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I can't get over how many characters they killed off last night... I would say that it was a good episode... I couldn't help but yell, "Get it girl!" when Cerci started to torture that "shame" bitch... bitch had it coming.
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I can't get over how many characters they killed off last night... I would say that it was a good episode... I couldn't help but yell, "Get it girl!" when Cerci started to torture that "shame" bitch... bitch had it coming.




I was wondering if Natalie Dormer started asking for a raise???

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I heard reported that next season they all got a raise to 500k an episode for next season..


Budget more dire wolves damnit


Yeah...Nimeria is still out there somewhere...her and Ghost need to show up and do work...

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I'm surprised no one has brought up the significance of finding out Jon Snow wasn't Ned's bastard...


Can someone recap that story for me? Who is the mom? I just don't understand it as well as you guys lol

the mother is his sister, the one the king was in love with, who died...

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I'm surprised no one has brought up the significance of finding out Jon Snow wasn't Ned's bastard...


Can someone recap that story for me? Who is the mom? I just don't understand it as well as you guys lol


do a google search for R+L=J and you will be swamped with information. Here is a little information i found interesting, I couldn't make out everything she was saying.


As Lyanna dies, she whispers this to Ned: "If Robert finds out, he'll kill him, you know he will. You have to protect him. Promise me, Ned. Promise me." The "Robert" she speaks of, presumably, is Robert Baratheon, her betrothed and the future king of Westeros. Rhaegar stole her from Robert, thus setting off the uprising known as Robert's Rebellion and leading to the events of A Game of Thrones.
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Jon snow is the son of Lyana Stark Ned's Sister who was kidnapped and rapped by Rygar Targaryen. So Snow is Stark and Targaryen. Which matches to the series name of books call a Song of Ice and Fire. Stark being the Ice and Targaryen being the Fire.
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Here is one problem I had with the Tower of Joy scene...it doesn't look like Lyanna said, "Jon" when she whispered into Ned's ear. Looked like something longer. And the way they shot the scene, with zooming out of the baby's eyes then eventually Jon's...it's hard for me to interpret that with 100% certainty. It would be much more convincing imo if we heard Lyanna actually say Jon, and is there was some kind of soft echo of his name as they were zooming out of the eyes.


Maybe I just love conspiracies and plot twists a little too much...but I think that scene still left a small open end...

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Here is one problem I had with the Tower of Joy scene...it doesn't look like Lyanna said, "Jon" when she whispered into Ned's ear. Looked like something longer. And the way they shot the scene, with zooming out of the baby's eyes then eventually Jon's...it's hard for me to interpret that with 100% certainty. It would be much more convincing imo if we heard Lyanna actually say Jon, and is there was some kind of soft echo of his name as they were zooming out of the eyes.


Maybe I just love conspiracies and plot twists a little too much...but I think that scene still left a small open end...


Ned loved his sister... maybe the same way that the Lanisters do.... maybe he is Ned's son.... hows that for a consipiracy

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