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Prime Day!!


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Picked one up. Read the CNet review and seemed like a great deal. Thanks.

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Picked one up. Read the CNet review and seemed like a great deal. Thanks.




I bought it when it was pretty new, so I think I paid $450 for it. Even at that price I'm happy with it. Really like that it can play reasonably loud and clear, and it has real surround sound without having to run wires from the front to the rear.


The only thing that I would replace this with (as an upgrade) is some good in walls and a real receiver. But that's more $$$ and work so I'm happy with this.

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It's $21 if you do PrimeNow.


Fire TV blows Chromecast out of the water.


Funny, for us they are pretty equal they both have thier purposes.


Most of our services we can get through our TiVo, so the fire is rarely used, however we use the Chromecast for you tubing classes, lectures and other shit regularly.

If we didn't have TiVo- the fire would maybe be used more.


We went ahead and picked up an Echo today.


ALEXA - don't listen to me!!

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So I ended up getting the Amazon Fire TV. Got it set up and so far it looks really good. A little less clunky than my AppleTV and I like you can kind of customize the menus. Looking forward to trying it out tonight.
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