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Let's talk about self-entitlement.


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So let's talk about why so many people believe they're entitled to things. IE: Government assistance, bailouts, higher pay, discounts, etc..


I really don't get where this attitude comes from? Oh wait, I lied.. I think it's harboured by our culture, and we all expect someone else to hold our hands instead of being held accountable for our actions.


What happened to working hard for what you earn?




I expect this will probably end in a shit storm, but I really want to hear everyone elses' thoughts.

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Good thread to start. Hopefully it stays on the track for a couple of pages. My fear is that it will be locked at some point.:lolguy:


I just want a good discussion out of this.


I read a story the other week on Facebook from a member here, where he tried to help a beggar on the side of the road, and recieved a rude awakening at the beggar's response to the food he/she was offered.


It instantly made my blood boil.

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It comes from Generation after Generation working / Living off of the system.






On the topic of living off the system- How do we avoid this scenario in the future? How do we take away things that people never deserved in the first place. We all know it would cause a huge uproar, but I think it's part of a huge cause for our debt problem as a country.


Honestly, I think we all know that until we take away these self-entitlements, nobody is going to go and actually help themselves when it's being handed to them.

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SRS though...



I think the largest problem lies in the fact that the safety net is just too high.


If your options are live on the system, or start working on "the first rung of the ladder" you live better on the system.


I know quite a few people in guernsey county that get:

their house paid by HUD $500

Free food via food stamps $800

Gas bill paid by HEAP $200

Free phone. $50

Free healthcare for the fam with no co pay $1200 (minimum value. I'm being conservative)

Take all that x 12 for a annual value of $33,000

Then they work part time, not even all year to make sure they qualify for earned income credit and stuff. Make maybe 12,000 in the year.

Then get a tax refund for $10,0000


So you are talking about someone NETTING 55k a year working next to none at all just cause they have a couple kids.


Who would want to work a real full time job for a paycut?

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I don't see how we end it now, but wish it could end.


I have family members who live 100% off the system and make much more money than most of the house hold incomes of the members of this board. I know, I do their taxes (family blah.)


The ones I'm talking about know how to use the system and could totally work, but make it their full time job to cheat the system to its fullest. They seem smart, but are always broke by the second week of the month and begging. They beg from the salvation army every christmass then turn around and steal more gifts out of the drop off locations (no shit.) I got many more stories and have even tried turning them in on some of the bigger crimes, but the feds don't care and want me to do all the work to catch them.



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SRS though...



I think the largest problem lies in the fact that the safety net is just too high.


If your options are live on the system, or start working on "the first rung of the ladder" you live better on the system.


I know quite a few people in guernsey county that get:

their house paid by HUD $500

Free food via food stamps $800

Gas bill paid by HEAP $200

Free phone. $50

Free healthcare for the fam with no co pay $1200 (minimum value. I'm being conservative)

Take all that x 12 for a annual value of $33,000

Then they work part time, not even all year to make sure they qualify for earned income credit and stuff. Make maybe 12,000 in the year.

Then get a tax refund for $10,0000


So you are talking about someone NETTING 55k a year working next to none at all just cause they have a couple kids.


Who would want to work a real full time job for a paycut?


I would, because I have dignity.

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On the topic of living off the system- How do we avoid this scenario in the future? How do we take away things that people never deserved in the first place. We all know it would cause a huge uproar, but I think it's part of a huge cause for our debt problem as a country.


Honestly, I think we all know that until we take away these self-entitlements, nobody is going to go and actually help themselves when it's being handed to them.



Drug Testing, Alcohol Testing, Nicotine Testing


If you can't pass these, you don't need help. Assistance is for those who NEED it. Not those who thrive off of it.




PS - Also, you have to be looking (honestly) for work...

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I would, because I have dignity.


A rhetorical question is a figure of speech in the form of a question that is asked in order to make a point and without the expectation of a reply.[1] The question is used as a rhetorical device, posed for the sake of encouraging its listener to consider a message or viewpoint. Though these are technically questions, they do not always require a question mark.





I personally couldn't do it either. But I see how someone could.

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SRS though...



I think the largest problem lies in the fact that the safety net is just too high.


If your options are live on the system, or start working on "the first rung of the ladder" you live better on the system.


I know quite a few people in guernsey county that get:

their house paid by HUD $500

Free food via food stamps $800

Gas bill paid by HEAP $200

Free phone. $50

Free healthcare for the fam with no co pay $1200 (minimum value. I'm being conservative)

Take all that x 12 for a annual value of $33,000

Then they work part time, not even all year to make sure they qualify for earned income credit and stuff. Make maybe 12,000 in the year.

