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Political Thread Of Fail And AIDS (Geeto ahead!)


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  Geeesammy said:
Can we start a gofundme to ban geeto?


Collections would likely be high enough no one would need to pay for another track rental again


As much as the bickering would lower, the fun of car forums is bantering and opinions. Yes Geetoo goes on and on, but he does add a different view point to Columbus Lawn and Garden. I feel dirty.

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  RedRocket said:
Honest question. Have white supremacists been an issue in this country up until this incident? You never hear anything about them and I've always thought they were a small group of morons bunkered in the hills of West Virginia. Now all of a sudden they're the majority of white people and close to taking over the world? I don't buy it.


I guess it depends what era you are talking about. I mean we did kind of fight a war with them in the 1860's when a whole lot of them wanted to secede from the United States. Following the civil war hare groups were huge depending on the part of the country you lived in. In the south you couldn't get elected without their support from the 1900's to the 1940's so much so that Hugh Black, one of the most significant voices in Brown v. The Board of Education was a Klan member for most of his time in Alabama politics.


The NAACP was founded in 1909 largely because the practice of lynching in the south had been so prevalent and state law enforcement so slow to address it that there needed to be an independent agency to address it on a national level Between 1877 and 1950 it is estimated 3959 men, women, and children were hung by lynch mobs in the south.


The KKK was such a force in politics by the 1920's that they are the primary reason and the catalyst the political parties switched platforms. By the 1920's conservatives were largely democrats and republicans were liberals. Northern democrats were so stifled by their association with white supremacy in the south that they made it an initiative of the 1924 democratic national convention to oust them from the party - it failed by one vote but the migration to republicanism began there and came into full effect with the rise of FDR in the 1930's.


At their height in the 1920's it is estimated roughly 4 million people were members of the Klan, or roughly 20% of the national population. In southern states clan membership was as high as 40%.


White supremacy power really began to wain in the 1960's when the federal government took an aggressive stance against them starting with the freedom summer murders in 1964. Lyndon Johnson had to strong arm J Edgar Hoover to do something about it but once the murders got national attention they helped bring further national attention to civil rights activists like MLK and Medgar Evers.


Following the 1960's the klan went into hiding so it is hard to gauge membership in that time period. From then till now they have occasionally made an appearance in the political mainstream - most notably tied to David Duke. During the Carter administration, Illinois Nazi's sued the village of Skokie for the right to march as an expression of free speech and one (btw, this is where all those NAZi jokes in the blues brothers movies come from).


Form the 1970's to 2015 the number of white supremacy groups in this country was small, somewhere between 29-72. However in 2015 the number took a huge jump to 190 fueled by anti Latino and anti Muslim sentiment.


If you are 50 years old or younger, white supremacy hasn't been a big issue politically in your lifetime. If you are 50 or older, it has. For a person that seems like a long time. It when talking about it in terms of countries, 50 years is nothing compared to the 200+ years of white supremacy being a massive influence in politics.

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  10phone2 said:


I would safely say that in the last 10 years white supremacists violence is less than islamic terrorist killings and less than black on black murders in chicago. The elephant in the room question is, if we want to change the views of white supremacists, what are black communities displaying via there own media platforms or teaching their community via hip hop?


Except that is incorrect:



Since then — from Sept. 12, 2001, to Dec. 31, 2016 — there have been 85 attacks in the country by violent extremists resulting in 225 deaths. GAO reported citing data from the U.S. Extremist Crime Database.


Of those 225 deaths:


• 106 individuals were killed by far-right violent extremists in 62 separate incidents;


• 119 individuals were killed by radical Islamist violent extremists in 23 separate incidents;



So the body count is higher for Islamic terrorists, but the number of incidents is twice as high for right wing and white supremacists as it is for Islamic terrorisim.



Nobody wants to change the views of white supremacists, that's a fools errand. We want them to stop growing their numbers and recruiting so they don't have significant voice in politics. There isn't really a direct correlation to black on black crime and here is why:


White supremacy doesn't end at being white. If you are White and a catholic, Jew, or atheist you are not white by their definition and they hate you too. If you are white and LGBT they hate you. If you are white and a woman they treat you as a lesser citizen whose purpose is to breed more white, Protestant or baptist, men. You not safe just because you are white. If you think it is jusT something that happens to other people on the news it isn't.

