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Let's discuss CR


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I have to agree that having the whole site locked down without a log-in is detrimental to growth. There are tons of sites that allow people to look, poke around, and read without a log-in. It lets people get a feel for the community, and hopefully, become enticed to join it. Then once they have a log-in and are approved, they can post and join in.


First taste is free.


There are two things about CR that I really like and keep me coming back:


1. Meets/Events. There are events and meets all the time where I can meet the other people here. I may not be into drag racing a whole lot, but C&C and the growing CR presence at AutoX events are great. Then there's also the nearly weekly meet ups for dinner on the weekends as well. VERY few forums have so many opportunities for the members to get together.


2. Diverse expertise. There is such a wide variety talents and resources in the membership here. If I need advice or hookup on something that isn't car related, I know there's a good chance I can find it on CR. Hell, I got a custom hand-made cornhole set here that's easily the best made set I've ever seen.


These two items are what forums are all about; Community and Information. Facebook's community feels hollow and comes with a lot of stress. And Information? Facebook would be the LAST place I'd look for a how-to on anything.


Perhaps Johnny Bravo is right and it's time to de-emphasize the "Racing" in CR. I'm not saying get rid of it, or shove it in a corner. Put the automotive forums up front proudly, as cars will always be at the core of this community. But maybe start to provide a larger platform for Columbus Residents (sucky name, I know). The Parking Lot forum is the most active forum here, perhaps it deserves to grow into it's own section.

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I get the "fun" part of why CR was around. I've been around since the beginning.


Ditto. Been around since before Andy bought your Chevette and left it dead on the side of Alum Creek Dr.


We need to start lining up some races. 100-250 perhaps? Or 80-whomever stops accelerating last? :)


I had a Tercel that hit 80 once.


Also, over the years the discussion sites that I have frequented go to complete shit when the "OG" members talk non-stop about how things used to be. When a site becomes too much about itself then it is already over.


It didn't use to be like that back in the day.




I cringe when I hear people toss that term around on the interwebz....




Maybe if people actually talked about racing rather than guns and politics all the time, people might actually use this fucking forum.




PS - where the rep go?


(When you read that, please read it like you are TI saying "where dey at tho'?")



Been wonderin' da same fang...dawg.




Love this site. Love most of the people. Always have. Even back when I joined and met up on Sawmill to cruise to Hooters in my 1992 Tercel surrounded by RX7's, Supra's, F Bodies, and the likes while some random guy blasted "Flight of the Valkyries" on his stereo, I was hooked. Some of the early members razzed me but accepted me. I had a long hiatus but found myself coming back.


Just the other day I saw some BS FB post about Adam Sandler dying and what did I do? Come to CR to see if anyone had posted any truth to validate it.


College football, stocks, various assistance needed, firearms, project vehicles, and everyday car talk. CR seems to have just about everything I need. I've since left MULTIPLE other forums but find myself back here as often as possible. There is a wealth of experience and knowledge here in so many different realms that I can't find anywhere else. I trust certain CR members before I look elsewhere on many topics.


Good stuff.

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I've always wondered (and pardon my ignorance) if it's possible to have Facebook as your registration for a forum? Seems like that alleviates a lot of the hesitatin' for registratin'.


newer versions have it. However, working with the facebook API setup can be a pain in the ass. Ive been trying to set it up on COS for a few weeks.


But our version is quite a few years old and im sure newer versions have easier methods

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During the last major batch of changes on the forum, I removed the rep system. When I did this I also removed the need for new members to go through "The Oven" process. (which has since been renamed) Once you sign up on the forum, and are approved by an Admin, you can now read the whole forum and post anywhere you want. You are no longer required to be approved by the members of the forum or be "repped in".


Racing and cars will always be the primary purpose of this website, but we will keep the other sections going and maybe eventually expand on them more in the future as well. We will see what happens after the software gets updated.

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To quote my own description, "CR is less about racing, and more about making fun of everything and each other."


I have gotten a lot of good out of this place. I get all of my news here. Derek even gave me a job because of this place. Further down the road I was able to pay that forward to another member when I had a store. I have bought and sold here, and have actually gotten a fair amount of technical info.


I pretty much made this my home after MR2OC went to shit.

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During the last major batch of changes on the forum, I removed the rep system. When I did this I also removed the need for new members to go through "The Oven" process. (which has since been renamed) Once you sign up on the forum, and are approved by an Admin, you can now read the whole forum and post anywhere you want. You are no longer required to be approved by the members of the forum or be "repped in".


Racing and cars will always be the primary purpose of this website, but we will keep the other sections going and maybe eventually expand on them more in the future as well. We will see what happens after the software gets updated.


