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Need Riding Glasses Advice


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I am one of those guys who cannot go much over 35 w/o my eyes tearing up. My new bike does not, and will not have a windscreen, and I have a Half Helmet w/o a Face Shield.

I tried the Pentax Foam Glasses ($200), and they worked.... kind of. I did not like the fact that I lost all periphery vision. I had to turn almost 180* to see in my blind spot, and am not comfortable with that.

Can anyone recommend some decent eyewear?


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A helmet would be a great idea....but if you are still not going to wise up I would say go with some panoptx's. Iron Pony carries the line, and there are light changing lens.

I have a Helmet, just not one w/ a Face Shield.



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ohh thats right harley riders are too cool for gear ;)

Nope. I hardly wore the Full Face when I had my Shadow. One of the few times I actually wore it, I had a car turn in front of me WAY too close. I locked up the Rear Brake, bike went sideways, and I lost control. Damn Hemlet never hit the ground. :eek:

I was lucky that day. I very rarely ever wore it.


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killjoy- check out the classifieds, some dude is selling those panoptix glasses

I know. That is LITERALLY 1/2 of the price I paid for the ones I just returned this evening. His price is DAMN GOOD! They just did not work out for me.



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i got a cheap pair from honda east here in toledo. the brand is bomber and they ran me like $15... well worth it! they have them in all sorts of colors and a few different designs and u theres no decrease in peripheral vision! oakley makes a few good ones too from what ive seen but i dont have any personal experience with oakleys on bikes... now that i think about it i have a ducati edition oakleys somewhere damn it... if i find them ill let u know if they r any good.

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i got a cheap pair from honda east here in toledo. the brand is bomber and they ran me like $15... well worth it! they have them in all sorts of colors and a few different designs and u theres no decrease in peripheral vision! oakley makes a few good ones too from what ive seen but i dont have any personal experience with oakleys on bikes... now that i think about it i have a ducati edition oakleys somewhere damn it... if i find them ill let u know if they r any good.

Are they "foamed"? How much air gets around them, into your eyes?


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what about saftey glasses with side shields

I never really thought about those. I could tell on the glasses I mornally wear (Revelation Shooting Glasses), that air would suck in from the top and bottom.

I do know that when I have ridden bikes with Full Wind Shields that the same Revelation Glasses worked just fine.

Damn wind.



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Are they "foamed"? How much air gets around them, into your eyes?


no they're not foamed... not that much. it has never really bothered me unless im going at insanely high speeds which id be wearing a helmet if i was doing that most of the time anyways. mine r pretty beat up but if u want i can mail them to u to try out for a few days... there r better 1s than what i have but the other ones look stupid on my face so i didnt get them. (lets here the jokes lets go lol)

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i dunno, looking at my full face helmet after an hour worth of riding in the summer pretty much negated any thought of NOT wearing it. ever. i mean, i like bugs and all, but i don't like them all over my face. also, there is the whole "air in the face means asphalt in the face in a crash" thing too.

i also remember once that a bird grazed my shoulder at about 55mph, and it still knocked me back a bit. i can't imagine what would happen if it hit my face straight on.

but, to each his own. I'd recommend any sort of eye wear that has impact resistance testing at the very least that wrap around so the air doesn't flow around and behind the lens. you could try goggles like this, perhaps?


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