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Should The GOP be using Obamacare like this?


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You passed it now you are finding out what's in it, sort of like opening a port-o-john on a job site that has not been cleaned in a week....



We need age restrictions...Sorry for my brazen but how this 73 year old loony can legislate for Americans is BEYOND ME...(obviously she is not alone) No offense to people whom are older, however the deterioration and rational ability to solve problems is degraded, and the mindset for deliberating is gone. Ever get far with explaining a new idea, or explaining current trends to a 73 year old...Negative. (This is generalized yes, like anything there are small percentages that are and exception to the rule, like the top 1%)


This bitch needs to go, although she opens her mouth and instant propaganda.

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Thorne, or any other dem, can you tell me how In the hell this is affordable for me?

And these are the shit plans I may add.



If its any correlation, I work 25-30 hours a week since this lovely system has been implemented I can't work my normal 40 like I used to. Maybe if I was I could afford it, but definitely not now. But according to other dems they need others like me in the pool to drive down costs for others since 20's males make the least claims according to them.

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I loooove the backpedaling by the White House today.


"Obama was perfectly clear to Americans. You can keep your existing health insurance plan, if your health insurance plan is still offered to you. You can also keep your current doctor, if your current doctor accepts any new insurance plan you might (be forced to) take."


This fucking guy...

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So my coverage is better but that's not far from what I pay. When I looked up buying insurance myself when I tuned full time my premium for just me for mid level insurance was 270+. so this is better than before. I personally wanted universal coverage for all.
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Canada is calling. They want all you idiots back.






Yes because god forbid we do what the rest of the industrialized first world countries ....


Also I'd like to point out I pay more in taxes than a good chunk of cr. I have no house or kids to deduct and make a descent salary. So when I hear poor idiots bitching it just infuriates me.


Mr killjoy since your apparently so smart please tell me a health care paradigm that works.


Imho these our the options

1. The jack ass method. You get hurt you don't have insurance or Capitol or credit (care credit like dentist) you get sent away.


2. Universal coverage everyone has equal coverage.


Again that's just my opiniom

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Yes because god forbid we do what the rest of the industrialized first world countries ....


Also I'd like to point out I pay more in taxes than a good chunk of cr. I have no house or kids to deduct and make a descent salary. So when I hear poor idiots bitching it just infuriates me.


Mr killjoy since your apparently so smart please tell me a health care paradigm that works.


Imho these our the options

1. The jack ass method. You get hurt you don't have insurance or Capitol or credit (care credit like dentist) you get sent away.


2. Universal coverage everyone has equal coverage.


Again that's just my opiniom


Those who DO, should not HAVE to support those who WON'T.





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Again I understand the desire to not pay for deadbeats I think it's safe to say no one wants to pay for deadbeats. But at the same time you should not punish the hard working Americans who need a little help.


If you work full time at Walmart or anywhere else that's near min wage you qualify for assistance . I for one do not believe anyone working full time is a deadbeat

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Just curious does the number you posted take into account the advanced tax credit ?


I have no idea, and frankly I'm not counting a tax credit into a monthly price.

Do you think that is affordable for someone who makes that amount, and sometimes slightly above, a week?

This is a yes or no question.

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I have no idea, and frankly I'm not counting a tax credit into a monthly price.

Do you think that is affordable for someone who makes that amount, and sometimes slightly above, a week?

This is a yes or no question.


No sir I do not. That being said the one tax credit is actually in advance and can be applied directly to your monthly payment.

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Guy at my work said his buddy cut his hand last year and refused to give the hospital his name. They stitched him up and out the door he went without paying a dime.


And you and I end up paying for it.


I was under the impression from talking to the er admissions that unless it was life threatening they would not provide care with out basic info.

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No sir I do not. That being said the one tax credit is actually in advance and can be applied directly to your monthly payment.


Ok. That's all I needed to know. I really doubt I qualify for shit, I don't get jack for financial aide for school, so this solidifies my thoughts on not getting any "tax credit."


I'm glad your much desired system is working for you and yours, while fucking me out of the few bucks I have left at the end of the month for other productive things I'd love to put that money towards.

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It's not really doing much for me to be honest I get my insurance via work. This is not the plan I wanted. I wanted the truly socialized healthcare. You may want to dig a little bit into this though.


Depending on your age your parents income comes into play when dealing with college assistance.


Based on your hours posted I bet you qualify for subsidiary help.

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If you work full time at Walmart or anywhere else that's near min wage you qualify for assistance . I for one do not believe anyone working full time is a deadbeat



Once again....


NO ONE IS FORCING THEM TO WORK 40 HOURS OR LESS! If you can't afford your bare necessities in life at your current wage........work more. It's a pretty simple concept, I think.


If you can't afford healthcare, but you can afford to sit at home every night and watch 4 hours of your favorite TV shows, then I have no sympathy for you. Get off your ass.

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I was under the impression from talking to the er admissions that unless it was life threatening they would not provide care with out basic info.


Lol. Who the fuck have you been talking to?




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I was under the impression from talking to the er admissions that unless it was life threatening they would not provide care with out basic info.


Stop dude, you know less than nothing. If you knew that you knew nothing, that would be something. But you don't even know that.



When you take care of a homeless person, they typically come in with no identification. Where the fuck are you going to send the bill? Where's the mailbox under the broad street bridge, where these people live?


We used to have competitions in residency for the funniest names patients gave the er. Imagine every funny name you've heard of, and we had them all.



These people are demanding as fuck and have zero reservations about being fucking assholes. There were some legendary stories from our training program of residents not taking shit from these people. Multiple times asking someone who wasn't happy with their care "what do you expect for free?" A story about a guy one year below me spitting on some drunk guy with a broken ankle who spit at him, and then setting the ankle with zero anesthesia. You can only take so much from these dicks after being up working for 24 hours straight

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Ok how much is to much?? At what point does the low wages become the equivalent. Of slavery? Honest question.







a person who is the legal property of another and is forced to obey them.


Walmart doesn't own anyone, nor is anyone forced to remain employed there.


Don't make enough to support yourself on Walmart income?? Here's a novel idea... Get a better job!


Most people are in their situation due to the choices they make daily. I can't tell you how many people I know that can't balance a checkbook, but they can rattle off how many yards Tom Brady threw for, or how many yards receiving Megatron had last week.

I can't feel sorry for these people. They don't lack the mental capacity for success, they lack the drive. Necessity is the mother of invention, and lets face it, there is no necessity any more.


Until all the safety nets are lowered, and people are put in a position to either fend for themselves or live with the consequences, nothing will change. That goes for big business too. I'm so sick of a society that is ok with capitalizing profits and socializing losses. "Too big to fail" is the biggest farce I have ever heard of. You have a business, and you go bankrupt... goodbye. GM would be owned by someone else... as would half of wallstreet. The only difference is that the money would be provided by people who had a choice in the matter, and got to see a return on their investment rather than the taxpayer floating the bill without a say in the matter.

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Guys, please...you're talking to THORNE here. The guy needs his information spoon-fed from the government machine, drinks milk from Pelosi's tit.


We could all give him capitalist, free-market solutions to problems we're facing currently... but the second a child is left behind, or a homeless man isn't given free healthcare, he's up in arms.


I can also give real-world examples as to why this is all a disaster, but at the end of the day I'm just feeding his ego. He needs to tend to his own household; I'm going to bow out and hope he goes and does something productive in his life.

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