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Good episode but HBO fkd up on some things.


1: No way Arya would survive those kinds of injuries. And even if she did, no way she would have been as physically capable as she was. I will say though, it was nice to finally see Needle do work. The way HBO directed her was garbage. Arya would have been smarter than walking all proud through the streets of Bravos, without needle, after she disobeyed the Jaquar again.


2: I also hate the direction they are going with Jamie. It's way different than in the books. It seems the show gave Jamie some serious character development just like in the books, but now he is reverting to douchebage Jamie again who is still stuck up Cersi's @$$.


On a high note, Cersi gonna be fked without Trial by Combat. I was cracking up when that little wimp Tommen made that announcement. Bahaha. You franken-creature can't help you in regards to that. You know what she is going to do...burn all of kings landing with all that wild fire that is stored away.


As for the attack a Mereen, that's not the Iron Born. The Iron Born, or at least Theon and his sister want to join Danny, not fight her. Those are the former Masters that showed up. And I am hoping in the next episode (though I doubt we will see it until the last episode) that at least one, if not all of Danny's dragons burn those ships to ash. If that is not how it plays out, I think the other probable scenario will be the iron born show up behind the Master's ships and then the master's are fked because they can't just rush upon land, (the unsullied, 2nd sons, and now the Dothraki, all on land), but then they will have the Iron Born behind them. The Masters are going to get raped.


I am sad to see Varys leave. I thoroughly enjoy the discourse between him and Tyrion.


The Hound, I am EXTREMELY intrigued to see how his story plays out. I knew that those fkrs that killed the people that the Hound was with had to be operating outside the bounds of the Brotherhood.

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The lack of trial by combat, definitely screwed cerci, but I agree about the wildfire being what was hinted at.

Arya is frustrating, just get on a boat already.

The iron born are definitely showing up to save Danny, instant in. I was surprised to see the dragon fly away, so this is the only logical step.

Can't decide how winterfell will play out. It appears as though the Starks are severely outnumbered, so what will the wild card be? Bran? Will Jon Snow show some newly gained power? Is there an army I'm forgetting that will show up last minute?

Where is Varys going??? He mentioned a plan.

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The lack of trial by combat, definitely screwed cerci, but I agree about the wildfire being what was hinted at.

Arya is frustrating, just get on a boat already.

The iron born are definitely showing up to save Danny, instant in. I was surprised to see the dragon fly away, so this is the only logical step.

Can't decide how winterfell will play out. It appears as though the Starks are severely outnumbered, so what will the wild card be? Bran? Will Jon Snow show some newly gained power? Is there an army I'm forgetting that will show up last minute?

Where is Varys going??? He mentioned a plan.


I think Rikken will show up with shaggy dog and wreck the fuck out of Ramsey!!


WHERE IS VARYS GOING!!!! I still have no clue, makes me think i missed some conversation between him and Tyrion

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I think Rikken will show up with shaggy dog and wreck the fuck out of Ramsey!!


WHERE IS VARYS GOING!!!! I still have no clue, makes me think i missed some conversation between him and Tyrion


Varys " We need friends in Westoros"



Cerce to Khyber " What did your little birds find out about that rumor"




Looks like Varys is going back to Kings Landing to make friends with Cerce

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I think the caches of wildfire below and throughout the city is the "rumor."


How is that a rumor, they knew about it since season 2 when they used that cache to defeat the Baratheon invasion...


I would guess that the rumor either has to do with the dragons, OR it could be that Gendry the Baratheon bastard could come back into play OR it could have to do with some plot from Little Finger that we've yet to discover.


EDIT: Or maybe it's got something to do with the High Septon, that's a person that Cersei would have a vested interest in learning a lot more about.

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The lack of trial by combat, definitely screwed cerci, but I agree about the wildfire being what was hinted at.

Arya is frustrating, just get on a boat already.

The iron born are definitely showing up to save Danny, instant in. I was surprised to see the dragon fly away, so this is the only logical step.

Can't decide how winterfell will play out. It appears as though the Starks are severely outnumbered, so what will the wild card be? Bran? Will Jon Snow show some newly gained power? Is there an army I'm forgetting that will show up last minute?

Where is Varys going??? He mentioned a plan.


I think the Knights of the Vale will save Jon Snow's butt.

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Or the true killers of Joffrey.


Considering the actress who was playing Cersei in the play changed her monologue to be much more vengeful than sad, simultaneously capturing the sympathy of the audience as she vowed revenge against those who killed Joffrey, this theory could hold water.

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Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who doesn't watch this dumb show. It's my girlfriend's and family's religion so every time we visit the parents I go take a nice long shit every time the conversation starts floating that way. srsly my brother has some homo game of thrones tattoo on his leg and a room dedicated to dumbass swords and other gay cunt shit from the show hanging off the walls. I don't get it.
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Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who doesn't watch this dumb show. It's my girlfriend's and family's religion so every time we visit the parents I go take a nice long shit every time the conversation starts floating that way. srsly my brother has some homo game of thrones tattoo on his leg and a room dedicated to dumbass swords and other gay cunt shit from the show hanging off the walls. I don't get it.


Edit: I'm Jaded

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Reminder again of who that is?

Same as above...refresher please?

1.) Little Finger's young puppet king that lives where the Queen was pushed in the giant hole and fell to her death.


2.) She is Catelyn Stark Zombiefied, and out for revenge.




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How is that a rumor, they knew about it since season 2 when they used that cache to defeat the Baratheon invasion...


They know it exists...they don't know the mad king hid it throughout the city.

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But they used it all in the battle....


Did they...


My understanding is that they used what was readily available. They may not know that it's literally spread throughout the city.

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