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Political Thread Of Fail And AIDS (Geeto ahead!)


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Geeto I'm a target every day. I'm a white male. And everybody hates those in 2017.


But you're not allowed to mention it or you'll be deemed a racist somehow for not understanding your "privilege" by people like Kerry.


Pretty much if you're a female or a minority in this country and you're not successful it's because of oppression but if you're a white male and you're not successful it's because you're lazy.

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Ok, just let me know when someone brickbats your window or draws a swastika on your trunk with a key. I'll feel sorry for you then.


hate crimes like that happen but IMO it's still not among the greatest threats being inflicted upon America today. Seems that it's based on something from your past and something you're more personally sensitive to. Seems clear that you've also prioritized hate crimes like that higher than things that are important and impacting many of those around you.


time to get over your feelings about Neo's and realize that there are many other groups and incidents that are as great of a harm to our way of life and the future of your kids than skinhead idiots.

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hate crimes like that happen but IMO it's still not among the greatest threats being inflicted upon America today. Seems that it's based on something from your past and something you're more personally sensitive to. Seems clear that you've also prioritized hate crimes like that higher than things that are important and impacting many of those around you.


time to get over your feelings about Neo's and realize that there are many other groups and incidents that are as great of a harm to our way of life and the future of your kids than skinhead idiots.


Based on murders alone, Still more incidents than Islamic terrorists. every year but 2001 and 2016 they had a higher body count too.




but tell me again regarding your opinion on Islamic terrorists....


Are they small when compared to "other" crime statistics? yeah, hate crimes that don't end in severe wounding or death aren't tracked very well so we have no idea really how widespread that part of the problem actually is aside from a body count.


But it is increasing, it's having all sorts of negative effects on society, and it's increasing in part directly because of the elected administration.


This is kind of an easy one to solve, but yet won't be because the executive branch has no desire to solve it.

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Based on murders alone, Still more incidents than Islamic terrorists. every year but 2001 and 2016 they had a higher body count too.


and your point?


but tell me again regarding your opinion on Islamic terrorists....
kill them and move on. Islamic extremists aren't worth much to the world except as fertilizer. I hope I'm clear there.


hate crimes that don't end in severe wounding or death aren't tracked very well so we have no idea really how widespread that part of the problem actually is aside from a body count. But it is increasing, it's having all sorts of negative effects on society, and it's increasing in part directly because of the elected administration.
Kerry do you really believe this current administration is responsible for the increase in hate crimes? I don't think and certainly hope you don't believe that's true. The decisiveness in America has been on the rise for a while. I personally saw it spike after 911 since that was a point in time when Americans saw a reason to elevate their hate towards something. With that came the counterpoints of not hating that group of people and there began a clash of the two sides that hadn't been seen in headlines for a while. That's just my view though. I do know it's not because of Trump or his views.


All he did during his campaign was speak to the people - his followers, who already felt those things. They weren't looking to him for affirmation, nor did his retoric amplify their views. His being elected simply confirmed things for the masses. It brought to the forefront what for Obama's 8 years many, including the media, didn't want to get out.....that we as Americans DO want our country's leaders to put Americans first and that we DO want our immigration and other LAWS followed and enforced.


This is kind of an easy one to solve, but yet won't be because the executive branch has no desire to solve it.
Sure they do. The difference is they want these problems out in the open, to be solved, not swept under the rug and the people who see these problems as a major concern cast aside and ignored, which is pretty much what happened under Obama. Trump won the vote of people from more states and more counties thus IMO it's even more relevant than the popular vote which in this election was so far tilted to one single state that it was near meaningless when looking at the temperature/pulse of the people across America. Edited by TTQ B4U
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Question: What derogatory term for Caucasian folks is actually offensive? Cracker, honky, whitebread, cake-eater....lay it on me. What could a non white person call you that would actually piss you off? (Maybe not you, specifically, but white people in general)
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You only see racism as a white vs/harming XYZ issue... How can someone who pontificates so much be that narrow-minded?


Not true...all racisim is bad, I just don't concern myself with racially motivated violent acts against white men who are not white supremacists because they happen so rarely they don't statistically track.


being what I am I am subject to both anyway so tell me again how you feel "attacked"....



Question: What derogatory term for Caucasian folks is actually offensive? Cracker, honky, whitebread, cake-eater....lay it on me. What could a non white person call you that would actually piss you off? (Maybe not you, specifically, but white people in general)


racist, that's the derogatory term you are looking for. Call a white boy racist and watch him lose his shit. even from another white guy.