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  PDQS4 said:
I love the start date they chose...


9/11 doesnt count I guess. Let's ignore the shit show in Europe and lets ignore black on black violence. Geetoo, why Black on Black violence is important is because there is no one else to blame. There communities want to blame the "man", while promoting poor education and drug dealing. Want to run the numbers of supremacist vs black on black crime?

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  10phone2 said:
9/11 doesnt count I guess. Let's ignore the shit show in Europe and lets ignore black on black violence. Geetoo, why Black on Black violence is important is because there is no one else to blame. There communities want to blame the "man", while promoting poor education and drug dealing. Want to run the numbers of supremacist vs black on black crime?
What's the motive for black on black crime? Is it a product of poverty? If so, does that make it equal to a hate crime? Do motives matter to you or are you trying to claim that all crime is equal, which is why white supremacist hate crimes should be tallied against other crimes not motivated by hate?


Sent from my SM-G925V using Tapatalk

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  PDQS4 said:
and liberal America has an ANTIFA problem mixed with an dose of self imposed dose of irony in form of facism running wild among it. let's all copy the Euro-style "black bloc" tactics, go around rioting, committing vandalism and protesting without a permit as we block people through fear and violence from speaking on campuses everywhere...then we'll march down town and call for death to law enforcement and top it all off with Madonna spouting about blowing up the white house and failed comics holding a bloody Trump head.


As you noted, if you disagree you are just ignoring the problem or not watching CNN. Time to stop feeding that bullshit too. The irony on the left is laughable or scary really.


In the mean time another European country with open borders scores 3 more Jihadist attacks...


Great post.


Kerry logic: Only people on the right can be bad. Everyone on the left is peaceful and if they aren't, they're simply defending themselves and their right.



Do we have an accurate head count on how many white-supremacists there are? I keep hearing about this infestation and how it's this massive group, yet I somehow never see them :confused: I did however see literal ANTIFA members and BLM members ALL OVER Seattle. Could you imagine what would happen if a white male wore a "Make America Great Again" hat in Seattle? Surely nobody from the left would inflict any damage to that man. If they did, it would be 100% justified because like, it's their right and they were offended.

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  PDQS4 said:
I love the start date they chose...


To be fair 9/11 is a pretty significant stand alone event and an outlier that would specifically skew the results and make the data meaningless for tracking rate of change. I don't expect you to have a degree in statistics but they do teach basic statistics to high school students which discusses the effect of an outlier - but I guess you skipped that class.


But if you want to pick a start date for Islamic terrorism on the long scale how about 1968. Oh wait, did you think this was a new problem? The Assassination of Robert Kennedy is often wrongly thought to be civil rights related, but it Sirhan Sirhan was a Palestinian Arab. He picked June 5th 68 as a very specific date because it was the 1 year anniversary of the six days war. It is considered by many (but not proven) the first modern act of Islamic domestic terrorism in the US.


But I tell you what, since we are playing with the time line let's just pick 1963 so we can include the assassinations of:


Medgar Evers

James Chaney

Andrew Goodman

Michael Schwerner

Malcolm X

Viola Liuzzo

Jonathan Daniels

Robert W. Spike

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Fred Hampton

Harvey Milk

George R. Moscone

Allard K. Lowenstein

John Lennon

Alan Berg

Henry Liu


As well as hundreds of hate crimes perpetrated in the 1960's. In terms of incidents and not body count I am confident white supremacy would still come out on top.


But here's the reason why they picked that date that you didn't bother to look up or research: because prior to 9/11 - Islamic terrorism wasn't considered a significant threat by the federal government and there really aren't good metrics prior to that date - even in light of the 1993 attempted bombing of the WTC and the 1993 CIA shooting at Langley. You have this significant outlier event and then the detailed data collection starts literally the next day.


But no, go on keep making your shitty half-assed, unresearched, smug, ignorant comments like the one above. :dumb:

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  BStowers023 said:
Could you imagine what would happen if a white male wore a "Make America Great Again" hat in Seattle? Surely nobody from the left would inflict any damage to that man. If they did, it would be 100% justified because like, it's their right and they were offended.


