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Political Thread Of Fail And AIDS (Geeto ahead!)


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  RedRocket said:
Dude. Here you go. Again...


You can generalize a whole group, but when anyone else does it, you bust out with the shaming and wallz-o-text telling them how they are so wrong.


Conservatism = ideology, conservatives = people. You have to talk about ideologies in generalizations because they are abstract concepts. It doesn't mean you are generalizing people. Anti-intellectualisim and it's partner in crime populism is invasive to the modern conservative ideology and it's become a real problem - it's chased a lot of the more intelligent and idealistic republicans out of the parts and left you with people like Rick Perry and Mitch McConnell.


I can't help it if you read the word for ideology and think people, but at the same time it's not really my problem.




Lose the better-than-thou attitude. It's something you Leftists love to do (see, I can generalize too.....:dumb:). You are not the only intelligent (debatable...) person on the planet, and Liberals aren't the only ones with an education.


liberalism = ideology, leftists = people. When you generalize in terms of people you are just gonna be wrong. Had you said Liberalism is suffering from a superiority problem I probably would have agreed with you and we could have talked about everything from the influence of pop culture on this to what it means in terms of party platforms. But instead you read conservatism, got butt hurt because you felt marginalized, and write this nonsense. Stop looking for where people are insulting you.




I've said it before and I'll say it again. Trump didn't win the election, people like you lost it for Hillarity, and you're going to lose it again in 2020 if you can't knock this shit off. I'll let you in on a little secret. Conservatives don't like Trump. They just hate people like you even more.


Figure it out.


I'm just going to come out and say this now: I think people who think it is funny to call Hillary some variation on the word Hitler are obnoxiously stupid. It's worse when you can't spell it right either. You don't really deserve for anyone to take you seriously when this comes out. If you are tired of feeling marginalized, then stop giving people an excuse to do it to you.


Personally, I don't think highly of people who are willing to "burn it down" if it means the other side doesn't "win". It doesn't help anyone, and it goes against the core American value of compromise.

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  yenner said:






I mean...




...pretty much this.


Grant has flown off the handle, bashed people openly, but he's young and full of testosterone and rage. It's expected. You're just...annoying. At least Grant has been civil and OCCASIONALLY accepted and admitted that he MIGHT be wrong or MIGHT not be the top shit of the world.








See, this is why you're the laughing stock IRL. You literally don't know when to stop and think you're being funny.


Truth is, I have lost people very close to me to suicide and dumbasses like you coaxed them on. It's the absolute most dickish thing you can say, and then when you get called out you try to make light of it. Notice literally nobody else out of ALL the members of CR thought your comments were funny. Not even as a joke. That's saying something because myself and MANY others on here are sarcastic assholes. You take the cake though Kerry. Kudos man. Top notch professional.


I feel sorry for you. Truly.




Yup. AJ level wrong.




The irony is TOO strong. I just can't anymore. This guy... :lolguy:




QFT. If you said literally the exact same thing he'd type 5,000 words on why him saying it was better. :lol:







wait I have something for this out of your playbook....





I love how you keep trying to paint yourself as if you have some moral high ground....that crap went out the window the moment you decided to follow me around this forum just because you don't like me. You are just another guy with a shitty opinion just like everyone else on this forum trying to pretend you don't care when you actions clearly show butt hurt. whatever dude.

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  Geeto67 said:
You are just another guy with a shitty opinion just like everyone else on this forum


Yet you wonder why no one here can fucking stand you. Even the people you'd likely classify as "friends"


Again, you are grouping people together.


You are just another middle aged dude struggling with mental issues using comfort foods as a way to cope, wiping away tears while pounding keys telling internet strangers they are wrong.

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  Geeesammy said:
Yet you wonder why no one here can fucking stand you. Even the people you'd likely classify as "friends"



And why can't they stand you? All the people who actually are your friends and co-workers and such talk shit about you when you aren't around. This is a small community, did you think they had nice things to say?


