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I did a bad thing at Mid Ohio


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Was this at a HPDE? I know quite a few insurance companies will cover "educational driving events" and not "timed speed events", meaning a HPDE should be safe.


Ya I'm going with I was at a driver's school with an instructor the entire day learning car control, things went wrong at the worst part of the course at the end of the day and I ended up against the wall

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Ya I'm going with I was at a driver's school with an instructor the entire day learning car control, things went wrong at the worst part of the course at the end of the day and I ended up against the wall


Hopefully you're not with Allstate. They will not cover it. I tried.

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Bummer for sure. I've been there if you remember me writing off my old FD in the rain there last year. It sucks but after a while you'll realize the important thing was that you're not hurt (I'm assuming since you didn't mention it).


Hopefully you can get it sorted. I'm still selling parts off of the old car. Haha.

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Been there done that. You're not trying hard enough if you're not probing your limits every now and again.


Next time try bikes- they're a fuckton cheaper to fix when you push too far and can't save it.


Would not put one of my nice-ish expensive cars on the track without insurance. Shit happens and it's not always your fault. Glad you're okay, seem to be handling it well.


How fast you run?

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IDK who you are with but there's no harm in filing a claim here, just be honest and up front about what you were doing, where you were and the setting for the environment (HPDE).


Assume the claim will be denied as most all insurance companies have written exclusion clauses into their policy language now that will exclude anything on a race track at all even if it's a school. Ultimately it's going to come down to the adjuster you get and their interpretation of the policy. No harm in trying though.


The instructor in me wants to break down what went wrong. Do you know what happened and do you know how to avoid it next time. "going slower" isn't necessarily the answer. It sucks to dwell on an incident after the fact but it can be part of the learning curve.


I spun there last year and thankfully kept it off of the wall. At the time I didn't think I did anything wrong. I went back and broke down the video and I was late on entry and wide of apex and I lifted just enough to make sure I was going to make the corner and that's when the car swapped ends. Funny how video doesn't lie and I had a completely different perspective of my spin until I really looked at the video and data.

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ya spun out at turn 12


Lifted through the corner? Once had a GT3 spin out and come back across the track right in front of my nose there, scary shit.


Stuff can be fixed, and I think there was at least one other casualty based on some photos I saw on FB so it's not like you were alone.

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Man, those pics put a knot in my stomach and it's not even my car. No shame in the fact that you were enjoying the car on a closed course while trying to improve your abilities, shit happens. Good luck getting it all sorted out.
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IDK who you are with but there's no harm in filing a claim here, just be honest and up front about what you were doing, where you were and the setting for the environment (HPDE).


Assume the claim will be denied as most all insurance companies have written exclusion clauses into their policy language now that will exclude anything on a race track at all even if it's a school. Ultimately it's going to come down to the adjuster you get and their interpretation of the policy. No harm in trying though.


The instructor in me wants to break down what went wrong. Do you know what happened and do you know how to avoid it next time. "going slower" isn't necessarily the answer. It sucks to dwell on an incident after the fact but it can be part of the learning curve.


I spun there last year and thankfully kept it off of the wall. At the time I didn't think I did anything wrong. I went back and broke down the video and I was late on entry and wide of apex and I lifted just enough to make sure I was going to make the corner and that's when the car swapped ends. Funny how video doesn't lie and I had a completely different perspective of my spin until I really looked at the video and data.



That's roughly what happened plus a little too much speed, my instructor said if I hadn't instinctively tried to correct I would've just gone straight into the grass instead of the wall. Just one of those things that happens so fast that its hard to say exactly what I did wrong, but i have a good enough idea on what not to do next time. So live and learn, I still plan on continuing to attend events in the future.


I filed a claim this morning, explained that I was at a drivers school with an instructor and shit just went wrong and I spun out into the wall. Gave her Jason at Auto Interests contact info and she said they will send someone out to look at it, so I'll know my fate by the end of the week hopefully. Jason has the signed incident report, so there's no reason to even bother trying to twist the story at this point. The events that transpired on Sunday are obviously more detailed on the report so there's still a chance they could deny me, seeing as she never asked where it happened nor did I mention Mid Ohio lol


Also Andy I've met you at Auto Assets lol, the brown kid that came by one night after hours and drank beers :)

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Damn, sorry to hear. My fiance and I were out there Friday, but we were both going pretty slow as it was our first time. What day were you out there? I was assuming this might have been due to the oil spill on saturday, but that was at the keyhole, not turn 12.


Hope you get it all figured out.

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