Does anybody really use Honky or cracker outside of the movies? Been called casper a bunch of times, doesn't even move the needle.

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Question: What derogatory term for Caucasian folks is actually offensive? Cracker, honky, whitebread, cake-eater....lay it on me. What could a non white person call you that would actually piss you off? (Maybe not you, specifically, but white people in general)


So what you're saying is white people aren't allowed to be offended by words but everyone else is? I personally don't give a fuck, but I'm also not a fucking pussy like the snowflakes of today who get offended by every little thing.

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So what you're saying is white people aren't allowed to be offended by words but everyone else is? I personally don't give a fuck, but I'm also not a fucking pussy like the snowflakes of today who get offended by every little thing.


That's not at all what I'm saying. In fact, I'm not SAYING anything, I'm asking a question. Calm the fuck down, son.

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Question: What derogatory term for Caucasian folks is actually offensive? Cracker, honky, whitebread, cake-eater....lay it on me. What could a non white person call you that would actually piss you off? (Maybe not you, specifically, but white people in general)


Absolutely nothing. I don't let petty things like that get to me. I chalk them up as ignorant and they should do the same (or at least I think they should) if presented with a similar situation.

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Because I want to know what a bunch of (presumably) white guys think about things that I could call them that would honestly offend in the same way that "N*gger" or "W3tback" or any of the other derogatory terms used for folks of other colors/nationalities get called.


To quote a famous Irishman, "Quit changing the subject and just answer the fooking question".

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Because I want to know what a bunch of (presumably) white guys think about things that I could call them that would honestly offend in the same way that "N*gger" or "W3tback" or any of the other derogatory terms used for folks of other colors/nationalities get called.


To quote a famous Irishman, "Quit changing the subject and just answer the fooking question".



Speaking for myself, nothing.

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They were talking on QMF96 today about "midget wrestling" and the fact that midgets don't like to be called "Little people" but just Midgets. They were referring to all the shows on TV now about midgets and how it's called "The Little People of LA". It's just a more PC correct term I guess.


To ask your question DJ. Probably nothing. But aren't you white? :gabe:

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racist, that's the derogatory term you are looking for. Call a white boy racist and watch him lose his shit. even from another white guy.


While that DOES seem to be triggering a bunch of folks in here, that doesn't exactly conform to the requisites I specified.


3 out of 3 white guys say "nothing".


My point, is that of course it's fucking nothing. When you are on the top rung of the ladder, nothing that anyone shouts at you from below means shit. Chris Rock has a little bit in one of his older stand up specials where he suggests that it is so good to be white that there is a "one armed bus boy in this room right now who wouldn't trade places with me, and I'm RICH". It was funny, but I also tend to agree with him. I have the interesting perspective of having a black father but looking just like the rest of you crackers. In my 38 years on this planet, I have been discriminated against exactly 0 times, but I've seen it happen to my father several times. Only the most extreme apologist is "blaming whitey" for all of the foibles of individuals that aren't white, but if you think that the system isn't slanted your way, then you are just out of touch. For the record, I don't blame you if you are...I have met a hundred people in the last year that are "racists" and don't even know it, because they live in rural areas and just haven't ever really interacted with anyone who wasn't just like them. They are simply ignorant of the actual issues that minorities face.


If we lived in a world where everyone was the same color, we would still have the same damned issues, but the dividing line would be something less obvious, like "caste", or "bloodline", or any other differentiator that you can see in medieval England.

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I understand that I'm not solving anything, or even putting forth an idea for a solution. I don't know how to fix the issue, it's not an easy one to solve. Also, no one should apologize for what they were born into; it is what it is. You do have the opportunity to improve the system, or at least live at peace within it. Just something else to think about. Edited by Orion
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Question: What derogatory term for Caucasian folks is actually offensive? Cracker, honky, whitebread, cake-eater....lay it on me. What could a non white person call you that would actually piss you off? (Maybe not you, specifically, but white people in general)


Nothing that comes to mind. Call me an Nig...and it wouldn't bother me either. IMO letting such a thing set one off in 2017 is like rolling back the clock to times when actual oppression was the status quo. If that shit really bothers anyone then to me it's a problem that they need to resolve inside. All of us could claim to be victims to some extent but for someone with more reason than another to cling to that like it's their salvation or ticket to getting a free-pass across go to collect $200 is just as wrong. Again, this is 2017, not 1955 and most certainly not 1855.