Still don't know why you have such a hard on for me, or why it throbs so often. I just post some things online you don't agree withand then I have to contend with your internet stalking and IP theft. It's unhealthy dude.

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  Geeto67 said:
And why can't they stand you? All the people who actually are your friends and co-workers and such talk shit about you when you aren't around. This is a small community, did you think they had nice things to say?


Still don't know why you have such a hard on for me, or why it throbs so often. I just post some things online you don't agree withand then I have to contend with your internet stalking and IP theft. It's unhealthy dude.

I never said they could.


There are maybe 3 people on here I would consider a friend, none of which can stand you.


Doubtful anyone does that. What you may consider shit talk is pretty par for the course these days. Even if they did, the difference is it doesn't get to me at all, I give no fucks. It most definitely gets to you in the most severe of ways.



You lumped a few thousand people into a "stupid opinion" category without knowing all of their opinions.

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  Orion said:
Careful he doesn't catch you in a gas station.

Grant lol. That story wouldn't help this case at all.


  Orion said:
I think that may have been the most depressing thing I have heard in the month of August.


I thought it was hittin on the reals.

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  Geeto67 said:
I think people who think it is funny to call Hillary some variation on the word Hitler are obnoxiously stupid.

  Geeto67 said:
grantrum....lol...I thought these people liked you....

  Geeto67 said:
grantrum...they gave it a name. you have no idea how funny that is to me at the moment.


Grant ---> Grantrum

Hillary ---> Hitlery/Hillarity/Hil___ whatever


You guys hear about that rain in Texas?

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  Geeto67 said:


I love how you keep trying to paint yourself as if you have some moral high ground....that crap went out the window the moment you decided to follow me around this forum just because you don't like me. You are just another guy with a shitty opinion just like everyone else on this forum trying to pretend you don't care when you actions clearly show butt hurt. whatever dude.





  Orion said:
Careful he doesn't catch you in a gas station.



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  Geeesammy said:
Rymer wins the year


Eat shit Geeeetard





Grant, it's not hard to see what's going on here. Something bad happens to you in your real life and you come here and look up any thread I have posted in (which there are admittedly many) even if it is days or weeks old, not because you have anything to say on the subject matter but really because you feel shitty about your own life and for some reason you feel some form of superiority making cheap 3rd rate fat jokes. You use this forum as a form of therapy to cope with what I can only assume is an undiagnosed and unmedicated mental illness. When for some reason I catch an edge in my reply, you cyber stalk me and plan...something... until I assume your reason returns or your friends talk you out of it.


speaking of your friends by the way, they probably enable this behavior because they pity you - they excuse your poor behavior and tantrums because of some horrible trauma in your own life thus absolving you of responsibility for your own actions. You think it's ok to act this way because everyone around you is enabling you to do so. "Oh, grant he's just angry and young - he'll get over it", or "poor grant, he's got a lot to deal with so don't listen to his Grantrums".


I am not your friend so I don't really care if you get treated for it or not, and honestly your constant unprovoked hostility has pretty much absolved me of feeling pity for you anymore. But as a human being with a soul I do implore you to seek some form of treatment. This end game you are playing - it isn't going to lead you to a good place.


You feel superior now because I have things you don't, an education, options, a family, an interesting life...and you make all sorts of mental justifications that you are some how better and attacking me proves this, but at some point you are going to realize that none of that is true. I am not some great evil, I am not your rival, and that you are not the good guy you think you are. And then what? Then yenner's fears about you aren't so displaced.


Say what you will man, you know all sorts of information about me from stalking me and I don't even know your last name - you can lie to yourself for only so long, but at some point you are going to have a come to Jesus moment and if you aren't prepared for it I shudder at what's next.

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I have things you don't' date=' an education, options, a family, an interesting life...[/quote']


^poverty lawyer attacking people without "educations".

Kerry how's it feel to be a bottom feeder lawyer when you know thousands upon thousands of people with no "education" earn more than you. That make you want to write a 1000 word blog post about how your superior with your education?