I wanted to +Rep you :gabe:

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Work, school, and growing up has caused me to stray from the site some in the past couple years. I've realized that, while my number one passion and what my job and interests are centralized around is and will always be cars and racing, there are other things to life other than that, and I've been doing my best to experience them as well. That coupled with a racecar in a million pieces, as well as outgrowing the night meet scene and its new generation puts me in the position I'm in now.


Granted, I still love going to CR events, track days, etc. as my schedule permits, but it's just not the same as it was years ago for me. I remember when I was still a teenager and in my early twenties when I'd go to night meets and feel like hot shit, now I'd rather sit around the garage with my buddies and drink beer. I guess I burnt myself out on it all by doing so much of it when I was younger. Times and people change, but, deep down, we're all here for the same reason(s), or at least we should be.


This website, community, and many of you have influenced me and helped sculpt me into the person I am today. My business got its start through here, and it's given me a community to be a part of when I didn't have anyone/anything else going for me. Many of you have helped sculpt me into the person I am today, and, for that, I am forever grateful.


With the onset of fall and winter following closely in its footsteps, hopefully Doc's hangout remains a staple of the community. I look forward to being able to participate in track days again next year as well, as I'll finally be done with school and will actually have time to get the car together and go racing again.

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To quote my own description, "CR is less about racing, and more about making fun of everything and each other."


I have gotten a lot of good out of this place. I get all of my news here. Derek even gave me a job because of this place. Further down the road I was able to pay that forward to another member when I had a store. I have bought and sold here, and have actually gotten a fair amount of technical info.


I pretty much made this my home after MR2OC went to shit.


I will second this. I've had several members on here help me both personally and professionally over the past 6 years. I'll always be grateful to this site and its members no matter what happens to it or how it changes.

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If you can remain mindful on your journey, you eventually reach a point when you realize that there is more road behind you than ahead.


The "end of the road," though still out of sight, becomes less abstract, you begin to feel the pain of it, and you start to anxiously scan the horizon for it. I've already passed the mile marker of that realization.


Perhaps this is also true of enthusiast organizations.


At the point a group becomes self-referential, it's already decoupled from its vibrancy. It can sometimes be put back on track, but like the cigar which burns out, you can re-light it but it will never really be same.


Turning and turning in the widening gyre

The falcon cannot hear the falconer;

Things fall apart; the center cannot hold.


At one extreme, you can try to be all things to all people, let everybody join, be the forum for any topic, anything goes.


By some fluke you might even survive despite the multitude of competitors trying to do exactly the same thing. But your members will have forgotten what the letters CR ever stood for .... Cooking Recipes? Conservative Review? By diluting yourself, you've deluded yourself.


Or, on the other hand, you can try to stay true to your roots, maintain your integrity, risk a dwindling membership. But stop denying it:


The days are numbered for amateurs driving their high-powered cars on the street in a "spirited" way.

Your children will prefer their entertainment pods which pilot themselves to their destinations.

Your grandchildren will not learn to drive at all.


And you're looking for new blood for this hobby? There'll be precious few quickenings for creatures of the night the likes of us.


I've driven my own drive and want to stay true to my route. I'm thankful for the miles I've logged. For me, it's been the journey, not the destination.


I have no other insight to offer and no advice on how to run CR. I'm grateful for the ways the members of CR have enriched my life.

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CR is my social filter. For the most part, we all have a automotive aspect of interest in common. From there, our individual interest in different motors, car use, and technology has become an eye opener to other members as we post about it. CR is not the "cars and Coffee" with a $100,000 car buy in. The members here are coming up in life, and workers. I'm gonna say it; the members here are the American way of life, captured in a website. There are thousands of members here. None of them think it is "ok" to mooch off the system, and we all have a desire to better ourselves and our lives in general. We share our points in posts, and it helps us have a perspective outside of our own thoughts or exposures. There is tremendous diversity here that plays a roll of informing me of things outside of my normal interest bubble. I do a lot of teaching on leadership, influence, and mindset. We learn from each other all the time. There are people on here we look to as subject matter experts. We see how we want to be form some, and how we don't want to be, by how others are. That's life. But to me, CR is a site without false world hype. The members are realistic and have a sensitive bullshit flag, that we are willing the throw at the drop of a hat. I like that about the people here. Edited by Mojoe
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I came here for the cars/racing, and I stuck around for everything else. This is my favorite forum hands down. I look forward to the day when I have a nice/fun car again that I can take to CC&C and the occasional show or track day. In the meantime, I still come to this site daily and appreciate those who put so much into it so that fellas like myself can enjoy it. CR has a lot to offer, no matter who you are or what you drive.
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Facebook killed/is killing forums. Folks are lazier than ever these days and don't want to take 40 seconds to create an account somewhere to talk about something they could talk about on Facebook where they already have an account.



