is improper and makes me think you're stupid.


It's nice that, in your two responses to the above posts, your spelling and grammar has significantly improved. While I don't care about the content of your sentences right now, their structure has significantly improved. There's hope for you yet.

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You're currently at a D: I can understand you, but I still you're stupid. The overuse of ellipses, particularly using them as commas, is improper and makes me think you're stupid.


It's nice that, in your two responses to the above posts, your spelling and grammar has significantly improved. While I don't care about the content of your sentences right now, their structure has significantly improved. There's hope for you yet.

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when you reach baller status, uncle obama asks you for more money at the end of the year.


Isn't it fun having to put in additional withholdings, even when you claim zero, just to prevent owing money every year!



I do like your perspective of it showing you have a good financial stability/status. :lol:

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Like I said... No care for forum grammar.. If anything it's just another way to get under people's skin, in which I'm all about


I mean, hey, if you like portraying yourself as a fucking retard that lacks the common education of a 3rd grader.... then dont be surprised when you get judged as one.



Though, I think the judgement appears to be close to reality, considering your lack of abililty to also do simple 3rd grade mathematics.

Edited by JuicedH22
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Like I said... No care for forum grammar.. If anything it's just another way to get under people's skin, in which I'm all about


Your credibility declines when you can't communicate properly. Nobody is going to take you seriously if you can't perform basic English grammar skills. You said you have a degree right?

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