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I thought it was hittin on the reals.


It was, which is exactly why its so fucking depressing. The idea that the other team would rather burn shit to the ground out of spite is pretty fucking depressing. Scorched earth has its place, but it's a shame that place seems to be American politics nowadays.

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  Orion said:
It was, which is exactly why its so fucking depressing. The idea that the other team would rather burn shit to the ground out of spite is pretty fucking depressing. Scorched earth has its place, but it's a shame that place seems to be American politics nowadays.


And Bingo was his name-o.

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  Orion said:
It was, which is exactly why its so fucking depressing. The idea that the other team would rather burn shit to the ground out of spite is pretty fucking depressing. Scorched earth has its place, but it's a shame that place seems to be American politics nowadays.



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  Orion said:
It was, which is exactly why its so fucking depressing. The idea that the other team would rather burn shit to the ground out of spite is pretty fucking depressing. Scorched earth has its place, but it's a shame that place seems to be American politics nowadays.


I voted for my cat as President and Mr. Bill from SNL as vice...

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  Geeto67 said:



Grant, it's not hard to see what's going on here. Something bad happens to you in your real life and you come here and look up any thread I have posted in (which there are admittedly many) even if it is days or weeks old, not because you have anything to say on the subject matter but really because you feel shitty about your own life and for some reason you feel some form of superiority making cheap 3rd rate fat jokes. You use this forum as a form of therapy to cope with what I can only assume is an undiagnosed and unmedicated mental illness. When for some reason I catch an edge in my reply, you cyber stalk me and plan...something... until I assume your reason returns or your friends talk you out of it.


speaking of your friends by the way, they probably enable this behavior because they pity you - they excuse your poor behavior and tantrums because of some horrible trauma in your own life thus absolving you of responsibility for your own actions. You think it's ok to act this way because everyone around you is enabling you to do so. "Oh, grant he's just angry and young - he'll get over it", or "poor grant, he's got a lot to deal with so don't listen to his Grantrums".


I am not your friend so I don't really care if you get treated for it or not, and honestly your constant unprovoked hostility has pretty much absolved me of feeling pity for you anymore. But as a human being with a soul I do implore you to seek some form of treatment. This end game you are playing - it isn't going to lead you to a good place.


You feel superior now because I have things you don't, an education, options, a family, an interesting life...and you make all sorts of mental justifications that you are some how better and attacking me proves this, but at some point you are going to realize that none of that is true. I am not some great evil, I am not your rival, and that you are not the good guy you think you are. And then what? Then yenner's fears about you aren't so displaced.


Say what you will man, you know all sorts of information about me from stalking me and I don't even know your last name - you can lie to yourself for only so long, but at some point you are going to have a come to Jesus moment and if you aren't prepared for it I shudder at what's next.


What happens here is I get bored, check CR, see your lard was on here ranting and make fun of you.


I don't think anyone aside from yenner has ever tried to "justify" my actions. They definitely havent said its because I have a lot going on in my life. If you think im being hostile you're more retarded than most on here have giving you credit for.


You say assumptions are bad, but you are making assumptions that I am uneducated, etc. But that's typical liberal hypocrisy I would expect from a 3rd rate lawyer like you.


Info is easily accessible. Especially when you literally post your info on here. You've posted half assed motorcycle articles you've written or are involved in which has your last name in it. Your name isnt common so information relating to you isnt impossible to find. Quick facebook searches show wonders, and seeing you at C&C it isn't hard to distinguish that pudgy baby face from a small crowd with your name...

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  Geeesammy said:


I don't think anyone aside from yenner has ever tried to "justify" my actions.


I never justified anything. I explained that it's what is expected and has become accepted. That's all.


  Geeesammy said:
...and seeing you at C&C it isn't hard to distinguish that pudgy baby face from a small crowd with your name...


See? That's why I grew a beard. Without one I look like the worlds largest 12 year old.

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