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Should The GOP be using Obamacare like this?


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I'm sure this thread will go south.


I've been watching the House live stream and its a interesting debate... The Dem's bring rational logical and facts .. The Republicans go MURICA!!!! We have to pass this bill for the veterans...




Some Facts:

800K workers are not working

A good portion of our intelligence community is not working

Republicans have tried 44 times to defund obama care.

Many Republicans have came out against using obamacare like this.

This bill will never pass the senate


I personally don't think its right because the republicans know damn well it won't pass the senate and even if it did (not likely) the President would Veto it. This is a dangerous game there playing.

Edited by Thorne
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Here's the way I see it, if in fact the Republicans are hearing from their constituents that they overwhelmingly disapprove of the affordable health care act then they are in fact doing their jobs and putting their foot down and saying no health care act or at least not this version of it. Now do I approve of them waiting until the last moment to do this, not in the least this should have been hashed out long ago. Also for me its more about the way that the health care act is being pushed through. It's unconstitutional and if they want to proceed they need to create an amendment and go from there.

Also I found it funny that Obama accused the Republicans of using their ideology to push their agenda on this country and causing this mess when thats exactly what he is also doing.

That being said I'm sure its more the lobbyist and big business that is driving the Republicans because thats how we roll in this day and age.

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That sucks sorry to hear that.


It's a shame :(


Thanks but the sun came up this morning and it will do the same tomorrow. I've been contemplating getting off of the government tit for a while maybe this is just the catalyst I need to give it (government job) up cold turkey.

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It's unconstitutional and if they want to proceed they need to create an amendment and go from there.

The Supreme Court would beg to differ with you. That said, their 5-4 ruling basically said "It's only our place to decide whether or not something is Constitutional. Whether or not it's a good idea is an entirely different issue that's outside the scope of this Court." In other words, they punted by saying "We think this is a dumb idea, but despite Obama's protests to the contrary, this *is* a tax, and taxing is a power given to Congress, so it's allowed."

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it's pissing me off because now they're cutting into football, possibly postponing games with military teams. This has gone entirely too far.


"Murica" where the average person can tell you who won the Superbowl 20 years ago but has no idea how the government works or who there representatives are.

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The Supreme Court would beg to differ with you. That said, their 5-4 ruling basically said "It's only our place to decide whether or not something is Constitutional. Whether or not it's a good idea is an entirely different issue that's outside the scope of this Court." In other words, they punted by saying "We think this is a dumb idea, but despite Obama's protests to the contrary, this *is* a tax, and taxing is a power given to Congress, so it's allowed."


The supreme court need to learn how to read.lol

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I guess I'm the only one in this thread who worked today and didn't watch tv all day. I'm bitter as shit about obamacare. I will lose an incredible amount of money due to this bullshit idea. Anyone who works in the healthcare field knows that this bill will not affect how people use or abuse the healthcare system. Cleveland clinic is streamlining their company--they are the single largest employer in Cleveland. They are facing massive layoffs and decreases in salary (from physicians to janitors) in order to prepare for this bullshit. Our hospital is doing the same


Rumors are the Cleveland clinic might cut 1000 jobs. All hospitals are following suit. Obviously, there's not going to be a decrease in the number of patients--only more, with less physicians, staff, etc. yeah, seems like a great plan.

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From an employers point of view... it sucks.


I decided to do an early cancel and renewal on our group policy at a 4.1% increase in rate. So I basically put off having to deal with the new "obamacare plans" for another year.


I have read and researched for hours upon hours. It's really the lack of clarity and future premium uncertainty that pisses me off the most.


It also will make me think twice before ever hiring that 50th full time employee..... Edit: Not saying I wouldn't.. but I will have a lot more math to run before blindly growing beyond that size

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What makes me upset about all of this is the government continues to ignore the massive debt our country is racking up. In a true market economy (without control over the monetary policy you operate in) we wouldn't be able to do ANYTHING because we're carrying a $17 TRILLION loan balance, with not enough income to service the interest...let alone reduce the principal.


I wish everyone had free healthcare, food, and up to 2 years of unemployment benefits, student loan forgiveness, government grants for start-ups...just like I wanted soda flowing from the water fountains, pizza everyday, and 4 hours of recess when I was in grade school.


The USA doesn't have the money, and THERE IS NO FREE LUNCH.

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Anyone who works in the healthcare field knows that this bill will not affect how people use or abuse the healthcare system.

Exactly it amazes me that people still think that the greater the government oversight the less corrupt and wasteful it will be. With that many people "watching" things nothing gets seen.

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I guess I'm the only one in this thread who worked today and didn't watch tv all day. I'm bitter as shit about obamacare. I will lose an incredible amount of money due to this bullshit idea. Anyone who works in the healthcare field knows that this bill will not affect how people use or abuse the healthcare system. Cleveland clinic is streamlining their company--they are the single largest employer in Cleveland. They are facing massive layoffs and decreases in salary (from physicians to janitors) in order to prepare for this bullshit. Our hospital is doing the same


Rumors are the Cleveland clinic might cut 1000 jobs. All hospitals are following suit. Obviously, there's not going to be a decrease in the number of patients--only more, with less physicians, staff, etc. yeah, seems like a great plan.


I sold my business early as I don't think I would be abler to sell in in 2 years due to this freakin great idea of a healthcare plan. Our Government sucks more than it ever has and this is not a Republican vs. Democrat issue...... it is a "We the People" issue..... and the current administrator's are screwing us blind.

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Nothing good coming from any of it. All the government ever argues about anymore is some form of entitlement. People are entitled to work and take care of themselves. The government is supposed to help keep order, not provide handouts and bog the country down with bullshit. No I'm not really educated in politics, and none of the nonsense that goes on between the media and the politicians makes me want to care. Really wish this country wasn't divided and falling apart, so I could just get back to being proud of where I come from. 'MURICA!
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Nothing good coming from any of it. All the government ever argues about anymore is some form of entitlement. People are entitled to work and take care of themselves. The government is supposed to help keep order, not provide handouts and bog the country down with bullshit. No I'm not really educated in politics, and none of the nonsense that goes on between the media and the politicians makes me want to care. Really wish this country wasn't divided and falling apart, so I could just get back to being proud of where I come from. 'MURICA!



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