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Anyone live in the northern Columbus/Morse Rd area?

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I bought a house 10 years ago pretty close to Matthias Dr. Just a mile south actually. The neighborhood isn't bad. There are plenty of other places in columbus that are worse. My neighbors are either families with children or senior citizens. They are always nice and will talk to you. People walk around when it is dark by themselves and without dogs. You don't need a gun to live over here. Everyone I've talked to that said that has never lived in North Linden. Also they all say I live in the hood. They have no idea what a hood is. I've only felt uneasy once at night and it was when I was taking groceries out of my car. Older adolescents walking down a cross street yelled at me and asked how to get to a street. I honestly had no idea and said that. They didn't like my answer and started cursing at me. They wouldn't walk into my yard just stood across the street like a tough guy. I almost threw a gallon of milk at them. That could happen anywhere though. Kids will be idiots.
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No matter how nice the house or the street is, you will have the crap of that area around you. Kroger will suck to be in. Getting gas nearby will piss you off. The people around that area have hard times, your daily risk assesment will have additional layers of frustrations.


Is that how you want to live? If you are fine with that, I'll be over here shutting up if you need anything.


The closest gas station to my house does suck to get fuel. The people there always piss me off. I try to never be a racist but stereotypes usually occur because of some truth. Mods please don't give me another negative infraction for telling what happens frequently as in 90% of the time I buy fuel at this gas station. A certain group of humans will always park their car to get gas, go inside and take forever, then fill up $5 or $10 bucks. Most of the time it is not the fault of this specific customer but of all the other customers already inside doing the same damn thing. Whatever the reason happens to be it takes me 15 minutes sometimes to get gas.


Yeah I guess I should go to another station but damn this place always has flaming hot cheetos and popcorn. No reason to go anywhere else ;)

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I'm probably negatively biased of the area. My family owned an apartment complex on Karl for years until about 2005. We watched the area go downhill over the years and in our eyes, maybe looked worse than it is. We couldn;t keep the transiant crime away from the complex though, even with fulltime special duty cops. Lots of break ins, robberies and assaults in the parking lot, etc.
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With low income comes thieves and drugs. Was that hard to comprehend?


If you're going to try to steal my shit and sell drugs to my kids, no i wont want to you to be my neighbor.


Can't tell if serious, or trolling.


The assumption that all low income people steal and sell drugs is completely ignorant.


We were poor when I was a kid. We never stole anyone's stuff or did/sold drugs.


BTW, I know people/kids who were well off and I can't say the same for them.

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Can't tell if serious, or trolling.


The assumption that all low income people steal and sell drugs is completely ignorant.


We were poor when I was a kid. We never stole anyone's stuff or did/sold drugs.


BTW, I know people/kids who were well off and I can't say the same for them.


He's far from trolling

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Can't tell if serious, or trolling.


The assumption that all low income people steal and sell drugs is completely ignorant.


We were poor when I was a kid. We never stole anyone's stuff or did/sold drugs.


BTW, I know people/kids who were well off and I can't say the same for them.


Where in my post did i say that all low income folks are thieves or drug addicts.


Talk about generalizing. :rolleyes:

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Where in my post did i say that all low income folks are thieves or drug addicts.


Talk about generalizing. :rolleyes:


You said "With low income come theives and drugs". Thats kind of generalizing in itself, almost like your judging a neighborhood before ever having met the potential neighbors.


I bought a house 10 years ago pretty close to Matthias Dr. Just a mile south actually. The neighborhood isn't bad. There are plenty of other places in columbus that are worse. My neighbors are either families with children or senior citizens. They are always nice and will talk to you. People walk around when it is dark by themselves and without dogs. You don't need a gun to live over here. Everyone I've talked to that said that has never lived in North Linden. Also they all say I live in the hood. They have no idea what a hood is. I've only felt uneasy once at night and it was when I was taking groceries out of my car. Older adolescents walking down a cross street yelled at me and asked how to get to a street. I honestly had no idea and said that. They didn't like my answer and started cursing at me. They wouldn't walk into my yard just stood across the street like a tough guy. I almost threw a gallon of milk at them. That could happen anywhere though. Kids will be idiots.


