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After seven years of trying...

Otis Nice

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You guys are doing it wrong. You're supposed to get clipped BEFORE the kid comes along. You people actually want those things?


Amen. Best $85 + whatever lunch cost for my buddy to drive me ive ever spent. Next month gotta go in to get the all clear.

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You guys are doing it wrong. You're supposed to get clipped BEFORE the kid comes along. You people actually want those things?


As someone who has dealt with infertility for a very long time it's really mean and hurtful to have people/men say "you should have gotten clipped after it all finally happens . Yes I realize that this is a board with the majority of men but that doesn't make those statements any less painful.


If you can't congratulate the man, gtfo out of this thread


Even joking, there are no words to express the emotional toll 7 or more years of going through all of that takes on your marriage and emotional state.


Sorry, but this is a hot button issue for me.

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Thanks all. She wanted to go naturally, without epidural, no inducing, and no c-section. She went post date and due to some complications, she was in heavy labor for 22 hours even though the doc tried to convince her to get a c-section. Finally he called it, she accepted it, and all are healthy now and in recovery.


I watched everything. Trying natural, c-section, even Huck's circumcision (as I drank my coffee, lol) and wouldn't change a thing. It's truly amazing to witness your child's birth.


I may put a pic up. We're not posting any on FB or online, but I might make an exception for CR. :)


Congrats, Randy!


My wife was the same way: wanted natural but after 26 hrs of labor the C-section was needed. Amazing how quickly the c-section happens after more than a day of labor! :lol:

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Thanks guys. Any tips or pointers? Advice is VERY appreciated I assure you. :)


It's tons of fun! You'll get to act a fool, and be a better dad for it at the same time. :) It'll change ya for the better and remind you why you're driving to work in the snow.


My lady was totally cool pregnant, it was like a natural stabilizer. Have 'er take the vitamins for everybody's health.


Nothing will go according to plan. She wants a natural birth? Might not happen. Think you're having a girl? Nope, chuck testies. "Push!" like the movies? Not a chance.


You'll make like seven trips in for labor and be sent home at 2am. It's ok. You'll get your own 'nesting' thing going on, rush out and buy something, rearrange the furniture or some shit.


In the end though, you'll have a super cool little person, and little bits of you that've been lost to the grind will crop back up.


Don't worry about all the kid accessories and products and stuff. You'll figure it as you go, and less is more. We have a ton of shit that we used for like a week. Totally unnececsary. Bottle warmers, rocking swings, boppies and bumbos and various other made-up names.


Wing it.


Congratulations :thumbup:

Edited by cybe
* Late to the party, oops!
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In the advice column I say emphatically GO WITH YOUR GUT.


Every decent dad I know goes by what he thinks is wrong/right, not what the wife says or what Oprah or a fucking book suggests. When in doubt, ask family or close friends for advice, but short of leaving the carseat under Elliot's tires, scalding water, poisons or forks in electrical outlets, everything else will be a learning experience. :)

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As someone who has dealt with infertility for a very long time it's really mean and hurtful to have people/men say "you should have gotten clipped after it all finally happens . Yes I realize that this is a board with the majority of men but that doesn't make those statements any less painful.


If you can't congratulate the man, gtfo out of this thread


Even joking, there are no words to express the emotional toll 7 or more years of going through all of that takes on your marriage and emotional state.


Sorry, but this is a hot button issue for me.


Thanks, but it's all good. Everyone has their own opinions and they're entitled to them. Sorry this upset you, but don't let it. Life's not worth getting upset over others actions that you can't control. There's more to live for. Smile and hold your head high. Don't put too much weight in what others say. No matter what there will always be someone who irks you, but it's not worth the distraction of the good things you've got going in your life. :)


Nothing said here or anywhere would change how I feel about my son. Never will.


In the advice column I say emphatically GO WITH YOUR GUT.


Every decent dad I know goes by what he thinks is wrong/right, not what the wife says or what Oprah or a fucking book suggests. When in doubt, ask family or close friends for advice, but short of leaving the carseat under Elliot's tires, scalding water, poisons or forks in electrical outlets, everything else will be a learning experience. :)


All good advice. Haha.


Thanks for the cangrats everyone.

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