Everyone wants to feel persecuted. Gives one a sense of purpose.


The idea that white men are persecuted is laughably stupid. Do you think white guys in Seattle feel threatened walking around? Would an Asian guy in a MAGA hat catch flack? Seems that it'd be the hat, and not the color of the skin, that would determine the reaction.


For that matter, do you think a chubby white woman with a butch haircut wearing a Hillary 2020 shirt would catch shit in just about any small town in America? Probably. Is that because she's a chubby white woman? Are chubby white women persecuted in rural America?


Here's the thing, depending on your surroundings, you might catch shit for your political beliefs or who you voted for, but all of that is under your control. White nationalists and racists and xenophobes hate people for who they are, for things outside of their control. There's no moral equivalency here.


I said it a few months ago, you seem to read news sources that try to convince you that you're under attack for who you are, a white man. That's just not reality. I'm a white man and nobody gives me a hard time ever about anything. I try to be decent to people and treat them with respect, and it's been working out just fine. If you're having issues feeling threatened or persecuted, it's probably not your dick or you skin color.

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And just like that everybody stopped talking about Russia....


I've enjoyed the irony of this shit show very much. It shows who is a sheep, ignorant, a racist, and easily influenced with biased reporting all in one.


** please note I 100% denounce any racist thoughts or ideas from any race or religious group**

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  Geeto67 said:
To be fair 9/11 is a pretty significant stand alone event and an outlier that would specifically skew the results and make the data meaningless for tracking rate of change. I don't expect you to have a degree in statistics but they do teach basic statistics to high school students which discusses the effect of an outlier - but I guess you skipped that class.


But if you want to pick a start date for Islamic terrorism on the long scale how about 1968. Oh wait, did you think this was a new problem? The Assassination of Robert Kennedy is often wrongly thought to be civil rights related, but it Sirhan Sirhan was a Palestinian Arab. He picked June 5th 68 as a very specific date because it was the 1 year anniversary of the six days war. It is considered by many (but not proven) the first modern act of Islamic domestic terrorism in the US.


But I tell you what, since we are playing with the time line let's just pick 1963 so we can include the assassinations of:


Medgar Evers

James Chaney

Andrew Goodman

Michael Schwerner

Malcolm X

Viola Liuzzo

Jonathan Daniels

Robert W. Spike

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Fred Hampton

Harvey Milk

George R. Moscone

Allard K. Lowenstein

John Lennon

Alan Berg

Henry Liu


As well as hundreds of hate crimes perpetrated in the 1960's. In terms of incidents and not body count I am confident white supremacy would still come out on top.


But here's the reason why they picked that date that you didn't bother to look up or research: because prior to 9/11 - Islamic terrorism wasn't considered a significant threat by the federal government and there really aren't good metrics prior to that date - even in light of the 1993 attempted bombing of the WTC and the 1993 CIA shooting at Langley. You have this significant outlier event and then the detailed data collection starts literally the next day.


But no, go on keep making your shitty half-assed, unresearched, smug, ignorant comments like the one above. :dumb:


It boils down to common sense Kerry, the left extremists are turds just like the right extremists, illegal aliens are a fucking problem and it's time we shore-up our country and enforce our laws and put America First, admit that it's more than past time for people to start standing on their own two feet and be far more responsible for their own lives and accountable for their own actions and by God stop fucking making excuses and playing stupid games with people who want to come to our country because if they don't embrace our way of life and live by our values then perhaps they should stay the fuck where they are because we don't need the problems Europe has.

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  BStowers023 said:
Great post.


Kerry logic: Only people on the right can be bad. Everyone on the left is peaceful and if they aren't, they're simply defending themselves and their right.



There are good people on the right. They are NOT NAZIs. By definition a NAZI is not a good person.


