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New Top Gear


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Anyone watch the new Top Gear? It's about what I was expecting, meh. Chris Evans is okay I guess but Matt Leblanc seems to have the personality of a dead fish. Everything seemed so scripted and forced. I think they should have had Sabine as the co-host.
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Anyone watch the new Top Gear? It's about what I was expecting, meh. Chris Evans is okay I guess but Matt Leblanc seems to have the personality of a dead fish. Everything seemed so scripted and forced. I think they should have had Sabine as the co-host.


I only watched parts of it, will have to go back and re-watch the rest tonight.


Evans is annoying, I didn't enjoy him at all. After they said that LeBlanc was going to co-host and after watching some of the specials they shot with him I thought he was going to be horrible but I actually think he was better than I was expecting him to be (so slightly above horrible)


I too was hoping that Sabine and Chris Harris would have larger parts in hosting....possibly they will in the future.


The only thing I actually laughed at was the rather candid comments they got out of Sabine on how poorly the corvette actually handled.

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that was the only part I laughed too was the corvette.

the show was terrible and I will not even try and watch the second episode. The funny thing is Chris Evans took to twitter to say how much a hit the show was....... yea no shit it had great ratings, people just wanted to see how it was I'm sure a lot of people wont be back for episode two.


also the star In a reasonably priced car is now a Mini cooper rally spec.... the track is now a rally track...... uhh what? no longer is the car not reasonably priced its just boring to watch.

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There were a couple funny moments but the show seemed like it was two hours long. Chris Evens was pretty much horrible at both in car and in the studio.


Maybe they'll get it together in a couple seasons if they can last that long.

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I can't figure out why there is an "Extra Gear". It seems like they could combine the content from both shows, eliminate a lot of garbage, and end up with something pretty solid.


Chris Evans and his histrionics is definitely the weak link of the show. Overall okay; I'd much rather watch bad Top Gear than yet another season of "Real Housewives of xxxxxx"...

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LeBlanc was a lot better than I thought he was going to be. I was worried he'd start acting all goofy like Joey from Friends.


Chris Evans needs to stop yelling. What an annoying twat.


In the words of my girlfriend: "Where's the third host?" You lose a LOT of what made Top Gear work in the past because you can have the ever changing 2 vs 1 allegiances that three people can have.


The star in a rallycross car segment was a flop. Who was the idiot that paired Gordon Ramsay with Jesse Eisenberg? You could see both of them thinking the same thing, and both trying their hardest to make the segment entertaining despite Chris Evans.


Extra Gear is what Top Gear should be. The main host is better than Evans and I don't even know his name. Him, LeBlanc, and Harris would make a good team. Maybe have Sabine trade with Harris? But that would make it hard to build good chemistry. I think either Sabine or Harris would make a good third host, the both have strong opinions on performance cars. But Sabine has a living already in Germany, so I think Harris would be the better choice for consistency's sake.

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Watched the interview part as I was flipping channels. Draco summed it up perfectly.


Chris Evans needs to stop yelling. What an annoying twat.


The star in a rallycross car segment was a flop. Who was the idiot that paired Gordon Ramsay with Jesse Eisenberg? You could see both of them thinking the same thing, and both trying their hardest to make the segment entertaining despite Chris Evans.


when the mini hit the dirt I changed the channel.


I really think they should've just came up with something different instead of trying to force the same show with new hosts.

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Gotta agree with a lot of the sentiments here.


1) Anyone else think Chris Evans was tweaking or something?

2) Chris Harris, Matt LeBlanc, Sabine Schmitz, there's your lineup, ditch the rest

3) Bring back the Liana, this "reasonably priced car" is getting out of hand

4) It felt more like American Top Gear than good Top Gear

5) Extra Gear should just be part of the show

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Bringing Jesse Eisenberg, a person who has owned 1 car his entire life, does not currently drive, has no interest in cars or the show, to be one of two guinea pigs to "show off" their new rally-x format for Twat in an Overpriced Anglo-Deutsch Lovechild is pretty fucking stupid. I think that's the future of the show right there; thinking more about putting stars on screen than actually producing a compelling, interesting TV show about cars.
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Here is a hint, stop watching it. I'm sure they track the number of downloads and streams online and add that into their ratings profile. if we all stop watching they will stop with this abomination of a show.


There's only been one episode so far and I think it was good to give it a fair chance. I gave it a fair chance, I'll probably give it one more, and then I'll probably give up on it.

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I made it through in one sitting from start to finish, which I think is a sad thing to say that you "made it through" but eh it's a brand new rehash so we'll see. Chris Evans I think everyone who has ever seen him on TV can agree that he's annoying and obnoxious so the tabloids I'm sure have those stories pretty close to correct.


The segment in the dessert I actually enjoyed, awesome setting to show off and a pretty unique concept on "the chase" that fit LeBlanc's celeb status well. The star segment was downright painful. So terribly forced, SO miss matched. Uber chef with a TheFerrari and ANOTHER on order versus some kid that's barely been on screen and used to own a broken accord? Uh huh...


On the track, I dunno we'll see. The standard track layout was fine but never very exciting, at least this has a chance for some comedy or colossal failures.


Just my .02

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I'll agree with you. His studio presence was quite actor-ish but his segment in the Ariel was IMO very good.


They're all reading lines in there, but at least he's a decent actor. With Clarkson et al, the bad acting was part of the charm, but these new hosts have no such good will.

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surprised soo many think that LeBlanc was horrible. I mean I don't think he was great but I honestly thought he did better than I expected him to.


He wasn't terrible for his first time doing something like this. I even enjoyed Evans go up against Sabine where we wasn't screaming at an audience or Gordon Ramsey. I felt the interactions between LeBlanc and Evans was just awful, and the host interaction with each other is what made this show for me. I think I'd rather watch Geeto and Tim argue instead.

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