This. I agree with most saying "you need a gun in X neighborhood" have probably never lived there. I am not against gun ownership for home protection, but I feel it could potentially be needed in a "nice" suburban neighborhood just as much as it could potentially be needed in what cr considers "the hood".

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With low income comes thieves and drugs. Was that hard to comprehend?


If you're going to try to steal my shit and sell drugs to my kids, no i wont want to you to be my neighbor.


And that's not a generalized statement?


Ha ha. :dumb:

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I've got a house in Kar-Mel (Morse/Karl) and Forest Park (Sandalwood/Karl).


Here's what you've got from my POV.




The area is in a commercial property swing. Starting with Northland Mall, business began to shut their doors - Chesrown, Kohls, various legitimate restaurants and retailers. The vacant spaces have mostly been repopulated - Northland Mall is a state department plaza (worker's comp, etc? Nice property), Kohls is now the board of elections. Recently we've built Menards, the Capital Area Humane Society, Turkey Hill, the Chipoltes and AT&T stripstores.


Northwest of Morse/Karl is bad - Chesrown is turned into yet another halfass, shitball church thing. The Patio Shops strip is at rock bottom. Hell, even the BMV is gone. I think you've got a liquor store, chinese, pizza, and some phone card / wig shop.


The retail property has become inexpensive, and we see that reflected in the small businesses.




Run far away. Brookhaven's closed, Northland's a pit, the Elementary schools are all rated 1/10 on GreatSchools.org, and this year, I'm ashamed to see DeSales building a big-ass gate/fence.




There seems to be some interest - a lot of money spent on roadway improvements. Karl Rd's been dug up half a dozen times, they spent eleven million dollars on sidewalks along Morse Rd, and most recently they've re-paved and added bike paths to Sandalwood, Tamarack Circle, and Morse Rd. That along with the Northland plaza building . . it might be a good sign.




Okay - you've got four types of neighbors here.


1) Old Folks who remember when Mr Karl's Farm was here. They've owned the place since it was built, they take good care of their shit, and they know everything.


2) Working Families who bought the foreclosures and estate sale properties . Real, regular people who are interested in having an honest life. I've got four really nice new families on my street. We barbeque, watch the dogs, compliment the new flowerbeds - good neighbor stuff.


3) Low Income Apartments. The worst part of the area. These are mostly in ancillary locations; Red Robin Rd, Kings Hill Drive, Tamarack Circle, and Ironwood/Arborwood. Because of the location, they have to come through the nicer residentials to get the bus / blunts / booze / whatever. These are the bastards that steal from your cars and generally fuck things up for the rest of us.


4) Subsidized housing. Though the apartments are the biggest blight by quantity and activity, this 'Group Home' 'Church House' stuff really sucks. In Kar-Mel, I've got two mentally disturbed folks loitering or otherwise being present for no reason. In Forest Park, I've got a houseful of rotating tenants who've absolutely no dignity or respect for those around them. They've no interest in taking care of the property or persons, just hitching a free ride.


So, it could go either way. I'll offer this though - please don't rent your place out. Live in it or sell it instead. Property values for me have come back to "almost-there" (at least in Zillow's world).





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3) Low Income Apartments. The worst part of the area. These are mostly in ancillary locations; Red Robin Rd, Kings Hill Drive, Tamarack Circle, and Ironwood/Arborwood. Because of the location, they have to come through the nicer residentials to get the bus / blunts / booze / whatever. These are the bastards that steal from your cars and generally fuck things up for the rest of us.



This didn't used to be the case. My family built the whole southern stretch of Red Robin (The Lodge, I cant remember the name, and Stonegate Commons). Back when these were built, it was all young professionals and young families. As a kid I remember Big Daddy living at the Lodge and playing Sega with him from time to time. Red Robin didn't used to be a through street.