Good people on the right look like John McCain, They look like...ugh I can't believe I am saying this....John Kasich, they look like George H. W. Bush, Sen Lindsey Graham, Sen John Flake, Sen Tim Scott, Sen Bob Corker, Sen Susan Collins, Sen Lisa Murkowski, and Mitt Romney. They don't look like Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, or Donald Trump.


but most importantly they don't look like you. Why? because look at the things you say and the positions you take and the justifications for them. They aren't build on an understanding of government and specific knowledge of policy making and how it affects American behavior. They are based on moralistic half truths which you don't research, don't fully understand, and often are just repeating the dog whistles of the wrong kind of conservative. But here is an easy litmus test - if some of the things you regurgitate from other politicians are liked by white supremacists when the politicians say it - it's not a good position. The problem is your kind of conservative is in the majority of power in the government right now, and they are suppressing the good conservatives by bulling to go along with a White supremacist friendly agenda.


Moral compass transcends Political party and liberal vs conservatisim. Good people share the same morals. Conservatisim, et al, are just different approaches to the same problems using the same set of good values. When you start deviating from good values to justify shitty conservative policy, your forfeit your morality.


Sebastian Gorka is in the Trump Cabinet and has strong ties to "The alt right" (he grew Breitbart's association with the "Alt Right when he worked there for Bannon). Steve Bannon in in the Cabinet and...I mean really do I have to point out how white supremacist friendly Bannon is? Just go google Breitbart headlines about Jews and women. Is there even a question Bannon isn't at least very tolerant of White Supremacy? Stephen Miller is in the cabinet and he attended Duke with Richard Spencer. Miller did fundraising for Spencer's activities post Spencer's graduation. Close to a dozen people have come and gone in the Trump Administration but these three hang around and survive all the rounds of firing.


In light of this is there a doubt that the White house is White supremacy friendly?


In that context the president - who said "Fire and Fury" to a korean tin pot dictator, Who called two morning Joe Hosts Stupid and Psycho, who called Senator Jeff Flake Toxic, who is the king of reactionary clear attacks, waffling on the Nazi's who have ties to his own cabinet members can only be seen as supporting them. And the Nazi's agree.


If you picked up Trump's "Both sides" remark as a defense of conservatism, you've picked up a White supremacist dog whistle.



Do we have an accurate head count on how many white-supremacists there are? I keep hearing about this infestation and how it's this massive group, yet I somehow never see them :confused: I did however see literal ANTIFA members and BLM members ALL OVER Seattle. Could you imagine what would happen if a white male wore a "Make America Great Again" hat in Seattle? Surely nobody from the left would inflict any damage to that man. If they did, it would be 100% justified because like, it's their right and they were offended.


It's difficult to track by actual body count. The Southern Poverty Law center tracks by formal organization, but it can only track those who are open and public (meaning the count could be higher). their general count for groups is:


Ku Klux Klan - 130

Neo-Nazi - 99

White Nationalist -100

Racist Skinhead - 78

Christian Identity - 21

Neo-Confederate - 43




Since membership info is not open for a lot of these groups, and people join and leave all the time they can only estimate the amount. Most reliable estimates put the numbers in the low hundreds of thousands of people. And I think that's the best you can get.


But, let's talk about why you don't see them: you aren't looking and they leave you the fuck alone. Did you know the Daily Stormer's home base of operations is in Worthington. Yes, one of the most popular propaganda outlets for white supremacy is right here in Columbus. that close enough for home for you? I'm sure you've heard of the Daily Stormer.


I am pretty much going to regret this but.....I'm of Jewish Heritage. I'm not one religiously, but it doesn't matter to those who hate. It makes me sensitive to causal racism that you who may have grown up with it may be desensitized to. I see it all the time. 3 weeks ago I was having a great conversation with a guy in the Iron Pony parking lot about bikes until he brought up "n*gg**rs and ^^^^s". That's the 5th or 6th time that's happened to me at Iron Pony since I moved here (by the way I am not affiliating IP with this - I freaking love that store and the people there are awesome, esp in the tire department!!!!). Having lived in the deep south for a number of years (and also being an unapologetic dukes of hazard fan) I also count confederate flags I see and I hit double digits every week (I am not just counting flags but bumper stickers, back window decals, etc and some are repeats week to week). Maybe you don't see it because to you it isn't a warning label and you've seen it all your life. Maybe you don't see it because you just aren't looking for it. Maybe you don't see it because it isn't part of your self preservation mechanism.

