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Political Thread Of Fail And AIDS (Geeto ahead!)


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How to make terrorists:


1. Ban everybody from a certain group from entering the country.

2. Wait.


Get ready for another war, America because it's coming with this green card/visa ban.


Thank Trump for putting an even bigger target on our troops, and America citizens that happen to be in those countries on the ban list. Or countries that just hate America in general.


I mean that would literally justify the ban 100% and strengthen the case for adding more countries to the list.


You are a fucking idiot. You just don't get it do you? The ENTIRE premise of Trump's idealogy is "America first." For the first time in modern history, we are done playing world babysitters. This is a GOOD thing. The same shit these liberal clowns were crying about when Bush was in office (but conveniently overlooked when Obama was in office).


FWIW, I don't appreciate the fact that Trump left Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Turkey off the list, but included Iraq and Iran.

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Banning entry into a country = giving people a reason to hate you. Pretty simple.


By that logic everyone should hate Japan.


How to make a terrorist.


1. Impose an interventionolist foreign policy on weaker nations.

2. Oust existing governments and install puppet dictators

3. Initiate drone strikes on people opposing your national interests, making sure it's on another nations sovereign soil(without their permission). Bonus points for extra civilian casualties.

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Blocking green card holders?! Might as well block citizens who visited a foreign country. Luckily they quickly stopped that illegal bullshit.



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How to make terrorists:


1. Ban everybody from a certain group from entering the country.

2. Wait.


Get ready for another war, America because it's coming with this green card/visa ban.


still waiting for the E.O. that she's he's banning a "certain group" that's as bad of the statements coming from the press.


Thank Trump for putting an even bigger target on our troops, and America citizens that happen to be in those countries on the ban list. Or countries that just hate America in general.
are those big bad terrorists and nations that support them all mad now and about to thow a hissy fit.....good. last I checked there is no such thing as a "bigger target" when they are burning people and killing our troops. Any Americans outside military in those 7 countries are stupid to begin with.


Banning entry into a country = giving people a reason to hate you. Pretty simple.


They hate us anyway. Time for the world to realize that our country isn't an open door to those that don't like us.

Edited by TTQ B4U
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Blocking green card holders?! Might as well block citizens who visited a foreign country. Luckily they quickly stopped that illegal bullshit.


the ones detained weren't the target, they were just the 1% caught up in the aftermath. as noted, they are quickly being flushed though. the order still holds though.


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Any Americans outside military in those 7 countries are stupid to begin with.



Because American citizens could never be people from those countries that emigrated decades ago or American born citizens descended from those legal immigrants who are home visiting family or conducting business, or just on vacation.



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Because American citizens could never be people from those countries that emigrated decades ago or American born citizens descended from those legal immigrants who are home visiting family or conducting business, or just on vacation.




So you are taking your next vacation to one of those 7 FINE countries?

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I have a hunch that France, Germany, etc are regretting there open borders. America is already hated so it's nothing new.


Talk to someone sweeeedish, they don't feel safe at all.


Repeat after me


Religion of peace, religion of peace, religion of peace...

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Also, are any of you wanting to let Muslims flood into our country by the ship load willing to open the doors of your homes to let them stay with you and your family? They'll need places to live ya know and since you're so sympathetic towards their lifestyle and views, I'd imagine you'd live up to your word after defending them so much.
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Also, are any of you wanting to let Muslims flood into our country by the ship load willing to open the doors of your homes to let them stay with you and your family? They'll need places to live ya know and since you're so sympathetic towards their lifestyle and views, I'd imagine you'd live up to your word after defending them so much.


we don't have the money or systems in place to take care of our own people. kinda reminds me of a crazy cat lady with a big heart.

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Can we clear something up. We are not fighting against Islam. We are fighting a political ideaology that is a reaction to our practice of colonialism in countries that have a high Islamic population and an Islamic based government. The combatants don't just fight us they fight other muslims in their own country as well, so you can't draw the combatant line along religious boundaries.


I know this may be a lot of big words for some of you but to put it more simply: in fighting the cold way with Russia we as a nation monkeyed around with their governments installing our own leaders or supporting really bad ones who would agree to be our allies. We completely fucked over their people and political systems for decades with little regard to the people of those countries well being.


In their own country they use the "war on Islam" rhetoric as a recruitment tool. If you are advocating that it really is a war against a religion, congratulations you are literally helping them by providing evidence that the bigoted narrative is true, despite it actually being false in practice. If you are wondering why people call Trump a bigoted asshole it is because he chose to break tradition with his predecessors and condemn middle eastern muslims, further alienating what few allies we have in the region and at home as well.


Also, you guys know no-go zones are a fiction right? I mean when even Fox News has to publically apologize to a country for unfairly characterizing the situation by using that term you would think people would accept it as bullshit...but here we are.

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Can we clear something up. We are not fighting against Islam. We are fighting a political ideaology that is a reaction to our practice of colonialism in countries that have a high Islamic population and an Islamic based government. The combatants don't just fight us they fight other muslims in their own country as well, so you can't draw the combatant line along religious boundaries.


I know this may be a lot of big words for some of you but to put it more simply: in fighting the cold way with Russia we as a nation monkeyed around with their governments installing our own leaders or supporting really bad ones who would agree to be our allies. We completely fucked over their people and political systems for decades with little regard to the people of those countries well being.