Another point.... People like being rewarded (by imaginary internet points)for posting stuff to the internet. For example: on facebook, you have the like system. On reddit, you have the vote system. Both of those sites are booming. Here, you post something and if you're lucky, you get flamed. The rep system we used to have was broken. Giving someone rep only once every few months wasn't cutting it. My point is, Ryan is right. Its time to upgrade if you want to keep things alive. We're living a 2000s forum here in 2016.

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Bit late to the game, but seeing a lot of "yup"...

Facebook (and social media in general) - Yup... people want instant gratification, and while the chatbox is nice, most of us older folk have "real" jobs and can't follow such stream of consciousness.

Drama - Yup... Maybe not the greatest of reasons for visiting a board, but there's a reason Linn and Gabe are legend.

Age - Yup... I'm not OG, but like most others on here, I've got responsibilities that chew up my time and a job that is 24x7 on-call.


Don't really know what to do/suggest about it, been at least five years since I turned off my own forum (HS class website) in favor of a Facebook group so I don't know what software's out there anymore, but I'm around, check at least once a day, and will continue to do so regardless. It's also great for getting service (roofs, concrete, etc) recs, and maybe that deserves a topic group all its own.

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I think CR serves a purpose. We still have a lot of community here, and people who have met over the years and formed friendships. I still trust CR over craigslist for selling/buying. It may not be the go-to forum/social outlet. . . but these times they are a changin.
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Yes the forum isant booming like it was back in the street racing crazy days, i would say that was the peak of the forum. People grew up, took my years to understand why when people grew up they didnt do the reckless stuff they were doing before.:lol:


Most forums dont last nearly as long as Cr has. Yes the contect isant fully the same. It is though still an outlet for many people to chat and get information automotive and non automotive.


I have met some of my best frineds through cr, and many life long friends.


Me personally i havent been out to much physical meets, mainly i had a kid and bought a house that i work on every weekend. Time is limited to alot of people. I hope to get out and about to more meets this next year, as time will start freeing up for me.


Be patient with us through some changes here.

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Well my goal of sparking up some conversation was a success, and I think CR is alive and well with great core members. I really like most of what I'm reading in here, just about everybody is happy to have this place to just talk about whatever.


I think Anthony has done a great job with this site, keeping the core community from being influenced by any outside agendas. The points made of Facebook slowing it down are true, but I don't think it will be able to kill CR. I feel better about the future of my favorite forum having made this thread and reading the responses. Not everyone is going to be happy, but it seems most members are.

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Grant posts this, and then gets banned from the thread. :lolguy:



I think Anthony has done a great job with this site, keeping the core community from being influenced by any outside agendas.

I don't think anyone is doubting that. The rest of my thoughts I will keep to myself, apparently they are not welcome in this thread.

Edited by Mojoe
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I would consider myself a Motorsports Enthusiast and the reputation that preceded this site before I joined not too long ago was that of the 'elitest d-bags who just wanted to be keyboard warriors and insult you all day' ...so I tread lightly when I first joined and then through my involvement as the Solo Chair with SCCA I was able to promote events and meet some guys from the site.


Since then, I have become more comfortable posting, but I still stay FAR away from the Kitchen. I mainly post in the LOL thread, or like to start threads that ARE motorsports related....


One thing I do like about this site is the vast diversification of people with SO many different interests...so when I have a completely random question, this is where I come to post it because the chances are typically high that someone can offer information on the subject. I think having a dedicated section for that wouldn't be a bad idea 'lettuce discuss - LMS - etc'


Overall, I enjoy the site and I have a good idea of people to 'stay away from' because they will always be the 'internet tough-guy' on here, but I am a fan of some of the recent changes. I moderate a BMW forum and the vibe on there is MUCH different from this one.


That's all from me, hope that helps.

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Well my goal of sparking up some conversation was a success, and I think CR is alive and well with great core members. I really like most of what I'm reading in here, just about everybody is happy to have this place to just talk about whatever.


I think Anthony has done a great job with this site, keeping the core community from being influenced by any outside agendas. The points made of Facebook slowing it down are true, but I don't think it will be able to kill CR. I feel better about the future of my favorite forum having made this thread and reading the responses. Not everyone is going to be happy, but it seems most members are.




On another note, we need to have more sonic meets soon. I need some more of those hot wings in my life lol

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