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Political Thread Of Fail And AIDS (Geeto ahead!)


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  Geeto67 said:
I am too lazy to look it up but about three or four pages back you said they were the greater danger.


I'm not going to go searching but I am nearly positive I never said that.



  Geeto67 said:
I am not quite sure what to make of it at the moment since in America it is not traditionally a large movement. Generally speaking I am in support of historical Antifa movements because they opposed people who literally wanted to murder my kind. I certainly think facisim is bad for America full stop.



I agree, facism is bad. That's what makes antifa bad.



  Geeto67 said:
The Majority of people who seem to comprise the meetings are not violent and don't condone violent tactics, but there is a smaller subset of groups and free associates who operate under the same banner if Antifa and have chosen as a strategy to meet the white supremacy violence with more violence. There is an even smaller group of anarchists whose approach it is to cause property damage at any rally regardless as to who is hosting, and to either do so under the Antifa banner, or intend to be labeled as Antifa mistakenly regardless as to affiliation or not. There are also infiltrators from the alt right groups whose job it is run false flag operations in everything from fake signs up to inciting violence while looking like a member of Antifa.



Here we go, making excuses for antifa's actions. When it's the right doing anything, everyone is bad. When it's the left, just a few bad apples. Gotcha.



  Geeto67 said:
Personally: I am delighted anytime someone punches a nazi in the face. Not as a political statement, but as a moral one.


I agree.



  Geeto67 said:
Things you personally get wrong about Antifa:


- you speak about the organization as if it is an organization and not a political ideology. It is not an organization, it has no organized structure. It is an ideology like Democracy, Libertarian-ism, communism, or anarchy.


- you speak about it as if ALL members are violent or condone violence


No, but a good majority of them do. Just look at their "protests" over the past year. Somehow they all just happen to become violent. If most of the members were against violence, they would stand up against the people creating violence and sending the wrong message.


  Geeto67 said:
- You continually think "violence on both sides" is an acceptable response to discussions about the actions of one group.


There is violence on both sides. Do I need to define the word violence for you now?



  Geeto67 said:
I am not putting words in your mouth - if you aren't conveying the right message, then use different words.


I don't know how else to say, both extremes are bad. Nazi's fucking suck. White supremacists fucking suck. The KKK fucking sucks. ANTIFA fucking sucks. How much more clearly do you need to me say it?


  Geeto67 said:
Saying there is violence on both sides in response to people more worried about the bigger threat of white supremacy is drawing a false equivalency that white supremacy is an equal threat to Antifa, and there just isn't any evidence to support it. Again you are comparing cessnas to c-130s.


Jesus fucking christ. Here we go again, making shit up. I NEVER FUCKING SAID THEY WERE EQUAL. While I have recognized that the alt-right is bad you STILL fail to acknowledge that antifa is ALSO bad. That does not mean EQUAL. I feel like I need to barney everything down for you because you twist everything I fucking say to validate whatever ridiculous argument you have. YOU'RE THE ONE THAT SAID PICK A SIDE! You are part of the problem. You are helping divide the country because you won't acknowledge both sides fucking suck. You think I literally have to be on antifa's side or the Nazi's side. Somehow by me calling out both, I am on the Nazi's side :confused::dumb: You make me fucking cringe dude.

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  BStowers023 said:

I agree, facism is bad. That's what makes antifa bad.


Please explain, and cite your sources, how the group whose core tenant is fighting facisim is fascist. You are going to have to be very specific on this one.






Here we go, making excuses for antifa's actions. When it's the right doing anything, everyone is bad. When it's the left, just a few bad apples. Gotcha.


not making any excuses. I am not condemning the non-violent aim of resisting facisim. I have been pretty clear, not in support of the violence. I have also been pretty clear that not all conservatives are white supremacists or NAZI's, although I have been critical of how slow they have been to distance themselves from those groups. Whether you like it or not the CIC is a Republican, even if not a traditional one, and his tone deafness to this issue in total (not just charlottesville) is something to absolutely be critical of.