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Because I want to know what a bunch of (presumably) white guys think about things that I could call them that would honestly offend in the same way that "N*gger" or "W3tback" or any of the other derogatory terms used for folks of other colors/nationalities get called.


Serious question back at you and not knowing if you're black or white it may not even apply, but why do black people in 2017 even give a crap if someone calls them a name? I mean the true reality isn't that a name does anyone any harm, it's just a word. The real harm comes when someone actually does something such as denies you a home or loan or something. Otherwise, why care? Don't let their words or beliefs impact you in such a negative way. IMO that's giving them and their views some type of validation. If you're gay and someone calls you a fag, should that piss you off? Why? Are you pissed off because how dare they look down upon you? Your getting angry isn't likely going to change that you know...so why let it get to you. Unless you're insecure in your own skin it really shouldn't. They are entitled to believe or feel that way if they wish. Legally how they act is a different but even there it's sometimes like pissing up a rope to make an issue.

Edited by TTQ B4U
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I have the interesting perspective of having a black father but looking just like the rest of you crackers. In my 38 years on this planet, I have been discriminated against exactly 0 times, but I've seen it happen to my father several times. Only the most extreme apologist is "blaming whitey" for all of the foibles of individuals that aren't white, but if you think that the system isn't slanted your way, then you are just out of touch. For the record, I don't blame you if you are...I have met a hundred people in the last year that are "racists" and don't even know it, because they live in rural areas and just haven't ever really interacted with anyone who wasn't just like them. They are simply ignorant of the actual issues that minorities face.


I think most everyone could be considered racist to some extent. Not sure if it really even matters in the grand scheme. Not everyone is comfortable being around others that aren't like them or are perhaps very different from them. Call me one of them. I'm not black, thus why would I feel comfortable in a mostly black bar listening to music that isn't likely in-line with what I like. Is that a racist thing or just perhaps me having zero interest being in such a situation?


If we lived in a world where everyone was the same color, we would still have the same damned issues, but the dividing line would be something less obvious, like "caste", or "bloodline", or any other differentiator that you can see in medieval England.
Agree. I tend to side with Morgan Freeman when he stated that we need to stop referencing each other by color or race. It's not the color of ones skin that would make me uncomfortable in the above situation, it's the rest of the social and cultural aspects of things since they are likely vastly different that what I'm used to. No different than some people might not feel comfortable in China Town, etc. Is that racist?
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Seems that it's based on something from your past and something you're more personally sensitive to.


QFT. Funny thing is when he kept making jokes about pushing someone to suicide it was my fault for calling him out. :lol:


TIL: Telling someone to off themselves? Totally cool. Saying white men are hated in ANY fashion? NOT COOL!


The world makes sense once again.



I also tend to agree with DJ and most of what he said...and also laugh at some of his jabs. Kerry just fucks up a bunch of words trying to persuade individuals to confirm himself. DJ just lays it out in black and white. Yeah, pun intended. DJ is in the perfect spot to see things first hand. He's the least racist paler gentleman I know, and I don't just man relating to melanin. He just doesn't care. If you're chill, that's how he sees you. He grew up watching a lot of this crap go down.


As far as I am concerned, Nazi's can GTFO, Antifa can GTFO, all y'all can GTFO. I'm predominately Native American and damn proud of it. Take this bickering and bs back to your own native lands. :lol:


Hatred exists. Always has, always will. It's not right. Minorities, far more so than even white women (regardless of country of origin), DO get shafted. No, not everyone of them. Not in every industry or position. Some minorities bring it on themselves with their hoodlum ways, but I was reading the Phill (FILL) vs. MJRSPLAT debacle of a thread last night after someone posted it in CB a few nights ago. All white folks, living on welfare or menial income, living 7 adults, 3 or more kids deep in a 3 BR in east Linden. Well I'll be damned. A bunch of the non-collad folks moochin' off the system and draining society. Some minorities see different forms of oppression more than others. As long as their is hatred where love/peace should exist this will be a fact. [/Dr.Philshit]


Ignorance, greed, ego...just a few things that know no color. As a "white guy", I will readily admit, I don't fear for my life the vast majority of a time. I only get funny looks when I walk into fine establishments of any type because I'm huge, have tattoos, long hair, and a big beard. All that being said, Antifa is BS and needs to take a long walk off a short pier with the Neo's in tow. Hell, they can hold hands and skip that way gayly together for all I care. Choose your coast line.


See? I'm all types of accepting and accommodating. :)


Have a fine evening/day everyone. Go be not a dick to someone you don't know today. :thumbup:

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