Then get a tax refund for $10,0000


So you are talking about someone NETTING 55k a year working next to none at all just cause they have a couple kids.


Who would want to work a real full time job for a paycut?


Exactly... and the government is basicaly letting people get away with this. They're purposely trying not to work too much in order to get said assitances. This pisses me off to no end.


You can't afford your own house? Too bad, you shouldn't have one then.

You can't afford a phone? Too bad, not our problem.

You can't afford healthcare or anything else for your family? How about you find a full time job or get a second job.


People seriously EXPECT handouts in many different facets, and it's disgusting to me.

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Free food via food stamps $800


I have a co worker who qualified for food stamps due to his wife not having a job and having two kids. He was always having us over for steaks.


I have my family budget at <> $100 per week for food items (family size 4) and we have a hard time losing weight and eat pretty healthy stuff, just large portions. Lots of times its under $80 per week just because I'm cheap.

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the problem is that you will an onslaught of liberals saying it will throw us in another recession and it will create more problems in society.


New Orleans revamped their welfare program in the late 90's by forcing people to either go to school or get a job.... greatly improved the lives of family members who had milked the system for 5-10 years by eliminating the safety net.

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My wife hasn't worked in over a year because unemployment pays to much. It would be $1400 per month just for child care so she'd need to make at least $15/hr to show up to work.


I don't like it, but its a better deal than working at the moment though she is about to start a job. We've been waiting for a good enough deal.

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Drug Testing, Alcohol Testing, Nicotine Testing


If you can't pass these, you don't need help. Assistance is for those who NEED it. Not those who thrive off of it.




PS - Also, you have to be looking (honestly) for work...




But with that considered...at least the initial cost will be expensive but after the 75% of govt assistance citizens fail their drug test, we should start saving money (at least until the govt spends it on something else ridiculous).

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But with that considered...at least the initial cost will be expensive but after the 75% of govt assistance citizens fail their drug test, we should start saving money (at least until the govt spends it on something else ridiculous).


Never happen, too many people will claim invasion of privacy.

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All this stuff used to piss me off to no end. I have worked full time since high school. Even through college. At sometimes (including now) holding multiple jobs just to provide as best as I can for my family.


I'd go to people's house that don't work, and they would have fuller fridges than me. A newer TV than me. Bitch about ONLY getting $9,800 back on taxes (meanwhile I owed damn near 10k for the year). It really struck a nerve.


For some reason it hasn't bothered me as much this past year. I wouldn't trade places with any of them. Ive finally came to peace with the fact that I can only control what goes on in my life. The rest of it is just noise.

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Drug Testing, Alcohol Testing, Nicotine Testing


If you can't pass these, you don't need help. Assistance is for those who NEED it. Not those who thrive off of it.




PS - Also, you have to be looking (honestly) for work...


While I agree with you in majority, I also think that will only eliminate part of the problem I see.


Just as was brought up in this thread, there are people who may not do drugs at all, it's just more convenient and less of a hardship to them to just rely on assistance, than actively searching for a good opportunity that can open more doors for them in the future. People want everything handed to them on a silver platter. I don't think it works that way. You get knocked off your pedestal, you gotta work your way back up to where you were, and nobody ever said it was going to be easy.


Just like these spoiled ass kids coming right out of college with 4 year degrees expecting to be handed a well-paying job.... Wrong.

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Never happen, too many people will claim invasion of privacy.


How? You're making your living off of the govt, therefore they're practically your employer. Military gets drug tested, why not welfare? Don't complete the drug test, you don't get your check. Fail your drug test, no more checks period.

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While I agree with you in majority, I also think that will only eliminate part of the problem I see.


Just as was brought up in this thread, there are people who may not do drugs at all, it's just more convenient and less of a hardship to them to just rely on assistance, than actively searching for a good opportunity that can open more doors for them in the future. People want everything handed to them on a silver platter. I don't think it works that way. You get knocked off your pedestal, you gotta work your way back up to where you were, and it's not going to be easy.


This, my family members I'm talking about do not do any type of drugs though they might sell some, I wouldn't put it past them.

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All this stuff used to piss me off to no end. I have worked full time since high school. Even through college. At sometimes (including now) holding multiple jobs just to provide as best as I can for my family.


I'd go to people's house that don't work, and they would have fuller fridges than me. A newer TV than me. Bitch about ONLY getting $9,800 back on taxes (meanwhile I owed damn near 10k for the year). It really struck a nerve.


For some reason it hasn't bothered me as much this past year. I wouldn't trade places with any of them. Ive finally came to peace with the fact that I can only control what goes on in my life. The rest of it is just noise.

i have got to that point as well . it doesn't do me any good to get pissed off about it anymore.

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