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When is the usual time to start tilling in Ohio?


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I was debating to do it next time the ground dries up a little. I have some things that could already go in the ground. I am impatient and started stuff indoors early lol


Also, what do you guys do for weed prevention? Been looking up on placing newspaper or something down then putting mulch or straw over it.

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No action up here in corn country yet and my neighbor who is a full time farm market farmer isn't doing anything to soil, but his wife has been out in the greenhouse the last few days.
no action out here in the sticks yet either.


I wish I had a greenhouse. :(



You and I both. I've actually been checking into them here lately, so maybe next year

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Ground is still too wet. Have to wait till it drys out a bit to till. Also, shouldn't really be planting a lot until the last frost, which I beleive is scheduled to be around the last week of April here in Ohio this year.


You should definitely be starting your garden plants indoors by now, or in a little mini greenhouse. You can get little ones for < $100, and they will be big enough to start pretty much anything you would want to grow. We have a little one that we use indorrs with sopme grow lamps, and it is enough to get started on our 12,000 sq ft garden.


For a insecticide, try using Neem Oil. Organic, and it doesn't actually kill the bugs, it just tricks them into thinking that they are not hungry....so, they do not eat. It also keeps away funguses like powdery mildew. Good shit.


You may also try plating garlic, marigolds, or peppers around plants you want to prtect, as most pests tend to shy away from those.


For weeds, you can either use a little cultivator like a Mantis, or you can put down ground cover around your plants, like straw or a plastic tarp.

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I normally don't do my first till until about 1-2 weeks before I plant. So it will probably be mid-late April until I till up the garden. Normally put my plants into the ground around mother's day. That is normally after the last frost.
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Like I said I am impatient. Broccoli, lettuce and things like that could go in now. I called the utilities number today to have the yard at my moms marked out so I can get it tilled, at home I have no worries about anything in the ground.
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Been watching around here for farmers to start on the fields but nothing yet. I thought about waiting for a few dry days and tilling a small spot for plants that can handle some cold and then doing the rest later
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