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NSFW NSFL http://www.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/video.php?v=wshhjxRc0eR5PKAXB3h8




Cliffs. Skinny girl beats on fat boy. Boy tries to reason with her while taking many punches. Girl kicks boy in the head. Fat boy stands up and chokes girl. Girl's brother gets involved while boy still has her in a choke hold. Girl gasps for air. Fat boy lets girl go and asks her if she is okay at the end. Bus driver doesn't do anything but can maybe be heard in the background??



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That's about 5 videos I've seen posted this week of urban ghetto trash kids randomly pummeling innocent kids. Some on buses, some at day cares, some at schools. That's bad enough, but even worse there is usually an adult nearby.


I can't imagine watching something like that happen between kids on my little league team and just standing by.

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My brother is a principal in Florida. During an altercation between two girls in his school one of the girls came at him threatening him. He told her to stop and placed his hand in a stop sign gesture. She ran in to his hand and then tried to sue. Luckily the whole incident was caught on camera and everything got dismissed and the girl was expelled. He could have pressed charges on her, the school and lawyers really wanted him to.
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My brother is a principal in Florida. During an altercation between two girls in his school one of the girls came at him threatening him. He told her to stop and placed his hand in a stop sign gesture. She ran in to his hand and then tried to sue. Luckily the whole incident was caught on camera and everything got dismissed and the girl was expelled. He could have pressed charges on her, the school and lawyers really wanted him to.


>Principal wants to stop it but cant get physically involved because of risk of being sued

>Principal ask to stop with a nonviolent non-aggressive gesture

>Gets sued anyways


So now we have the endless cycle of zero tolerance policies where students get fucked over for absolute bullshit to protect the staff from getting into trouble over absolute bullshit, all stemming from the retard parents.





In the case of the video, kid will probably get bullied more for "hitting an innocent girl." Sad but true.

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From where she was standing when she started hitting him I would have thrown her over on her back in the isle (gently) or I'd have done similar, but landed her on my legs and tickled the bitch till she pissed herself. Then if her bro got involved he'd have been next.


Blah screw all that, I'm to old, fat, and slow now. I'd have to leave and if they followed, filled them with lead.

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NSFW NSFL http://www.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/video.php?v=wshhjxRc0eR5PKAXB3h8




Cliffs. Skinny girl beats on fat boy. Boy tries to reason with her while taking many punches. Girl kicks boy in the head. Fat boy stands up and chokes girl. Girl's brother gets involved while boy still has her in a choke hold. Girl gasps for air. Fat boy lets girl go and asks her if she is okay at the end. Bus driver doesn't do anything but can maybe be heard in the background??



As someone who delt with being bullied, Once I fought back and showed I wasnt taking shit any more and beat the fuck out of someone shit stopped.


Dumb bitch deserves to be purged from the gene pool.

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