My grandpa sold the complex between the Lodge and Stonegate first. It was the first place to lower rents and qualifcations. A large fence was promptly added between the 3 complexes. In 1999 my grandpa sold Stonegate Commons. Again, the new owners lowered rents and qualifications. The crime was moving in more and more. The people stacker apartments on Tamarack south of the Lodge and the apartments across Tamarack from The Lodge were absolute crime breeding grounds. My dad put the Lodge on the market in 2002. In fall 2004, 22 cars and 3 buldings were shot up in 1 night in a mass shooting. He finally sold the place in 2006. Again, the new owners lowered rents and lowered qualifications.


It's broken my heart to see the area go to shit, but it really has. The final straw was when the owner of the Dairy Queen on Tamarack Circle was shot. He was the absolute nicest man. I vowed then that I would never go back to that area.

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This didn't used to be the case. My family built the whole southern stretch of Red Robin (The Lodge, I cant remember the name, and Stonegate Commons). Back when these were built, it was all young professionals and young families. As a kid I remember Big Daddy living at the Lodge and playing Sega with him from time to time. Red Robin didn't used to be a through street.


My grandpa sold the complex between the Lodge and Stonegate first. It was the first place to lower rents and qualifcations. A large fence was promptly added between the 3 complexes. In 1999 my grandpa sold Stonegate Commons. Again, the new owners lowered rents and qualifications. The crime was moving in more and more. The people stacker apartments on Tamarack south of the Lodge and the apartments across Tamarack from The Lodge were absolute crime breeding grounds. My dad put the Lodge on the market in 2002. In fall 2004, 22 cars and 3 buldings were shot up in 1 night in a mass shooting. He finally sold the place in 2006. Again, the new owners lowered rents and lowered qualifications.


It's broken my heart to see the area go to shit, but it really has. The final straw was when the owner of the Dairy Queen on Tamarack Circle was shot. He was the absolute nicest man. I vowed then that I would never go back to that area.


Someone got a dilly bar instead of a snowcone.

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I appreciate the feedback, guys. Awesome stuff in here. Big thanks to all of you :cool:


This house will never be rented out. Either my dad sells it next year, or I move in for a while and determine if I'm serious about buying it. I genuinely love this house, but buying it for sentimental reasons would be a mistake. The neighborhood is nice, it has a security system and a garage. The concerning part, like Mojoe talked about, is putting up with all the shit when you're out running around.


Cybe's comments really highlight my other concerns. Buying the house and raising my family there does not seem like an option because of the schooling. Is it worth buying the house if I'm just going to sell it 5-7 years later? I guess that's what I need to think about the most.

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I appreciate the feedback, guys. Awesome stuff in here. Big thanks to all of you :cool:


This house will never be rented out. Either my dad sells it next year, or I move in for a while and determine if I'm serious about buying it. I genuinely love this house, but buying it for sentimental reasons would be a mistake. The neighborhood is nice, it has a security system and a garage. The concerning part, like Mojoe talked about, is putting up with all the shit when you're out running around.


Cybe's comments really highlight my other concerns. Buying the house and raising my family there does not seem like an option because of the schooling. Is it worth buying the house if I'm just going to sell it 5-7 years later? I guess that's what I need to think about the most.



If starting a family, the schools is definitely something to consider.


It doesn't really play a role in my personal decision making because our children will be home schooled; however, for most people, that would understandably be a huge factor. Some may say DeSales is right there so private schooling is an option, but, some of the biggest whores, drug users, and drug dealers I knew were preppy white kids from affluent families that went there. I would never send my kids there, ha ha.

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To piggyback on Cybe...The Kroger next to the former Kohls now BOE space just purchased land across the street and will be building a new store near Menards. They are on a ground lease at their current location so there may be another big vacant anchor to be re-tenanted soon. Its good for the south side of the street where all the new buildings are.
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Cybe's comments really highlight my other concerns. Buying the house and raising my family there does not seem like an option because of the schooling. Is it worth buying the house if I'm just going to sell it 5-7 years later? I guess that's what I need to think about the most.