I would honestly love to be critical of democratic politicians at the moment, but really they are a non factor in this conversation. There isn't even a unified platform to be critical of, and they don't hold any majority power in congress so they really are not a factor in government. I don't think they are benefiting from the conflict either. The focus right now is on the others in the republican party and who is going to go along with Trump's nonsense and who is going to do what's right. So far there aren't a lot going against party but the number is growing.




No, but a good majority of them do. Just look at their "protests" over the past year. Somehow they all just happen to become violent. If most of the members were against violence, they would stand up against the people creating violence and sending the wrong message.


Prove that it is a "Majority". Empirically prove it, with numbers. There are groups that do track this (southern poverty law center, ADL, etc...) Information is out there.




There is violence on both sides. Do I need to define the word violence for you now?


ok so there is violence on both sides. so what? It's not equal violence. And Leftist violence isn't the larger of the threat. what do you want to do about it?



I don't know how else to say, both extremes are bad. Nazi's fucking suck. White supremacists fucking suck. The KKK fucking sucks. ANTIFA fucking sucks. How much more clearly do you need to me say it?

ok so they suck, so what. After you are done saying they suck - what's the plan?



Jesus fucking christ. Here we go again, making shit up. I NEVER FUCKING SAID THEY WERE EQUAL. While I have recognized that the alt-right is bad you STILL fail to acknowledge that antifa is ALSO bad. That does not mean EQUAL. I feel like I need to barney everything down for you because you twist everything I fucking say to validate whatever ridiculous argument you have. YOU'RE THE ONE THAT SAID PICK A SIDE! You are part of the problem. You are helping divide the country because you won't acknowledge both sides fucking suck. You think I literally have to be on antifa's side or the Nazi's side. Somehow by me calling out both, I am on the Nazi's side :confused::dumb: You make me fucking cringe dude.


Never said there weren't bad people on the left. Never said there wasn't violence on the left. I just refuse to let you marginalize which is the larger problem.


At this point though it doesn't matter, we are not near the end of these violent confrontations, more are going to come. Those seeking violence on both sides are resorting to military campaign style tactics, and the bigger concern I have is between the Private Militias (which are not government sponsored in any way despite being called a militia, and are often better armed than the police) and the larger number of armed "alt right" groups and their open encouragement of coming armed to every demonstration, it's harder to fault individuals on the other side of those protests for arming themselves as well when they come to counter protest. If you are wondering how violent insurrections in other countries start - this is how (although not all violence like this leads to a rebellion).


I didn't say "Pick a side" either. I said that following Charlottesville, the "alt right" has forced people to pick a side and people saying "white supremacy is bad, but..." were going to be perceived as being apologists for white supremacy - which is exactly what is happening. it's the same as if you start a sentence with "I'm not a racist, but..." the but invalidates any point you made prior to it.

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GeeTSlow - If you don't think antifa is a fascist organization you have not watched any youtube videos of them. Specifically, in regards to their desire to supress their opposition and socialist economic values.


  SPL_Josh said:
Ok poverty lawyer



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  C-Mart said:
GeeTSlow - If you don't think antifa is a fascist organization you have not watched any youtube videos of them. Specifically, in regards to their desire to supress their opposition and socialist economic values.


First off, Fascism and Socialism are not linked, it is incorrect to say that someone with socialist economic values is inherently fascist. Social equality is not one of the tenets of fascism, in fact it doesn't care for wealth equality at all, and moreover usually relies on extremely protectionist laws for private property. The main tenant of fascism is superiority of the overall nation state. Last I checked Superiority is not a synonym for equality.


Socialism's main tenant on the other hand is the protection of equal rights and equal wealth distribution to the individual. Socialism as a political or economic theory has no interest in the overall idea of nation building or superiority are absent from the concept.


the two ideologies are incongruous at their core.


