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Anybody else feel like this?


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everyone here is giving you good advice so here is some bad advice:


- go get a girlfriend. I guarantee your wife will make your life more interesting quick, fast, and in a hurry. it might not help with your depression however. Make sure you bring her home at least once while you are blitz drunk and make the full court press for a threeway.


- hard drugs. Alcohol is for pussies. start with the basic consciousness expansion stuff (LSD, peyote, etc...) and work your way to sucking someone off in a back alley to cobb some H. Again, you life will get really interesting in ways you couldn't imagine. no more boredom, yay!!!!


- take up Russian roulette. I hear it's a great party game. try to get a game going with strangers at least once.


- DIY helicopter and then teach yourself to fly it. Training is for pussies.



or...ya know....diet and exercise, find some other interests, counseling, and social activities.

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Sell the cars and get bikes! Seriously, cars get boring as hell if you don't have a bunch of friends really into them or you don't do track days. Buy a motorcycle and start doing track days, if that is too expensive/dangerous, get an XR100 and start racing at Circleville! I haven't done it yet but it looks like a blast. I'm hoping to start doing it this year.


The lifting weights is a given, but I would also suggest getting a mountain bike. Bombing trails through the woods is very relaxing and you don't really even feel like your're working out. You can ride year round if you want, or go indoor to Ray's in Cleveland and down the cave in Kentucky. Cheap to get into as well.

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Look buddy, I know you have a wife and kid. It's what you wanted, I respect that. My daughter is 14 so her interest in hanging out with her parents is nothing like it was a few years ago, so enjoy your time with yours.


There hasn't been much going on regularly except Cars and Coffee, so it's not like there is much of the Friday Saturday night stuff going anymore.



Im not saying that's just for me, that might be the type of case for other people as well is what I was getting at bud.

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everyone here is giving you good advice so here is some bad advice:


- go get a girlfriend. I guarantee your wife will make your life more interesting quick, fast, and in a hurry. it might not help with your depression however. Make sure you bring her home at least once while you are blitz drunk and make the full court press for a threeway.


- hard drugs. Alcohol is for pussies. start with the basic consciousness expansion stuff (LSD, peyote, etc...) and work your way to sucking someone off in a back alley to cobb some H. Again, you life will get really interesting in ways you couldn't imagine. no more boredom, yay!!!!


- take up Russian roulette. I hear it's a great party game. try to get a game going with strangers at least once.


- DIY helicopter and then teach yourself to fly it. Training is for pussies.



or...ya know....diet and exercise, find some other interests, counseling, and social activities.

Was going to make a similar post. Now I don't have to be the asshole.


I'm an introvert and a pessimist. It takes a lot out of me to talk to people I've judged in my mind as litter waffers or not of like mind. Then it takes me an extraordinary amount of time to recharge from being "outgoing". It's easy to lose sight of this and start to feel useless and self loathing. I use most of the advice given in this thread as my remedy with great results.

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I'm sort of in the same boat as you Scott. I don't go out anymore. I drink only on the weekends once or twice. Don't play xbox anymore. Thing is.. I don't care about a LOT of things anymore. I really don't care for going out. My wife and I go out once a week for dinner and then we come home and just relax. My kids are 22 and 14. The 22 year old moved out. We just deal with the 14 year old Autistic child and he's not that bad anymore anyways.


I don't have fast cars. I don't have all the toys that I want. Are there more things that I want? Sure.. do I care about them? Nope. I just go through life as it is and that's what's been given to me. I've been working on paying off my debt. I drive two buick regals and my wife drives a Chevy Cruze. She works as a maid at Merry maids. Do I want her to do that all her life? Nope. But that's what we have to do.


Don't really go to meets anymore. I stripped/gutted a POS 99 Regal and it should run mid 12's this year if I get it ironed out. Is it fast? Nope. Do I care what other people think? Nope. Does it make me happy? Yeah when it doesn't break. I'll be 40 this year and I'm just doing my thing that makes me happy and content. Hell I rarely even post on here anymore.


I dunno Scott.. just do what you think is right. Go on a vacation with your wife and daughter. Go somewhere nice and just relax.

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I'm sort of in the same boat as you Scott. I don't go out anymore. I drink only on the weekends once or twice. Don't play xbox anymore. Thing is.. I don't care about a LOT of things anymore. I really don't care for going out. My wife and I go out once a week for dinner and then we come home and just relax. My kids are 22 and 14. The 22 year old moved out. We just deal with the 14 year old Autistic child and he's not that bad anymore anyways.


I don't have fast cars. I don't have all the toys that I want. Are there more things that I want? Sure.. do I care about them? Nope. I just go through life as it is and that's what's been given to me. I've been working on paying off my debt. I drive two buick regals and my wife drives a Chevy Cruze. She works as a maid at Merry maids. Do I want her to do that all her life? Nope. But that's what we have to do.


Don't really go to meets anymore. I stripped/gutted a POS 99 Regal and it should run mid 12's this year if I get it ironed out. Is it fast? Nope. Do I care what other people think? Nope. Does it make me happy? Yeah when it doesn't break. I'll be 40 this year and I'm just doing my thing that makes me happy and content. Hell I rarely even post on here anymore.


I dunno Scott.. just do what you think is right. Go on a vacation with your wife and daughter. Go somewhere nice and just relax.


You agonize over bone in wing size too. That takes time, and effort to do correctly.

