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We are America - John Cena


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Cena seems like a pretty cool guy. I guy from another board saw him in Florida and he was very cool about getting pics and autographs. He uses his shot with him as his avatar. Really down to earth is how he described him.


Good video. Thanks for posting.

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Hate his character, but really like the guy and all the outreach he does. I was lucky to be there to see this on Monday night.


This video is much better, he does seem like a decent/genuine guy.

Oh, and people still watch wrestling???

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Can't I just be a normal white guy without somebody trying to make me feel guilty about it


It's just a reminder how the world has changed around us, whether we (as white men, traditional representations of America) like it or not.


No guilt intended, or applied. That's all on you, Softy McEmotionalPants. ;)

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It's just a reminder how the world has changed around us, whether we (as white men, traditional representations of America) like it or not.


No guilt intended, or applied. That's all on you, Softy McEmotionalPants. ;)


I think he was kidding clay...besides everybody knows that white guilt is just the price you pay for being able to get credit and not be subjected to random searches constantly.


Edit: oh wait forgot this --> :p so people know I am kidding as well.

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It's pretty easy to tell who in a room denies the privilege being a white straight god fearing male born in America has given them when conversations like this come up. Oh no, I'm the least discriminated against segment born into a good life in one of the most prosperous countries in the world and people have the audacity to point that out... now I'm being discriminated against... or reverse discrimination... or, something.
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It's pretty easy to tell who in a room denies the privilege being a white straight god fearing male born in America has given them when conversations like this come up. Oh no, I'm the least discriminated against segment born into a good life in one of the most prosperous countries in the world and people have the audacity to point that out... now I'm being discriminated against... or reverse discrimination... or, something.

This thread is going south.....but, am I supposed to feel bad about it? Taking advantage of everything available to me to best serve my family doesn't mean I'm shitting on the little guy. Should minorities feel bad for taking advantage of the things in life that have been made to benefit them? No, take advantage of it and better you and yours. As far as equality has come, it won't be perfect until both sides stop using it as leverage or pointing it out as a reason for every situation.

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Haha I'm glad I got here now. I'll be less likely to come back later when this shitstorm really gets going. For now, it's simply amusing.


If I'm being honest, it's also a learning experience as I assumed what the video would be like before I'd even watched it. However, I recognized this lazy, sorry-ass idiosyncrasy and made myself watch it instead of unfairly and ignorantly judging it. It's far too easy not to think outside your box; to sit within its protective confines and cowardly pass judgement based on assumptions and fear. Especially with something as simple as a video such as this. It's the little things, the little judgements we become most lazy with; not understanding the great weight and affect they carry on our subconscious. Shit, this went in a way different direction than I originally intended....


Anyway, he had a good message. :D

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I think he was kidding clay...




It's pretty easy to tell who in a room denies the privilege being a white straight god fearing male born in America has given them when conversations like this come up. Oh no, I'm the least discriminated against segment born into a good life in one of the most prosperous countries in the world and people have the audacity to point that out... now I'm being discriminated against... or reverse discrimination... or, something.


I'm 1/8th Cherokee. I constantly get called "white male". Triggered. You're all racist. Want to talk about oppression? I don't see #Americanlivesmatter (because the term "native Americans" is derogatory.


...or maybe I'm just 1/10th injun. I forget.



Oh, and people still watch wrestling???


Granted, it's been YEARS ago (more than a decade), but when I worked as a PT engineer and did PT security at the arena we almost had to kick out one fan who was in the first row because he kept getting up and slamming his metal folding chair against the ground as the wrestlers were "fighting". He almost threw it at the ring. It's still real to some people, damn it.


PS - Booker T and the others I got to meet are cool as hell.

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