Planning on moving out in 5-7 years can be a "trap" for lack of a better term. It happened to my parents and a lot of other families I know. They have a nice house, They've made improvements and they get comfy. Time slips by and that 5-7 year plan becomes 10-15 or more.


I'm not saying you can't stick to a plan, but sometimes things come up and plans get put on hold. Just another wrinkle to think about.


As far as the neighborhood, cybe made a great description. It will never be an "up and coming" area but it can get slightly better over time at best.

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Tamarack Jack is awesome. We make a point to find them during the 4th July Parade on Karl, get their coupons and visit DQ regularly. Brave folks, have employed many good kids from the area.


The 4th of July Parade is another sign of life/tradition in the community. Rode my bike in it as a kid. We had some ignorant and rude folks this year who wouldn't get out of the way (gotta get that candy!) but it's very cool when everybody comes out to see.


On sentimental value, Kar-Mel was my parents' house, I grew up there and I've taken a lot of steps to rationalize moving back. I'll probably not be the guy to talk you out of it - I want as many good people in the area as I can get.


When the old house became mine, I fixed the it up was my only purpose in life. Having rented it to my lady's family for a bit (don't rent to family, ever) I'm ready to reclaim it. I figure I'll get my money's worth of the renovation, enjoy the place 'as it should be', and my own son will play in the same yard I did - have the same bedroom, that whole bit. Close a chapter.


Selling the Forest Park place gets me out from under a mortgage, clears up debts and puts me in a place to kinda get it in gear for the future.


But as Nate points out .. it might be a trap. We'd like to stay in that house for about three years, and bail out just before it's time for my son to go to school. Hock the place and buy something like Mojoe's got. A little space to breathe and be safe.


End ramble.

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Tamarack Jack is awesome. We make a point to find them during the 4th July Parade on Karl, get their coupons and visit DQ regularly. Brave folks, have employed many good kids from the area.


The 4th of July Parade is another sign of life/tradition in the community. Rode my bike in it as a kid. We had some ignorant and rude folks this year who wouldn't get out of the way (gotta get that candy!) but it's very cool when everybody comes out to see.


On sentimental value, Kar-Mel was my parents' house, I grew up there and I've taken a lot of steps to rationalize moving back. I'll probably not be the guy to talk you out of it - I want as many good people in the area as I can get.


When the old house became mine, I fixed the it up was my only purpose in life. Having rented it to my lady's family for a bit (don't rent to family, ever) I'm ready to reclaim it. I figure I'll get my money's worth of the renovation, enjoy the place 'as it should be', and my own son will play in the same yard I did - have the same bedroom, that whole bit. Close a chapter.


Selling the Forest Park place gets me out from under a mortgage, clears up debts and puts me in a place to kinda get it in gear for the future.


But as Nate points out .. it might be a trap. We'd like to stay in that house for about three years, and bail out just before it's time for my son to go to school. Hock the place and buy something like Mojoe's got. A little space to breathe and be safe.


End ramble.


I miss the Forrest Park Parade. Went to the Westerville parade this year and people just walked up last minute and stood in the street in front of everyone that got there early. Just rude.


I grew up in Forrest Park, still frequent Gabby's (my in-laws are regulars) and have/had friends live in the area of this house in question. Where the houses are is nice area, but the out lying areas are bad and I would never send my kids to Columbus City Schools. I'm ok with paying higher property taxes just for that reason.


Also take into account that CR thinks Blendon Township is a shit hole and I've found it to be a nice area. Westerville Rd excluded.

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The good news is that I can throw my dad some rent money, move in for a few months and decide how I like it and go from there. The better news is that I wouldn't be moving until next May/June, so I have plenty of time to think about it. Thanks again for everyone's input. Another reason why I love CR
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