Edited by Geeto67
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  Geeto67 said:
But, let's talk about why you don't see them: you aren't looking and they leave you the fuck alone. Did you know the Daily Stormer's home base of operations is in Worthington. Yes, one of the most popular propaganda outlets for white supremacy is right here in Columbus. that close enough for home for you? I'm sure you've heard of the Daily Stormer.


There are hate groups and turds everywhere Kerry. Are you trying to say Columbus has a hate group problem? Greater than anywhere else? Are we finding blacks and Jews dead from trees or burned up by these groups regularly?


I am pretty much going to regret this but.....I'm of Jewish Heritage. I'm not one religiously, but it doesn't matter to those who hate. It makes me sensitive to causal racism that you who may have grown up with it may be desensitized to.I also count confederate flags I see and I hit double digits every week (I am not just counting flags but bumper stickers, back window decals, etc and some are repeats week to week). Maybe you don't see it because to you it isn't a warning label and you've seen it all your life. Maybe you don't see it because you just aren't looking for it. Maybe you don't see it because it isn't part of your self preservation mechanism.
so your life history likely has something in it to have caused your spider senses to spike. you're not special in that sense as we all react with a sense of self preservation and to what we've been exposed to in our lives. are you a bad person for that? is someone who notices people who they deem out of place around them or in their neighborhood a bad person for doing so?


you're a good spin master and likely a decent attorney. well done. FWIW your Jewish and no one on CR likely cares in a bad way. You're not the only one which is no secret.

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  PDQS4 said:
It boils down to common sense Kerry, the left extremists are turds just like the right extremists,
. Yes, but there are more "right extremists" and they are actually in the government at the moment. But you are right we should marginalize that trump stocked his cabinet with white supremacists and focus on the ones who aren't in power too. :dumb:




illegal aliens are a fucking problem and it's time we shore-up our country and enforce our laws and put America First,

You mean that problem that was stable and in slight decline since 2008 and that had it's largest growth under George HW Bush, Clinton, and George W Bush because of closed border policies? That problem that until recently was actually wasn't a significant problem?




I keep telling you this and you keep refusing to listen but "America First" has always stood for White Supremacy as a Slogan and a name for groups. Maybe you think you aren't invoking that when you use it, but America first can't be scrubbed of that connotation. You say America First and a lot of people hear "White Christian People First". You don't seem bothered by this at all.


...and playing stupid games with people who want to come to our country because if they don't embrace our way of life and live by our values then perhaps they should stay the fuck where they are because we don't need the problems Europe has.


You mean the "white christian" way of life. when Richard Spencer speaks publicaly he talks about "preserving the white American way of life", Same with Baked Alaska, Jared Taylor, Andrew Anglin, David Duke, etc...


Nationalism is the "N" in NAZI. It is not the same as Patriotism.


For someone who claims not to support white supremacy, you sure use a lot of the same words.

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  PDQS4 said:
There are hate groups and turds everywhere Kerry. Are you trying to say Columbus has a hate group problem? Greater than anywhere else? Are we finding blacks and Jews dead from trees or burned up by these groups regularly?


Here is the hate map:



draw your own conclusions.

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  greg said:
If Trump's intention was to pivot the news away from the Russia scandal, then holy fuck, what a moron. It's not working out for him, his party is completely turning their backs on him on this one.


Well it's not like he's stellar at Good choices and logic lol.

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  Geeto67 said:
. Yes, but there are more "right extremists" and they are actually in the government at the moment. But you are right we should marginalize that trump stocked his cabinet with white supremacists and focus on the ones who aren't in power too.


:dumb:there's far more danger to our country in office that isn't associated with Trump than that are associate with Trump. has been for years and that's why he's inherited a shit storm like has happened. don't get me started on the fucks in our schools brainwashing the kids.


You mean that problem that was stable and in slight decline since 2008 and that had it's largest growth under George HW Bush, Clinton, and George W Bush because of closed border policies? That problem that until recently was actually wasn't a significant problem?

I mean exactly what I said Kerry, Illegal Aliens are a fucking problem and it's about time we crack down it in all forms. We aren't a country of open borders, we need to begin being more selective about who we let in and we need to streamline the process to get rid of people who don't belong here.


I keep telling you this and you keep refusing to listen but "America First" has always stood for White Supremacy as a Slogan and a name for groups.


