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Should The GOP be using Obamacare like this?


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In the not so distant past, people that wouldn't work for a living and didn't have family to provide for them simply died.


yep. my grandfather used to say if a man doesn't work and provide for his family, he and his family don't eat. my grandfather owned his own construction company and worked his ass off until the day he had a stroke and after that his family helped provide care for him.


Nonproducers don't help the species survive or grow, so they don't pass on their genes. Thanks to welfare, EBT, SNAP, and the ACA, these nonproducers beat Darwin so badly that they are splitting the human race in half.


Exactly! Very evident by the fact that the masses of these entitlement sucking pisses voted Obama into office not once but twice. The ignorant are now in control, thus why we are getting more fucked every day. Lowering the bar is their way of living.

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Mike, Based on your response I'm curious. do you shop at walmart? Full time walmart employees are so underpaid they still qualify for various assistance programs.


Just to be clear, I understand the justification for hating on the social services. no one wants to pay for some deadbeat POS. But at the same time I don't want to live someone who is truly doing the best they can to get by high and dry.


I for one prefer food stamps over cash assistance. I'd prefer 0 cash assistance and all assistance to be provided by vouchers of some type.

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it's kind of hilarious how "intellectual" liberals love to scream about Darwinism and science, yet blow a fucking gasket when you say that people should have to work to earn their way in life.


I think it's kind of hilarious how "christian" conservatives loves to scream about how "the rich are poor and the poor are rich" and how you should give to the poor. To quote Luke, "Whoever has two tunics is to share with him who has none, and whoever has food is to do likewise."


In the not so distant past, people that wouldn't work for a living and didn't have family to provide for them simply died.


And in the not so distant past, we enslaved people for the color of their skin, burned people at the stake for witchcraft and believed that the sun revolved around the earth.

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I only go to Wal-Mart if I have zero choice otherwise, otherwise I will happily go out of my way to go anywhere else. I hate that place and everything about it. I have to give credit to the employees, they actually are workers and not leeches, but I think they would be better served by the small business employment that would still be around had Wal-Mart not smashed it into the ground.
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Mike, Based on your response I'm curious. do you shop at walmart? Full time walmart employees are so underpaid they still qualify for various assistance programs.


Define underpaid. Since when is it Wal-Mart's responsibility to pay based on the employees household budget? Since when is a full time cashier job at Wal-Mart meant to be a living wage for a family and serve as a primary bread winner role? Again, I'm sorry but people with these types of skills and jobs shouldn't be having kids or putting themselves in positions that will require they be on assistance. Accountability is missing and it needs to be fucking shoved down their throat until they realize that such actions won't be tolerated by the rest of us. Sad thing is the kids pay the price for their parents not solidifying their own ability to actually raise a family in a responsible fashion. If your job is a full time Wal-Mart employee and all you make is $9hr. then perhaps you shouldn't be fucking popping out kids left and right.


I'm sorry but wages are based on market value of the job at hand, not ones personal needs. The fact that they suck from our entitlement system doesn't mean employers need to raise wages so they aren't, it means our entitlement system is broken and needs adjusted so they aren't using it as a means to live comfortably on. People use these programs as a replacement for improving themselves and their own situation.


Low wage earners need to IMPROVE their situation and not live off the rest of us. It's not supposed to be "comfortable" to suck off the teat of society. Problem is in America, our poor are Rich by most other country's standards, thus they are comfortable that way.


Just to be clear, I understand the justification for hating on the social services. no one wants to pay for some deadbeat POS. But at the same time I don't want to live someone who is truly doing the best they can to get by high and dry.
Best they can't isn't always acceptable. I'm sorry but the cashier at Wal-Mart or fry cook at McD's isn't left high and dry. They continue to CHOOSE to stay where they are in terms of NOT developing marketable skills to better themselves. Come on, that mother of 3 that was on the news bitching that she's worked at McD's for 10yrs making $8.5 an hour is a great example. How the fuck can she blame being "stuck" in that job on anyone but herself? Crazy sad.


I for one prefer food stamps over cash assistance. I'd prefer 0 cash assistance and all assistance to be provided by vouchers of some type.
Problem is where do we draw the line. I'm still waiting for Obama to say that in America, having food is a RIGHT and as a result we'll all begin paying taxes on our own groceries to supplement those that cry out for aid.
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Mike, Based on your response I'm curious. do you shop at walmart? Full time walmart employees are so underpaid they still qualify for various assistance programs.


And how many of those employees have a TV? 300 channels? A cell phone? 3-4 children?


The world is full of choices, and it's not up to me to make the correct ones for you, nor is it my place to compensate for you when you make a bad one.


Nobody is forcing you to work at Walmart. Nobody is forcing you to go through life uneducated. Nobody is forcing you to only work 1 job, or less than 40hrs a week. Get up off your lazy ass if your way of life is not sufficient to support your ways. Do not ask of me something you are perfectly capable of doing yourself. Now, for those that are not capable; come and talk with me. You'll find I have a different tone.

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And how many of those employees have a TV? 300 channels? A cell phone? 3-4 children?


