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What Game is Everyone Playing??


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I heard that customisation was very limited and that gameplay wasn't very realistic


You can't upgrade cars as far as performance goes, all you can do it paint and decals. It's actually quite nice because it makes the online a lot more competitive.


It's by far the most realistic driving game I've ever played.


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It looks cool with the rain graphics look goodBut Without being able to do performance upgrades just sounds like another game that could have been sweet but left too much out. Have you played froza 5.? If so how does it compare to that.?
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I thought i was the only one who played the older COD games still. I have yet to buy the newest one and not sure if i would spend the 40-50$ for something i wont play all that often but damn I remember playing GTA back in the day and it was so much fun. I should just buy that.


I've played Ghosts and AW a little bit. They are ok, but I have a lot more fun with BO2, and I haven't even added any of the map packs yet.

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GTA 5. So much to do that it's been keeping me entertained for a while now


This. PS4 is a an amazing experience, I've been playing 100% on first-person mode and it's like an entirely different game. Everything is a little more difficult, I've turned all assists off and I'm thoroughly enjoying myself.

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I am not a good COD player As I just do not have the time but I have never understood the hate on Ghosts. It is nice not to get quick scoped every 3 seconds. I got AW last week and it is getting annoying shooting the people jumping around everywhere. I thought getting shot by dudes diving on the ground was bad...
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I must be in the minority.... but Advanced Warfare is the only console online FPS I have ever actually enjoyed for more than 10 minutes. The exo jumping keeps the pace up and really cuts down on camping IMO.


Current play list:




Forza Horizon 2 on Xbox1


Dayz on PC

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Over the winter break I decided to give Americas Army another try. I didn't have broadband access before, so gave up on the game. The newest version is still in Beta, but I really liked the game play. The servers were not very crowded and not many people playing but every time I logged in I was able to find at least a few servers with a solid game going. Being that it's free it is well worth the price. I recommend anyone who is interested in PC games give it a try.


BTW, I did all the basic training for Americas Army 3 only to find out there are no servers running for it any more. You need to just jump into Proving Ground.

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I love adventure games, so I picked up the two new Telltale Games series, Game of Thrones and Tales from the Borderlands. (I highly recommend both, as well as The Wolf Among Us and The Walking Dead if you haven't played them already)


Picked up a few other games on the holiday Steam sale: Flight Simulator X Steam Edition, MGSV Ground Zeroes, Stacking, Euro Truck Simulator 1&2 and all DLC, Far Cry 3, and Broken Age. Not sure when I'll have time to play all them, but they were pennies. I've been bouncing back and forth between Broken Age and Far Cry 3.

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I'm currently trying to clear out some of my backlog of games.

Playing Far Cry 3 right now. it's fun as shit. going straight into 4 when i'm done.

Just finished up Shadow of Mordor. Great Game as well.


Couldn't finish SoM, I enjoyed playing it but the pace kinda bored me as well as the overall brown-ness of everything. Awesome gameplay though.


I'm also replaying Red Dead Redemption in anticipation of a sequel coming out. Forgot how awesome that game is.

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Girlfriend and I are playing Diablo III Reaper of Souls for a bit, now. I play single player alot, too.

My little monk. At some point I need to dig through the pages of shit I've collected to squeeze out a bit more damage but I'm lazy.




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My little monk. At some point I need to dig through the pages of shit I've collected to squeeze out a bit more damage but I'm lazy.

It's funny, I bought Diablo 3 and played it for a while then lost interest. I saw your pic and thought I'd load it up and play for a bit. Only to discover that my battle.net account doesn't exist any more...


EDIT: n/m found it. Used an odd e-mail.

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