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Dr. Meth - Become your own Heisenberg


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To the right you'll see a % chance for the upgrade.


I've tried 15 times now to do the 3rd expansion, with a 10% chance, and each try I've lost 60 million grams.


How do you get that number up? I'm still trying to do the 2nd expansion, but Ive been stuck at 20%

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Since I couldn't download an "autoclicker" program at work I decided to take matters into my own hands... which apparently I need two of to make it work, instead of holding my phone with one hand.







I swiped a spare eraser from one of these bad boys and taped it to my disassembled fan.



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Thanks for the freeware. Set it to double click on Master Dealer every millisecond a few hours ago. Now I'm rich!


If you have too many of them it becomes difficult to keep up with production.


it's cookie clicker with meth







Anyone "beat" it yet? Or is there such a thing?

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If you have too many of them it becomes difficult to keep up with production.




Anyone "beat" it yet? Or is there such a thing?


This morning my meth was at 0. Then with all trillions of $$ I had I built "An Actual Star". Started producing faster than I was before I maxed out my dealers. Now I just need to get the page 2 of upgrades.



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I'm pretty close. I've got all the upgrades and nearly 500 million dealers, but page 2 of the upgrades still won't unlock..


Did you read the FAQ? Check out the section on Joe Bob Angel if you haven't already. Unfortunately, I read this after I had gotten the achievement. Still haven't seen him...

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