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Sorry to hear your situation, man that is tough, and if were me, I could care less about pride and others opinions. I would have already looked for assistance. After years of taking on jobs in the worst parts of the world, theres no way I would be willing to go back to broke and check to check,


Not anyway in shape or form similar to your situation, but I was in the military. The GI Bill pays for school and gives you money for housing. This is assistance from the government, and its assistance that I earned.


You worked and worked hard for a long time. Id say you earned assistance, and I would look at it that way. Your not a leach on the "system" others may be but those close to you know your character, and situation. Why pay taxes on everything that you have ever purchased not to ask for assistance that was designed for this very situation? And if others are willing to help, that's just the little good left in humanity and I would gladly embrace that and pass on the favor when I got back on my feet.

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Please set up a paypal and post it.



CR is more than just cars anymore. We love the opportunity to help each other. Please give us a way to assist you and your family.


This, this, a million times this.


People would not want to give to you if you were not the kind of man who deserved it.


It's going to feel weird at first, putting an account for the purpose of having people give to you. Again, the only way you'll someday be able to give back to the world is if you accept the help given to you now.

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Jason, everyone is already saying it. Accept the help and don't allow for more strain to come your way with more financial hardship. If you were a guy who BS'd people, maybe I wouldn't care. I've trusted you with having a key to my home, and have gotten to know you pretty well this year.


Please set up a paypal and post it.



CR is more than just cars anymore. We love the opportunity to help each other. Please give us a way to assist you and your family.


You are doing but nothing but hurting your family by not accepting help. This is about more than just you and your pride.


Government programs exist for people in your situation. Refusing these programs due to not wanting to be associated with the people that abuse those programs simply because they can is bullshit. Family and friends are offering to help because they WANT to help, not because they feel obligated. If you were begging for help it would be different, and some people are probably offended by your refusing them.


Take whatever help you can. Do everything you have to to keep your wife getting better and your kids fed and sheltered. This includes taking care of yourself. Then worry about your pride last, there are far more important things in life. This is a form of you being selfish, and this isn't the time.



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I would focus more in a kickstarter or some other fundraiser program, Paypal will rape the fees, and make life difficult especially if htey start getting large amoutns of money.


http://www.crowdrise.com/ seems like a good option, (research it wholly before doing anything, i dont have time today to do any research)


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Facing the fact of a loved one having cancer is not easy, and no one can understand the aspect of possibly losing someone close until it happens to them.


I would keep my head above water while help is being offered and still available. As much as the world seems messed up anymore there are still people out there willing to help, but in order for them to do that you need to be willing to help them help you by accepting what they are offering. I'm not saying I'm 100% familiar with your situation, but I lost my father in 2011 to lung cancer, and all the time he was battling, my mother was unable to work and has been on disability for many years.


I always remember my dad filling out forms to put sick days into a "bank" for people who needed days for a situation like an unexpected illness, so when they ran out, they could use them within reason. Yearly my father would donate at least half of his sick days to this bank. After 26 years of doing this he came to a point where he couldn't. Luckily he had terrific health insurance through his employer since he was a government employee, and the insurance was able to lift a huge burden from us, but it was still expensive to us overall with him missing work, etc. After he ran out of sick days, The Eagles (who he was very involved with) hosted what they said would be a "small" fundraiser for our family, just enough for the hotel rooms over in Columbus for my mother and grandparents while he was over here for surgery's, etc. What we didn't know is they had arranged for most of his friends and Co-Workers from the Civil Engineering wing he was in to come by for a steak dinner a local grocery had donated, free of charge for knowing my father for many years. They had a "recommended donation" for each dinner of something like $5 just to cover the extra little things needed to be bought. The commander of the wing presented him with a "check" of 90-ish sick days to be used that people had donated, to "cover" what he had put into the program over all those years. All in all this is what really helped us out in our hour of need, and I am forever indebted to those people who kindly chose to donate even the smallest of amount. I was a full time engineering student at the time and couldn't do much to help until that semester of school was done. My dad was one of the last people to ask for help, and one of the first people to step up and help out with anything, as I'm sure you are as you've demonstrated with the toy drives and many other things I'm sure you've done.


My point being that there is no shame in accepting help, even without asking for it. I'll never forget having to literally push my weakened father out the door to go to this thing. He was beyond embarrassed to have gotten help from someone, and until the day he passed that was the only time I had ever seen him shed a tear.

Edited by Geeesammy
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I readily admit i am very naive and know very little about any of the available programs out there.


If you contact job and family services they will set up a point of contact for you that can walk you through everything

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You have "paid it forward" by helping others in your life. Allow some others to "pay it forward" for the day when they too may need a hand from some friends. As it has been said before - you don't have to accept assistance forever - but when you have a legitimate hardship (or many of them), accept a hand up to get back on your feet. It makes you no less of a man if you know you have done all you can and you are left in a position where this is the next step to insure your family's well being. The fact it is hard just speaks volumes about the type of individual you are. Most of us are just a few unfortunate instances from being put into a similar circumstance. I don't even want to get into the "why things happen to who" discussion - it is just life and you deal with it as it presents itself. You are the type of individual who having paid it forward will continue to pay it back in good deeds in the future. Despite the circumstances, feel blessed that folks think well enough of you to care because of how you have treated others.


Be gracious and accept some help - be gracious in giving back when you can.

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Trust me when I say your exactly the person and family that the assistance programs were designed to help and I as a tax payer want you to put a lot of effort into learning the programs and finding ways to make things easier for your family.


I have people in my family that are fraudulently taking assistants from the .gov on an epic scale and they have no disabilities and could easily just work. They are simply lazy and not afraid to lie about their conditions to receive aid. I'm working to get them busted, but the .gov mostly doesn't care and wants me to do all the ground work for them.

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