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College Football Thread v4.0


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You can call bullshit all you want but I distinctly remember within days of the Orange Bowl Jones' mother tweeted how excited/happy she was to see Vrabel visiting them at like 6AM. Then during the in-home Vrabel was playing with Jones' siblings the whole time.


The OSU move is pretty public at this point so here it is... Warinner and LJ Sr. will be at Jones' house Thursday after MSU's in-home on Wednesday. Obviously Meyer used his in-home already but assistants also have an available in-home. It's usually a desperation move and that's what this is to try and keep him from visiting East Lansing.

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I say good riddance to him. No one will remember the lineman that flipped on OSU in 3 years, does anyone mention Aundrey Walker or the kid who went to Miami?


lol... you seem very irritated over this. The kid hasn't even de-committed yet and there's a chance OSU will keep him from ever going on the visit.


And yes, I do remember Aundrey Walker and Seantrel Henderson. Walker flat out told people he was going to USC and no one believed him because he was Glenville and they thought he was just doing what Glenville kids do. No idea what has gone on with Henderson but I remember him. I think he'll be drafted this year? Not sure.

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On a weird note, Tom Herman has been stuck on the freeway outside of Atlanta trying to drive a total of 50 miles for over 13 hours. Judging by his twitter it seems he's on the verge of leaving his rental car and walking a couple miles to his hotel.
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On a weird note, Tom Herman has been stuck on the freeway outside of Atlanta trying to drive a total of 50 miles for over 13 hours. Judging by his twitter it seems he's on the verge of leaving his rental car and walking a couple miles to his hotel.


Ended up spending 19 hours in his car, ditching it and started walking 4 miles to the airport to catch a flight to Dallas with all his luggage. From what I can tell the guy who helped him the final bit of the way, Terry Spiller, works for Delta. CBS national news tweeted at him asking if they could use his pictures as well. :lolguy:

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From Bill Greene on Scout...


1- Jamarco Jones' mom wants him at Ohio State. Period. She is not at all happy with this MSU talk and will steadfastly oppose a flip to MSU. STRONGLY oppose.


2- Jamarco is doing this on his own, and this came up WAY before Vrabel left. That is a convenient excuse. If he visits, it will be for the purpose of flipping to MSU. He is FAR tighter with MSU kids than the OSU commits.


3- Malik McDowell DOES NOT want to go to Michigan. Period. Both parents want him there. They both hate OSU and MSU, but dad might be softening on OSU hence the trip with his son. OSU has a chance here, for sure. They need to work on dad and Malik, sell them and hope they go sell mom.


4- The wildcard is FSU and they would take Malik. They have family in Florida and have talked about moving. This could be a compromise win for everyone in the family.


So the Vrabel stuff doesn't really matter after all.


Will be interesting to see how the parents fare in both cases.

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As for Jones flipping because Vrabel left, I call bullshit. The fact is, he wouldn't even be his position coach


Just wanted to toot my own horn lol


As for Herman, here are his tweets from the 19hr car fiasco haha


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Michigan moved their in-home visit with McDowell to tomorrow morning, just before he heads to Columbus. Really strange recruitment for McDowell but Bill Greene says he's got OSU #1 right now with FSU in 2nd and MSU/UM being basically out due to the parents wanting him at UM and him wanting OSU/MSU and the parents being more receptive to OSU thus far.


He's pretty much universally considered overrated (composite 5-star on 247) so this wouldn't be a great, giant coup. Lots of people think he'd be an incredible OT if he'd be willing to do that in college though.

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David Njoku's visit this weekend canceled, his offer no longer committable. People saying it's a numbers thing. A player who was previously thought too hurt to continue their career is now going to continue. Some speculating Christian Bryant (he lost his B1G appeal but could file with NCAA after that) but I doubt that. My guess would be Blake Thomas since he's actually a TE.
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Mom is definitely on OSU's side though and, as far as I can tell, she's a single mom so Jamarco will have plenty of reason to listen to her.


She had a great tweet tonight after various sites were saying their sources were saying the visit was over hours ago, etc., etc. She just tweeted a picture of Jamarco with LJ Sr., Drayton and Warinner with this text...


According to "my sources" Drayton, Johnson, and Warriner were in Chicago until moments ago...#Itookthepic


Everything does point to the visit still being on and that's never a great sign but we'll see. His coach seemed to think it's just going to be a "making sure" kind of visit. Some people have changed their stance on the whole "if he visits MSU he's going to MSU" thing and think he could go and stick with OSU.


And it sounds like McDowell may end up visiting Ann Arbor this weekend instead of Columbus. Mom would be chalking up a W in that scenario if that's the case.

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So obviously since my last post the Jamarco visit happened and McDowell did end up visiting OSU.


Most of the stuff I've read seems to be leaning Jamarco = MSU and McDowell = OSU. If Malik were open to playing OL (people think he could be an incredible OT) I'd be happier with that exchange. Even still Jamarco is probably a guard so it wouldn't be the worst loss ever. People seem more confident now that OSU has their starting tackles for a couple years in Decker and Lisle but they need to start stocking up behind them and fast. If they have another underwhelming OL class in 2015 then there's a problem.


Interesting thing happening this weekend though. Shelby Spence, an athlete in the 2014 class, will be visiting OSU. Obviously it's after signing day but that's not the interesting part. He's the QB for Jamarco Jones' HS team. I don't see any way that OSU would offer him a scholarship (he has 0 offers reported on 247) but it's interesting that he might get some kind of preferred walk-on thing.


A bad sign that people were talking about earlier today was that Jamarco stopped talking with Mark Pantoni (OSU's director of recruiting or whatever his title is) and other OSU recruits. Now, he may have shut everything down entirely and may not be talking to MSU people either. Obviously though if he were talking to one and not the other it would tip his hat a bit.


Pretty funny I made a comment on r/cfb a week or so ago about OSU having a reporter from ESPN on campus for signing day and how it didn't look like there would be any real excitement or drama. Now we've got a kid who's been committed since summer possibly flipping to the team that just beat OSU in the B10CG and a 5* from Michigan whose parents want him out of the state who may announce for OSU Wednesday morning. :lolguy::dumb::fuuuu::no:

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Bill Greene saying McDowell will go MSU somehow. Should be interesting. His parents seem staunchly against it. Jamarco Jones should make his decision official tonight but he just tweeted O-H within the last 10 minutes or so which I'm hoping is a good sign.
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@rivalsmike: Changing my pick for Malik McDowell to #OhioState -- http://t.co/lDgFO3sn1k -- #Buckeyes


Yeah, that was 6ish hours ago. Bill's was within the last hour. We'll know for sure tomorrow morning. Like I said, could get interesting if his parents, especially his mom, aren't on board.


Jamarco has confirmed with Scout that he's sticking with OSU. Good shit.

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