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Ohio front plate law, again (HB 62)


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I don’t know where the $55 average gas tax per year came from. That isn’t even 150 gallons a year when the tax is maxed in a few years. We have a prius and I’m not thrilled about the hybrid registration fees but we put 600+ gallons in it every year. Even with gas tax being a state by state change I think .Gov will ask questions.
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Other fees in the bill? Yes $200 registration fee for Tesla and other EV owners on top of the $40+ fee for the sticker each year. Funny Larry Householder stated to the media the gas tax will cost the average Ohio person $55 a year. Yet they hit EV cars with a $200 a year tax. And if you own a Hybrid you get to shell out $100 extra at yearly registration and you get to pay the gas tax as well. I can extrapolate what I drive each year in my American V8, and look like this will only cost me $75-$80. Suck it hippies. LOL


All this despite the 3 billion the state has in it’s rainy day fund. And a Budget surplus thanks to John Kasich. I miss him, even if he has chicken legs. Saw him in shorts one day eating out with his security detail. Crazy to see the Governor out eating in a restaurant in shorts and a t-shirt. In Mid March with 6” of snow on the ground. LOL


Also the bullshit of this bill in the “no front plate mandate” it doesn’t take place until July 2020, the Gas tax is in place July 2019. I Bet that someone drafts a bill that will strip the no front plate requirement from this bill by 2020, and it will never be legal in Ohio to not have a front plate.


You are spot on

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  • 3 months later...


Also the bullshit of this bill in the “no front plate mandate” it doesn’t take place until July 2020, the Gas tax is in place July 2019. I Bet that someone drafts a bill that will strip the no front plate requirement from this bill by 2020, and it will never be legal in Ohio to not have a front plate.


There it is, bait and switch...called that shit in April.

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Find your State Representative and State Senator on this insanely gerrymandered map.

http://www.legislature.ohio.gov/legislators/district-maps There is contact info once you determine your district. Send them an email asking them politely not to reverse the legislation on Ohio front plates. You can remind them this saves the state millions each year.

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haven't run a front plate on my funcars in 24 years


Yep, the Highway patrol knows this one isn’t going away. Good open door for pulling you over. “ I pulled you over for no front plate, but I see you aren’t wearing your seat belt, that will be $150 sir for that belt violation.

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Yep, the Highway patrol knows this one isn’t going away. Good open door for pulling you over. “ I pulled you over for no front plate, but I see you aren’t wearing your seat belt, that will be $150 sir for that belt violation.


Only time I ever got a ticket for it was in 1999 while my Eagle Talon was parked in the street outside of the parent's house. The cop left it under the windshield wiper. Shot below the belt, but whatever. Been okay since then.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well who has received a response? I have and it isn't good.


Ms Kunze said bill 179 has been introduced to restore the 2 license plate requirement, she then quotes several studies that endorse the 2 plates.

I will be watching the vote closely and if she votes for this bill I will be voting against her. It won't matter because of gerrymandering but it will be a protest vote.


Keep your eyes open



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Yep, the Highway patrol knows this one isn’t going away. Good open door for pulling you over. “ I pulled you over for no front plate, but I see you aren’t wearing your seat belt, that will be $150 sir for that belt violation.
No front plate is a secondary offense they can't pull you over for that has to be something else.
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No front plate is a secondary offense they can't pull you over for that has to be something else.


I get ya, regardless you’ve been tricked by government nonsense again if you think this front plate is going away. Make sure to have self tapping screws so that you can fasten it to your freshly painted front bumper in front of your intercooler. On a positive note, if you have a Tesla you can mount it anywhere and not detract the stylish looks.

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  • 2 months later...
Dual plates are a "common sense solution" huh? How about this for common sense.....




Case closed. Take your reinstatement bill and stick it.


I can see why they still want it; (police) license plate scanners. Think of the loss of revenue if they have no front plate to scan when a car is coming towards them.

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