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I'm in the same boat, but I just chug along like Bucky Poo. I'm still trying to find my new thing since I'm not that into the car thing anymore, mostly because there are fewer car people here than there are anywhere.


Just try and find something that sparks your interest and go with it.

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. I posted some of this not caring about negative comments but really didn't get any.

Your camaro is a turd, feel better? :D

single in your 30's bro. all your married friends busy with married stuff. i feel ya.


He's married not single

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I wish I knew half as much about cars as you do.


I often feel the same about my job in IT as you do about yours. Lots of days I wish I could go back to slinging produce.


The best thing I've found when I'm down is to get out someplace nice and walk. Freezing cold, 1' of snow, just adds to the challenge. You learn quick how to dress. Exercise, sunlight, and time to think with no one bother you since who would be insane enough to go with you.

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Its the start of winter, yes many of the fun outside activities are on hold until spring. I agree the winter months are depressing but you need to fill the time with something(joining a gym, reading books/etc) that may make you happier during the winter time.


You have a 14 year old daughter and agree most teenage and high school kids don't want to hang out with their parents. However, my high school kids(16 year old girl and 17 year boy) are into activities that I like to attend(high school swim team during the winter months).


I have also filled my time in working on polish the rims on the 78 corvette. Yes, this is not a hard project, it just takes time and I drink a few beverages when I go out to the barn to work on this.


You just need to find something to do that isn't too hard to do that makes you happy, everyone is different so it may take a few tries to find something you like.

Edited by RS69
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ah wasnt mentioned in his post.




I have said it many times, my wife is the reason I'm here, she has kept my drinking slowed down, kept me from living on the street, and tries to hold my life together when I can't. . Fuck it.


I have a 14 year old daughter. My wife works full time,.
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With all these posts you're having maybe you should seek Dr advice. . Maybe some medication to get you out of the slump. Nothing wrong with that.


Pick up a new hobby. Try some different ones out. Spend some time getting in shape, run some 5k's. Run the warrior dash / tough mudder.


I think you need to start deeper than picking up a hobby. This is your 3rd or 4th thread that relates to depression. I would seek a dr advice about it

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Warning: Going to sound like whinning.


So I'm 35, reached a point in my career where I can't move much higher, and my free time has turned into me sitting on my ass not doing much.


The thing that bothers me is that I don't have fun anymore. I used to enjoy meeting up with car friends every weekend, but now it just doesn't happen as much. I suppose people moved on, found other things to do, or maybe they excluded me I don't know. I really enjoyed the experience of street racing, it was a bigger rush then going to the track. Of course as I've grown I have much more to loose and don't do that anymore. I have done most of the things I set out to do in life, sounds pretty sad and it is, I should've set my goals higher. Now I'm just bored and feeling down on myself. I'm working on my career, but I need to find something to get interested in. Something that will get me excited and give me something to work for, something that will be fun.


I really hate where I am in life, I hate being so negative. It's really starting to take it's toll on everything day to day. I need to find a healthier outlet then drinking or depression. Suppose I should go back to counseling, but that doesn't seem like a fix to being bored.


I was going to be a dick and troll you, but decided not to since everyone has felt like this at one point or another, I know I sure have.


Alcohol is a depressant, meaning it will only make your current mental situation worse. Especially when you use it in the manner you do for "boredom"

Cut that out


Stop eating fast food and other bullshit, it isn't bad every now and then but everyday it's bad.


Substitute pop with water, I rarely drink pop and it made me feel awesome. Try to hit a gallon a day, your dick will be Niagra falls for two weeks or even a month because it will just be flowing through you, but once you are hydrated awesome shit happens. Thoughts come quicker, not as sore.


Start stretching


Even if it means walking a mile, or working your way to that, exercise. Dem endorphin's


To be honest you are an asshole most of the time, it is kind of annoying and I can count on one hand the amount of times I've actually had a somewhat serious conversation with you, most the time I'm the butt of some pathetic joke you are trying to crack in my presence or you just do a great job of making my girlfriend feel very uncomfortable which isn't cool at all.


Make a goal of paying off debt, living debt free, losing weight even if it is a small amount, 5 pounds or whatever. 95% of the people I see daily could stand to lose a few pounds I include myself in this. Start with small goals and work your way up so you don't give up as easily and see progress.


I was depressed for 2 years after my dad died, couldn't think right at all and didn't make good choices. I had a lot of fun but looking back I should be in a lot worse shape than I am now. Finally found a car that got me interested in something other than thinking about him for a year then it fucked up. After that I was always hearing bullshit about it and whatever else. Couldn't stand working on it, still can't which is why I am starting something else.

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I don't know you so I was going to post some half-assed response of not being a pussy and picking up some hobbies but I think its painfully obvious you are either seriously, medically depressed or just attention starved. I'm leaning towards the former not the latter.


While these are all great suggestions (exercising, better diet, reading, getting into another hobby, and NO FUCKING ALCOHOL) it sounds like you need to see a professional pronto.


That being said, you should stop drinking, get out and do something, ANYTHING. Of course I always suggest picking up the game of hockey because its something I love doing but shit think of something you loved doing as a kid and go out and do it. That's what I did and it's honestly made my life so much better for it.


Oh and if you do exercise, take it easy. You don't have to run a marathon or throw up 300lbs on a bench your first week, you'll only hurt your back and be more depressed for it. Go slow, starting itself is an accomplishment.

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