In their own country they use the "war on Islam" rhetoric as a recruitment tool. If you are advocating that it really is a war against a religion, congratulations you are literally helping them by providing evidence that the bigoted narrative is true, despite it actually being false in practice. If you are wondering why people call Trump a bigoted asshole it is because he chose to break tradition with his predecessors and condemn middle eastern muslims, further alienating what few allies we have in the region and at home as well.


Also, you guys know no-go zones are a fiction right? I mean when even Fox News has to publically apologize to a country for unfairly characterizing the situation by using that term you would think people would accept it as bullshit...but here we are.



Yet, here we are listening to you fall into the liberal media trap yourself.

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Can we clear something up. We are not fighting against Islam. We are fighting a political ideaology that is a reaction to our practice of colonialism in countries that have a high Islamic population and an Islamic based government. The combatants don't just fight us they fight other muslims in their own country as well, so you can't draw the combatant line along religious boundaries.


I think most here know this. I can't recall seeing anyone here arguing those points.


I know this may be a lot of big words for some of you but to put it more simply: in fighting the cold way with Russia we as a nation monkeyed around with their governments installing our own leaders or supporting really bad ones who would agree to be our allies. We completely fucked over their people and political systems for decades with little regard to the people of those countries well being.
Thankfully Clinton isn't in office to continue the tradition. Oh wait today....we just topple gov'ts and let the radicals take over vs installing our puppets.


In their own country they use the "war on Islam" rhetoric as a recruitment tool. If you are advocating that it really is a war against a religion, congratulations you are literally helping them by providing evidence that the bigoted narrative is true, despite it actually being false in practice.
Agree to a point. In the end, they don't need any further recruiting tools and IMO it doesn't matter if what they use is actually true or not, those that easily convert will believe anything and most of the ones considering radical ways hate us enough for whatever reason they choose to believe or is pounded in their head. The nut-jobs don't like our way of life and have been out to kill us for years.


If you are wondering why people call Trump a bigoted asshole it is because he chose to break tradition with his predecessors and condemn middle eastern muslims, further alienating what few allies we have in the region and at home as well.
How has he condemned all Muslims? You really think all innocent ones don't understand the moratoriums in place? They know what we're up against and that the bad guys mix in with the good guys. They see it first hand. Give them a little credit already. They know what's going on and while they might not want to see what's happening in place the smart ones know why it is. They see it in Europe and elsewhere where the bad guys are blending in.


Also, you guys know no-go zones are a fiction right? I mean when even Fox News has to publically apologize to a country for unfairly characterizing the situation by using that term you would think people would accept it as bullshit...but here we are.
Call it what you want, there's plenty of room and ability to set up safe zones for the refugees over there. Time all the other Muslim Nations show us they give a damn about their fellow Muslims. Kinda hard for them to argue with us about what we're doing if they aren't willing to lead by example.


In the end, no one marched when Obama put a 6mo ban in place for Iraq a few years back, I also didn't see any marchers when he changed the rules on Cubans recently.

Edited by TTQ B4U
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Where were all these crybabies when Obama was bombing the everliving shit out of these countries? Being denied entry at a first-world airport (with running water, power, and air conditioning) absolutely pales in comparison to waking up one morning and having your wife/husband/other wife/son/daughter/sex slave/love goat randomly blown to fucking pieces over some conflict that a large majority of citizens have dick to do with.


Yeah, pardon me for not giving half a shit about the opinions of the "tolerant" left.

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Where were all these crybabies when Obama was bombing the everliving shit out of these countries? Being denied entry at a first-world airport (with running water, power, and air conditioning) absolutely pales in comparison to waking up one morning and having your wife/husband/other wife/son/daughter/sex slave/love goat randomly blown to fucking pieces over some conflict that a large majority of citizens have dick to do with.


Yeah, pardon me for not giving half a shit about the opinions of the "tolerant" left.


Even the Senate's new crybaby Chuch Schumer supported moratoriums on immigration.



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I mean that would literally justify the ban 100% and strengthen the case for adding more countries to the list.


You are a fucking idiot. You just don't get it do you? The ENTIRE premise of Trump's idealogy is "America first." For the first time in modern history, we are done playing world babysitters. This is a GOOD thing. The same shit these liberal clowns were crying about when Bush was in office (but conveniently overlooked when Obama was in office).


FWIW, I don't appreciate the fact that Trump left Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Turkey off the list, but included Iraq and Iran.


So I guess you are okay with children being detained and handcuffed in airports because they were born somewhere out of their control too? Because that happened.


Or what about legal citizens that are business owners, Managers, VP's, making an honest living etc that can't get back to take care of their families or businesses?


Or you know people who happen to be in our own military that aren't allowed to enter the country they fought for?


Vetting process for green cards could take up to 2 years to get approved. So immigrants or "Muslims" aren't just pouring into the U.S. for us to "babysit"




Trump doesn't have those countries banned because he does business in those countries. Which are countries who have actually attacked us and others.... Multiple times. http://thefreethoughtproject.com/trump-travel-ban-list-terrorism/



The 7 on the banned list? A cool 6 times all in Europe, none on American soil.




So what is this ideology (which you spelled wrong) that you speak of that Trump used to put together this Executive order?

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