"but...but...but soviet Russia..." I hear you stutter


There are some similarities which often causes confusion among those who aren't really familiar with the concepts in theory and maybe only in practice:


- Both are very strong ideologies, esp given the nature of most modern governments

- both require active and heavy government involvement

- both oppose free markets

- both require a singular leader and robust governmental framework for enforcement


What most people think of socialism isn't actually socialism, it's the political communism of former Soviet Russia, and the continuing adopters of that paradigm like China and Cuba. Although the ruling classes in those countries marketed themselves as socialists, they put very little socialist theories into practice, instead choosing an oligarchic structure which lead to unchecked corruption with an overarching dictatorship for enforcement. Or..to put it more simply, those in power robbed the people blind and told the people the shortages were their fault for wanting to share scarce resources. Fascism was able to take root in the Soviet Era during Stalin (often referred to as red fascism) in the tactics he used to control the people. Interestingly enough, Germany, Italy, and Japan at the height of their fascist regimes rejected soviet Russia's political social ideology, but embraced Stalin's nationalism as an evolution of fascism into communism. Mussolini himself called it "Slavic Fascism". 50 years of a cold war and related propaganda did not help most Americans have a clearer understanding.


I have to ask, doesn't ohio's education system cover this stuff in high school history?


Anyway....Let's talk about "suppression" of their opposition. Their opposition is NAZIs. We can agree on that at least right?


They are using their constitutionally protected right to free speech to express displeasure with their opposition's publicly expressed viewpoints. so what's wrong with that? it's not illegal. Protection of free speech is limited only to government interaction, private citizens have every right to disagree with each other publicly and nobody can say shit about it. In fact to argue against it is basically to argue against free speech.


They aren't calling for the government to intervene every time they counter protest - the tactic is to make an equal amount of noise so as to drown out the others message and render it ineffective.


So the thing I disagree with and I am sure you do too is...the "alt right" is spoiling for a fight. The groups that loosely associate under that banner have an overwhelming history of violence that continues to this day as a form of domestic terrorism. Promoters for their rallies encourage people to come armed for conflict and to not shy away at the opportunity. I do not think it is the wisest tactic for some individuals opposing the alt right to meet this challenge with violence. A violent riot only pushes the state toward a dictatorship as emergency powers are not very democratic.


ok...your turn.

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  Geeto67 said:
I'm sure that helps you sleep at night.


The difference is I dont care if people like me. I know it bothers you a great deal If someone doesn't like you. You remind me of Trump in a way.


I guess you get on here to try and type away the frustrations of living a shit life. Being miserable at work and home must suck man. Excercise is a great option to help relieve that stress and anxiety. Comfort foods aren't the answer bud

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  Geeesammy said:
Just to clarify, you called another man who is busy with a family and career to ask him to tell another person to quit being mean to you...i would be outright embarrassed


If I were just you in general I would be outright embarassed. I suddenly get why yenner was so sensitive about me telling you to kill yourself as a joke...there's a chance you might actually do it.


just to be clear about what though? I'm lost. Are you still holding a grudge about something? seems like an awfully long time.


grantrum...they gave it a name. you have no idea how funny that is to me at the moment.

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  C-Mart said:
I genuinely believe there is something wrong with you.


And I genuinely think the problem with most conservatism is not just a lack of education but a contempt for it.


You are a smart person, you work in an intellectual field, at some point you must have questioned your own knowledge on words you use to describe things right?


or did you just buy the line about all socialism is bad all the time every time?


I was having a discussion with someone today and he couldn't wrap his head around the idea that the American securities market is a form of market socialism. Its not a pure socialist construct, mostly because not all businesses are listed as publicly traded, but it does present everyone and anyone who has money, including the workers of a particular company to purchase ownership of their employer. Some of the more socialist aspects: employee stock purchase plans, trading of government backed securities, index funds, the dow jones industrial average, etc...Some of the less socialist aspects: the conveyance of private title, different classes of stock representing different distributions of wealth....you get the idea.


Point is, things aren't always what they seem on the surface and often they are a mix of things that you wouldn't expect. Having an outright contempt for something is well...only hurting you.

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The vibe you give off is that you are well read, but have one of the most extreme cases of confirmation bias that I have ever come across.


I love when my views change because it means that I am learning something new and find it incredibly boring talking/debating people who I agree with. Having conversations with people you disagree with is a two way street and you need a lot of work on your road.

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The vibe you give off is that you are well read, but have one of the most extreme cases of confirmation bias that I have ever come across.


