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After seven years of trying...

Otis Nice

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Paul, wasn't your kid just born recently? I felt the same way when my son was born and was ready to get it snipped. Well, I didn't and here lately I've been liking the idea of having another. Might want to hold off man. You might change your mind in a couple of years.
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Paul, wasn't your kid just born recently? I felt the same way when my son was born and was ready to get it snipped. Well, I didn't and here lately I've been liking the idea of having another. Might want to hold off man. You might change your mind in a couple of years.


nope here in a few weeks


Did you ask your wife first?


wife only wants one so she agreed. :masturboy:

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  • 4 months later...
22 hours after getting things going I have become a father. I cannot express the love and respect I have for my wife after what she went through in that time. It was a battle. Easily the toughest thing I've ever seen anyone go through. In the end mom and baby came out of surgery great. He has hardly fussed. He was born at 6:08 pm, weighs 8 pounds and 4 ounces, measured 20.5 inches long, and has a 15 inch head.


God is so good. I'm pleased to announce that Huck William Nelson has made his grand entrance into this wonderful world. Thank you all for the prayers, advice, and well wishes.


He's here!

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Thanks all. She wanted to go naturally, without epidural, no inducing, and no c-section. She went post date and due to some complications, she was in heavy labor for 22 hours even though the doc tried to convince her to get a c-section. Finally he called it, she accepted it, and all are healthy now and in recovery.


I watched everything. Trying natural, c-section, even Huck's circumcision (as I drank my coffee, lol) and wouldn't change a thing. It's truly amazing to witness your child's birth.


I may put a pic up. We're not posting any on FB or online, but I might make an exception for CR. :)

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My wife wanted natural too. Her blood pressure caused an induction. She made it 80% of the way then needed the epidural. It's 10x worse they say to be induced without the epidural than to be in regular labor without it.


Reading over the old posts my son was turning a year old. ##2 is on its way, early June.


Boy and a girl, couldn't be happier.


The circumcision killed me to watch. Thing looked like a angry Vienna sausage.

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