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College Football Thread v12.0


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I really think they may be able to pull off a bit of the black out. I thought it was going to look silly because too many people were just going to wear their usual scarlet/gray stuff but everyone seems to be talking about it. I believe the jerseys have the reflective borders around the numbers like the more common alternates do (the ones with the green stickers a certain someone absolutely LOVES). There's potential for a really, really cool shot of the team coming out of the tunnel in the dark with some light hitting the jerseys just right.
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I agree. This is the most frustrating idea that comes to mind when this team plays down to its opponents.


Why? Visualize you're playing poker, you don't want to let the others players see your hand until the end right? It's only fourth street now. Just tough it out for couple more weeks you'll see the real team.

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I really think they may be able to pull off a bit of the black out. I thought it was going to look silly because too many people were just going to wear their usual scarlet/gray stuff but everyone seems to be talking about it. I believe the jerseys have the reflective borders around the numbers like the more common alternates do (the ones with the green stickers a certain someone absolutely LOVES). There's potential for a really, really cool shot of the team coming out of the tunnel in the dark with some light hitting the jerseys just right.


Oddly, I think I actually like the green leaves on the black helmet.


Here's why I don't like the green leaves on the other alternate unis: it makes it look like one of our colors are green when the helmet is full of (very bright green) buckeye stickers. Like when we played Clemson - I swear it looked like it was a "Christmas Edition" alternate uni.


I'm looking forward to the black out. I hope it just doesn't turn into a Ohio State funeral.

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Why? Visualize you're playing poker, you don't want to let the others players see your hand until the end right? It's only fourth street now. Just tough it out for couple more weeks you'll see the real team.


Yeah unfortunately though we raised big pre-flop and got several calls. Then the flop came and it was a board that scared exactly no one away. And in fact several others bet into us, despite the fact we were driving the pre-flop action. So now we just have to call because we don't have the cards to re-raise and instead are limping in with just a call and hoping to get our advantage on the turn.

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Yeah unfortunately though we raised big pre-flop and got several calls. Then the flop came and it was a board that scared exactly no one away. And in fact several others bet into us, despite the fact we were driving the pre-flop action. So now we just have to call because we don't have the cards to re-raise and instead are limping in with just a call and hoping to get our advantage on the turn.


Yeah, but we still ahead every turn. And we'll own them on the river. We got them exactly where we want them.

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Anyone else think Buckeyes aren't going to make it vs Penn?


They've played incredibly shaky first half last 3 games. I don't think they'll be able to pull off the half-assed first-half play against them.


Look at Penn states schedule so far. Not exactly crazy. I still think they will give us a good one, but it should be an electric atmosphere for once. OSU by 10.

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Haha... now they're not even going to be using the green leaves with the black helmets.


Only further proof that Ohio State is trolling me!


On a side note, I love night games for so many reasons. I can get all my work done for the day, etc.

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I'm not sure if I'm drunk yet, but Boise State is being spank right now by USU?? I guess we won't have to hear about Boise State in the playoffs run this year


Holy fuck Boise got crushed. Joshie is now crying on the inside and maybe a little on the outside.


Some other thoughts:


- Houston won big, still undefeated. Herman can come back this way when Meyer retires.


- so many good games today. im taking Florida over LSU, Bama over AM, Notre Dame over USCarfire, and Michigan State over Michigan.

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Agree with all those picks except Michigan over sparty.


Also Louisville over Florida st and Boston college over Clemson


I won't be surprised if Michigan beats Michigan State.


I will be shocked if Clemson loses to BC.


Also, what's our bet on the OSU-Michigan game? Double or nothing or something else (like name change bet)?

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I won't be surprised if Michigan beats Michigan State.


I will be shocked if Clemson loses to BC.


Also, what's our bet on the OSU-Michigan game? Double or nothing or something else (like name change bet)?


Double or nothing and a name change bet.

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Double or nothing and a name change bet.


Locked in.


I win (OSU beats Michigan): you owe me $200 and you have to change your name to something with my approval.


You win (Michigan beats OSU): you owe me $0 and I have to change my name to something with your approval.


Sound right?

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Locked in.


I win (OSU beats Michigan): you owe me $200 and you have to change your name to something with my approval.


You win (Michigan beats OSU): you owe me $0 and I have to change my name to something with your approval.


Sound right?


Plus whatever he owes you for the golf tickets

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