I love when my views change because it means that I am learning something new and find it incredibly boring talking/debating people who I agree with. Having conversations with people you disagree with is a two way street and you need a lot of work on your road.

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  Geeto67 said:
And I genuinely think the problem with most conservatism is not just a lack of education but a contempt for it.


Dude. Here you go. Again...


You can generalize a whole group, but when anyone else does it, you bust out with the shaming and wallz-o-text telling them how they are so wrong.


Lose the better-than-thou attitude. It's something you Leftists love to do (see, I can generalize too.....:dumb:). You are not the only intelligent (debatable...) person on the planet, and Liberals aren't the only ones with an education.


I've said it before and I'll say it again. Trump didn't win the election, people like you lost it for Hillarity, and you're going to lose it again in 2020 if you can't knock this shit off. I'll let you in on a little secret. Conservatives don't like Trump. They just hate people like you even more.


Figure it out.

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  SPL_Josh said:
Ok poverty lawyer






  Geeto67 said:
grantrum....lol...I thought these people liked you....


I mean...


  Geeesammy said:
Compared to you....


...pretty much this.


Grant has flown off the handle, bashed people openly, but he's young and full of testosterone and rage. It's expected. You're just...annoying. At least Grant has been civil and OCCASIONALLY accepted and admitted that he MIGHT be wrong or MIGHT not be the top shit of the world.


  Geeesammy said:
Excercise is a great option to help relieve that stress and anxiety. Comfort foods aren't the answer bud




  Geeto67 said:
If I were just you in general I would be outright embarassed. I suddenly get why yenner was so sensitive about me telling you to kill yourself as a joke...


See, this is why you're the laughing stock IRL. You literally don't know when to stop and think you're being funny.


Truth is, I have lost people very close to me to suicide and dumbasses like you coaxed them on. It's the absolute most dickish thing you can say, and then when you get called out you try to make light of it. Notice literally nobody else out of ALL the members of CR thought your comments were funny. Not even as a joke. That's saying something because myself and MANY others on here are sarcastic assholes. You take the cake though Kerry. Kudos man. Top notch professional.


I feel sorry for you. Truly.


  C-Mart said:
I genuinely believe there is something wrong with you.


Yup. AJ level wrong.


  Geeto67 said:

You are a smart person, you work in an intellectual field, at some point you must have questioned your own knowledge on words you use to describe things right?



The irony is TOO strong. I just can't anymore. This guy... :lolguy:


  aussiek2000 said:
You can agree with everything Kerry says and he will still argue with you.


QFT. If you said literally the exact same thing he'd type 5,000 words on why him saying it was better. :lol:


  RedRocket said:
Dude. Here you go. Again...


You can generalize a whole group, but when anyone else does it, you bust out with the shaming and wallz-o-text telling them how they are so wrong.


Lose the better-than-thou attitude. It's something you Leftists love to do (see, I can generalize too.....:dumb:). You are not the only intelligent (debatable...) person on the planet, and Liberals aren't the only ones with an education.


I've said it before and I'll say it again. Trump didn't win the election, people like you lost it for Hillarity, and you're going to lose it again in 2020 if you can't knock this shit off. I'll let you in on a little secret. Conservatives don't like Trump. They just hate people like you even more.


Figure it out.



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  RedRocket said:
Dude. Here you go. Again...


You can generalize a whole group, but when anyone else does it, you bust out with the shaming and wallz-o-text telling them how they are so wrong.


Lose the better-than-thou attitude. It's something you Leftists love to do (see, I can generalize too.....:dumb:). You are not the only intelligent (debatable...) person on the planet, and Liberals aren't the only ones with an education.


I've said it before and I'll say it again. Trump didn't win the election, people like you lost it for Hillarity, and you're going to lose it again in 2020 if you can't knock this shit off. I'll let you in on a little secret. Conservatives don't like Trump. They just hate people like you even more.


Figure it out.


Could not agree more. Anthony Bourdain is a huge liberal from NY and he pretty much laid it out there in an interview he did that the leftist/progressive vibe of they are smarter, better, and above ANYBODY who isn't with them put the turnip in the White House.




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