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Honestly (besides money) why are they still doing cruise ships? Blows my fucking mind. A guy from work is still planning on going in a few weeks, he said he could get a refund too but they decided to still go. WTF?


I'm not freaking out, I come in direct contact with hundreds of people a week easy due to my job. But just seems going on a cruise is very stupid.

Edited by jerrodh
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Honestly (besides money) why are they still doing cruise ships?


What kind of work you do?


Cruise ship are built on bank money, it’s not running, you still have to pay the notes. Thousand of employees still need paychecks.


If the cruise is running and shit happened during the trip, insurance will covered it. If the ship is docked the company pays everything

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What kind of work you do?


Cruise ship are built on bank money, it’s not running, you still have to pay the notes. Thousand of employees still need paychecks.


If the cruise is running and shit happened during the trip, insurance will covered it. If the ship is docked the company pays everything


Yeah I got you I understand that. Thats why I said besides money.


All the sports leagues are shutting down all operations. Just saying...




I drive a delivery truck, around 20 invoices a day.

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I work in a building with over 14,000 people. They are doing massive cleaning efforts 3x a day (but I'm not sure how they're going to keep up with it), work from home is more flexible (not mandatory yet...over 90% of our colleagues in Italy are WFH), all visitors to buildings and proving grounds require approval from a VP, all meetings over 20 people are web only, cafeteria has no self-service food anymore, only pre packaged.


School just got canceled for 3 weeks, starting Mon, and the following week is spring break. With my kids home for 4 weeks my wife and I will be at least alternating WFH.


Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk

Edited by Mallard
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Went to Kroger yesterday morning, not a soul there just really chill.


Tried to go after wife got home and it was madness, like worse than before Thanksgiving madness. People just buying shit to buy it that you don't need in an "emergency" situation. I saw a person with a Jack Fruit in their cart with a bunch of random stuff, I bet that mother fucker didn't even know what that was lol.


Thankfully, we started preparing a while ago so we don't need anything, we just were looking to the cat some treats and nope'd right out of that cunty bitch.

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my wife went yesterday to get some groceries. Called me saying they were out of damn near everything what should I get? I told her not to worry too much since our freezer in the basement is always stocked with meat, so just get basic can food items, milk if they have some, flour, rice, noodles, powdered milk, eggs/powdered eggs or both. It's not the best stuff but those items can go a long way if you know how to cook from scratch. However she did come home with quite a bit of stuff plus those items I told her to search for.
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Yeah I did a fairly normal grocery run on Wednesday. No issues at all. I left a couple things off "for the next day / different store" which I regret now since we are supposed to have a few neighbors over for dinner tomorrow. Went and drove past our Kroger last night and every single spot looked full. F that. Not trying to fill my pantry, but I just need some damned shrimp for dinner! Might try today if its not looking crazy.
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I stopped at Walmart last night on my way home from work, the one on Sawmill Rd. It was a freaking madhouse. I literally only stopped for some milk and a birthday gift for a party this weekend. Lines were crazy long, people were ransacking the paper goods aisle for anything, and my favorite: People with carts full of bottled water. Do they think the water in their faucet is just going to stop working?! :lol:


I didn't want to wait in line for my 2 items, so I convinced the guy working the paint department to check me out... :D

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I went to Aldi's two days ago and they still had some TP left (before schools were being shut down). Filled up cart with a decent amount of stuff and was in and out in 1/2 hour.




I bet the people who are doing that extreme coupon thing are laughing their ass off right now with all the 2000 rolls of TP they've stock piled and got for free with coupons over the years.

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Whats the consensus on eating out fast food/fancy food ? being that we hit all the food groups burgers chipotle even Indian....safe or not ?


Safe as the precautions taken by the folks cooking for you at those places... I did hear that Chipotle is offering free delivery, so that's something. I'm not convinced Chipotle/McDonald's/whoever are committed to sending Coughy McSniffles home if they show up sick for their shift.


That said, I'll be cooking dinner and packing lunch for a while.

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wife had a conference call today. the company she works for has received 1000k testing kits and will start drive through testing shortly. not saying the company name since it hasn't been released. Edited by 10phone2
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