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Ariel Castro found hanging in prison cell


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while I am glad he is dead I kinda wish he spent the rest of his life in a cold hard cell. He shouldn't have had the control to decide when he died.


why should he spend the rest of his life in a cell.

They guy knew he did wrong and carried out his own pusnishment

like charles ramsey says he's got big testicles to pull that off!

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Glad he's dead. But agree he should not have been able to decide his one way of going out. He took choices from those girls, mangled their minds for the rest of their lives, and tortures them inside and out.


He should have endured the same misery through the prison system that he put those girls through. To me, I would have been ok with 5 years of him being used by the system, then killing himself. He's a coward who prayed on the weak. The most pathetic bitch type there is. He didn't want to go through what he knew he had coming.


Cremate him and flush his ashes down the toilet of the prison.

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He kept those women locked up for as much as a decade, I was hoping he'd rot for at least half that long before someone shanked him. Honestly, a suicide is disappointing; he was afforded so much more control over his own life and death than he afforded to his victims.


As always, I think the punishment should fit the crime; he kept women chained and treated them like animals, he should've been treated the same. Let him live naked in a prison sub-basement with a ceiling only 3 feet high.


Or you know, put a gun to his head and pull the fucking trigger til it goes "click", to quote Jesus. Glad he's gone, I just wish it wasn't his choice when he went.

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Glad he's dead. But agree he should not have been able to decide his one way of going out. He took choices from those girls, mangled their minds for the rest of their lives, and tortures them inside and out.


He should have endured the same misery through the prison system that he put those girls through. To me, I would have been ok with 5 years of him being used by the system, then killing himself. He's a coward who prayed on the weak. The most pathetic bitch type there is. He didn't want to go through what he knew he had coming.


Cremate him and flush his ashes down the toilet of the prison.


He kept those women locked up for as much as a decade, I was hoping he'd rot for at least half that long before someone shanked him. Honestly, a suicide is disappointing; he was afforded so much more control over his own life and death than he afforded to his victims.


As always, I think the punishment should fit the crime; he kept women chained and treated them like animals, he should've been treated the same. Let him live naked in a prison sub-basement with a ceiling only 3 feet high.


Or you know, put a gun to his head and pull the fucking trigger til it goes "click", to quote Jesus. Glad he's gone, I just wish it wasn't his choice when he went.


100% agree. He got off way to easy for what he's done.

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I'm torn. One side of me says good riddance. The other side says why the hell do inmates get stowed away from others for "their safety"? For what he did he should have had to been atleast 3 guys bitch for awhile first.


Definitely the only downside here. Should have let him "enjoy" gen pop for a bit. On one hand, the dude pussed out. On the other, he saved the country some money.

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This remains to be seen. I know he has family that are none too fond of him, hopefully they won't sue. That could potentially be costly.


Wouldn't that take the cake? His family all disowned him during the trial. Laughable if now they want compensation. Wouldn't surprise me though.

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while I am glad he is dead I kinda wish he spent the rest of his life in a cold hard cell. He shouldn't have had the control to decide when he died.


He should have spent his life in SOLITARY, like he did those women, with a guy named bubba raping him at random intervals.

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