Maybe you think you aren't invoking that when you use it, but America first can't be scrubbed of that connotation. You say America First and a lot of people hear "White Christian People First". You don't seem bothered by this at all.

I don't give a shit who wants to claim that phrase or latch onto it as their version of a dog whistle. It doesn't keep me up at night surfing the web for odd groups or facts because on the list of problems we have impacting the country it's not that high up the list. The point is pretty simple, start focusing on our country and our people and get our house in shape. If our own fucking people would be better, more responsible and actually DO what many of the immigrants are doing, their problems would go away and we'd be a far better country for it.


It's no different when people come up to me and spew shit about you or if a dude at IP makes a racial slur not realizing I have several family members that are black or criticizes me for driving a German car/non domestic. What they hear or perceive isn't always the reality.


You mean the "white christian" way of life. when Richard Spencer speaks publicaly he talks about "preserving the white American way of life", Same with Baked Alaska, Jared Taylor, Andrew Anglin, David Duke, etc...
I honestly don't know the people your referencing but for some reason you seem to consistently take what someone says and then spew back "you mean...." stop that. Don't tell me what you choose to interpret our words are and acting all righteous and almighty. It's not that you're Jewish or fat or an attorney that people might cause you to think they don't like you, it's the fact that you do shit like that all the time. At least that's one of the reasons. Start asking for clarification, put down your smugness and listen more and talk less.


Nationalism is the "N" in NAZI. It is not the same as Patriotism.
Agree, Nationalism and Patriotism aren't the same, so stop reading them as if they are.


For someone who claims not to support white supremacy, you sure use a lot of the same words.
you read and hear and sure talk a lot, but you need to listen and understand more.
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  Geeto67 said:
There are good people on the right. They are NOT NAZIs. By definition a NAZI is not a good person.


Good people on the right look like John McCain, They look like...ugh I can't believe I am saying this....John Kasich, they look like George H. W. Bush, Sen Lindsey Graham, Sen John Flake, Sen Tim Scott, Sen Bob Corker, Sen Susan Collins, Sen Lisa Murkowski, and Mitt Romney. They don't look like Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, or Donald Trump.


but most importantly they don't look like you.



Because you're the decider.



  Geeto67 said:
It's difficult to track by actual body count. The Southern Poverty Law center tracks by formal organization, but it can only track those who are open and public (meaning the count could be higher). their general count for groups is:


Ku Klux Klan - 130

Neo-Nazi - 99

White Nationalist -100

Racist Skinhead - 78

Christian Identity - 21

Neo-Confederate - 43




Since membership info is not open for a lot of these groups, and people join and leave all the time they can only estimate the amount. Most reliable estimates put the numbers in the low hundreds of thousands of people. And I think that's the best you can get.


Okay, so are those large numbers to you compared to the 250 million white Americans? Do you have any proof of these numbers growing like you've claimed? Or is this all based on your speculation?




  Geeto67 said:
Having lived in the deep south for a number of years (and also being an unapologetic dukes of hazard fan) I also count confederate flags I see and I hit double digits every week (I am not just counting flags but bumper stickers, back window decals, etc and some are repeats week to week). Maybe you don't see it because to you it isn't a warning label and you've seen it all your life. Maybe you don't see it because you just aren't looking for it. Maybe you don't see it because it isn't part of your self preservation mechanism.


I lived in southern MS for 4 years. I had a wide variety of friends down there of all races (literally white, black, hispanic, asian, even middle eastern). I knew guys who had confederate flags, stickers, etc. who had best friends who were black, asian, hispanic. SOME southerns view the flag as a sign of white supremacy and slave ownership but the far majority of them view it as "southern pride" similarly to how a football fan might have their favorite teams flag hanging up outside their house. Do I agree with what the confederate flag represents? No, it's disgusting. Do I see where some of those people are coming from in regards to viewing it as something other than what it truly does represent? Yes.