You know my wife has done thousands of bankruptcies for clients of all levels but what really was funny is to see that in most every case, more so however with the very poor, the two bills that always seem to get paid were their cell phones and cable TV. Whenever she'd visit with them, there was most always liqueur on their shelves, beer in the fridge and they had to have smokes too. Budgeting for them was always a treat. Heaven forbid they list their big-screen plasma as an asset too. It rarely ever made it on their list.

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Instead of assuming every person is trying to juke the system or worthless... I made a valid point a person working at Walmart full time with no kids qualifies for assistance.


It's easy to justify why we shouldn't help people.. but the statics I found told a story of full time workers who just didn't make enough.

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People, people, go make fun of the poor somewhere else. This thread is about the BRILLIANT Tea Party strategy of holding the government hostage in order to repeal, defund, or otherwise castrate the core provisions of Obamacare. A strategy that was completely boneheaded, both in foresight and hindsight. A strategy that saved the government no money and cost the economy billions. A strategy that, thankfully, won't be as likely in the future thanks to the Default Protection Act of 2013 that just passed last night. This provision of the agreement makes debt ceiling increases automatic unless Congress and the President agree that it shouldn't be raised.


This bill, sensibly put forth by Senator Mitch McConnell (R, Kentucky) way back in 2011, not only means that the Tea Party strategy failed, but that it failed big time. And I, for one, am happy that some Republicans in congress still have a brain cell or two.

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the statics I found told a story of full time workers who just didn't make enough.. I made a valid point a person working at Walmart full time with no kids qualifies for assistance.


point us to the story and details.

Edited by TTQ B4U
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Instead of assuming every person is trying to juke the system or worthless... I made a valid point a person working at Walmart full time with no kids qualifies for assistance.


Why not double time? A second job? Again, it's not my fault you choose to only put forth 40hrs/wk (of the 168 available) towards earning a living.


Resident physicians are (theoretically) capped to around 80hr/week (88 for surgeons), though most put in well over that amount. It's even worse for Fellows. Given that, they still only earn an income of ~$50,000/yr; give or take. This is with $250,000+ of school loans hanging over their heads. Now, do the math on that and get back to me. And then tell me again how poor and oppressed those poor Walmart employees are.



Back on topic, I think all those in Congress are blithering idiots, on both sides of the aisle. I'm hoping the general public takes this opportunity (they won't...) to oust both parties come November. And I hope that the ball keeps on rolling. This two party shit has got to end.

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Here is a book that looks like an interesting read about how before the depression fraternal organizations were popular throughout most groups as a way of taking care of their own without the governments intervention. I have not read this book yet but my gut feeling is the reason that these groups fell out of favor is because it's too local and the people helping you can see if you actually need the help or not. With big government casting a broad protective blanket over all of it's sheep it's much easier to claim the need because the people handing you the money aren't handing you their money just money from a giant government pot so nobody cares if you really need it or not. That and they don't personally know you so they have no way of really knowing if you really need the money or how you are using that money.



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Back on topic, I think all those in Congress are blithering idiots, on both sides of the aisle. I'm hoping the general public takes this opportunity (they won't...) to oust both parties come November. And I hope that the ball keeps on rolling. This two party shit has got to end.


As long as you have people who just drink the kool-aid of their party this will never happen. Just go out on facebook and look at the anti-liberal/anti-GOP pages and the fact skewing flith they put out there.


To many people can't think on their own, therefore this problem will go on until there is a total meltdown, or revolt.

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They are just "gangs" running the country. And again, once elected they are schooled that either they vote party lines or they will be gone. And the only thing that matters is their party gaining control, not what we want to happen. We are pawns. You can vote all the new people you want in, and the same shit is gonna happen because of the society we all come from.


This is the most logic I have heard yet, David Walker:




Too bad none of them or anyone elected will get any of that done.

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Instead of assuming every person is trying to juke the system or worthless... I made a valid point a person working at Walmart full time with no kids qualifies for assistance.


It's easy to justify why we shouldn't help people.. but the statics I found told a story of full time workers who just didn't make enough.



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won't be as likely in the future thanks to the Default Protection Act of 2013 that just passed last night. This provision of the agreement makes debt ceiling increases automatic unless Congress and the President agree that it shouldn't be raised.


Well that seems like a good idea lets just get rid of it so we dont have to worry about it anymore. Why even have a "debt ceiling" if the proverbial sunroof is open?

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Well that seems like a good idea lets just get rid of it so we dont have to worry about it anymore. Why even have a "debt ceiling" if the proverbial sunroof is open?


Good question, if you ask me the debt ceiling is a moronic idea in the first place. Maybe when they first proposed it a hundred years ago it seemed like a good way to force congress to balance a budget, but after a century it should be fairly obvious to everyone that having an artificial "debt ceiling" over congress' heads doesn't motivate them to do jack squat.


"But this time, man, this time we mean it."


Malarkey. Just get rid of it and focus on balancing the goddamn budget.

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Good question, if you ask me the debt ceiling is a moronic idea in the first place. Maybe when they first proposed it a hundred years ago it seemed like a good way to force congress to balance a budget, but after a century it should be fairly obvious to everyone that having an artificial "debt ceiling" over congress' heads doesn't motivate them to do jack squat.


"But this time, man, this time we mean it."


Malarkey. Just get rid of it and focus on balancing the goddamn budget.


+1 to that

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