When I was living in MS I had buddies who were black and we would go out quite often and I never once heard them complain about any racial remarks or anything. I however did have a black woman at a gas station call me a stupid fucking honkey because of something another guy did in line (If this is relevant an older white guy didn't let a 12 year old black boy cut him in line so the mom start yelling and making ridiculous racial comments to all of the white people in the store. The cashier (black guy) was so embarrassed he apologized to me. The point is, it happens both ways. If a black guy is walking down the street in Upper Arlington, the police MIGHT get called simply because he's black and some old racist woman who sits at her house bored all day might make drama out of nothing. If a white guy walks down the street on Livingston Ave he might get jumped simply because he's white. This shit happens. You just fail to acknowledge that it goes both ways and you only push your agenda one direction because that's convenient and it's easy to point fingers at one race and get pats on the back by all of your SJW friends.

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  Mallard said:
What's the motive for black on black crime? Is it a product of poverty? If so, does that make it equal to a hate crime? Do motives matter to you or are you trying to claim that all crime is equal, which is why white supremacist hate crimes should be tallied against other crimes not motivated by hate?


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Valid points you bring up. Basically what my poor explanation was after was that the new boogie man in the room is white power groups while ignoring the fact that black on black crime is 1000xs more rampant and need to focus on what are the causes of it. Were focusing on such a small pocket currently and failing to look at the elephant in the room. Any crime should be stacked up against each other in my hair brain opinion. It is sad to see the african american community fail themselves time and time again due to life style decisions and this comes from someone who is half black.

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  PDQS4 said:
There are hate groups and turds everywhere Kerry. Are you trying to say Columbus has a hate group problem? Greater than anywhere else? Are we finding blacks and Jews dead from trees or burned up by these groups regularly?



Actually, yes, there is a problem in Ohio and Columbus.





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  BStowers023 said:
Because you're the decider.


It's not hard to know what bad values looks like....unless you have bad values.





Okay, so are those large numbers to you compared to the 250 million white Americans? Do you have any proof of these numbers growing like you've claimed? Or is this all based on your speculation?


Do you read anything I post? You are like a goldfish sometimes. I've posted proof twice in this thread that they are growing. It's even in the link in the post you are responding to with the above quote.


here are more that you'll never read:





hundreds of thousands is more than the few thousands it is estimated for the Islamic radicals and black separatists. Also, name the Islamic extremists holding government office at the moment. Name the Separatists holding government office at the moment. I've already named three White supremacists holding office at the moment in the White House Cabinet.




I lived in southern MS for 4 years. I had a wide variety of friends down there of all races (literally white, black, hispanic, asian, even middle eastern). I knew guys who had confederate flags, stickers, etc. who had best friends who were black, asian, hispanic. SOME southerns view the flag as a sign of white supremacy and slave ownership but the far majority of them view it as "southern pride" similarly to how a football fan might have their favorite teams flag hanging up outside their house. Do I agree with what the confederate flag represents? No, it's disgusting. Do I see where some of those people are coming from in regards to viewing it as something other than what it truly does represent? Yes.


When I was living in MS I had buddies who were black and we would go out quite often and I never once heard them complain about any racial remarks or anything. I however did have a black woman at a gas station call me a stupid fucking honkey because of something another guy did in line (If this is relevant an older white guy didn't let a 12 year old black boy cut him in line so the mom start yelling and making ridiculous racial comments to all of the white people in the store. The cashier (black guy) was so embarrassed he apologized to me. The point is, it happens both ways. If a black guy is walking down the street in Upper Arlington, the police MIGHT get called simply because he's black and some old racist woman who sits at her house bored all day might make drama out of nothing. If a white guy walks down the street on Livingston Ave he might get jumped simply because he's white. This shit happens. You just fail to acknowledge that it goes both ways and you only push your agenda one direction because that's convenient and it's easy to point fingers at one race and get pats on the back by all of your SJW friends.


It goes both ways. Nobody has disputed that. Doesn't make it equal unless you are looking to diminish the impact that white supremacy is having on the country right now.

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  LJ said:


I'm still open to reading about the bodies piling up or problems they are creating. I'm not condoning them mind you but a measurable impact in terms of crimes linked to the Ohio groups would be interesting. As Chris has noted, are these groups as big of a threat on say the black community as they are among themselves? My brother in law is far less to nearly not at all worried about a white guy skin head shooting at him in his day to day life than he is just walking down the streets of his old neighborhood in East Cleveland.

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