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Have you heard of HB hr5717


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Oh, yeah, such extremists...<rolleyes>


Gun Violence Prevention and Community Safety Act of 2020

This bill makes various changes to the federal framework governing the sale, transfer, and possession of firearms and ammunition. Among other things, the bill does the following:


generally requires individuals to obtain a license to purchase, acquire, or possess a firearm or ammunition;


raises the minimum age—from 18 years to 21 years—to purchase firearms and ammunition;


establishes new background check requirements for firearm transfers between private parties;


requires law enforcement agencies to be notified following a firearms-related background check that results in a denial;


creates a statutory process for a family or household member to petition a court for an extreme risk protection order to remove firearms from an individual who poses a risk of committing violence;


restricts the import, sale, manufacture, transfer, or possession of semiautomatic assault weapons and large capacity ammunition feeding devices;


restricts the manufacture, sale, transfer, purchase, or receipt of ghost guns (i.e., guns without serial numbers);


makes trafficking in firearms a stand-alone criminal offense;


requires federally licensed gun dealers to submit and annually certify compliance with a security plan to detect and deter firearm theft;


removes limitations on the civil liability of gun manufacturers;


allows the Consumer Product Safety Commission to issue safety standards for firearms and firearm components;


establishes a community violence intervention grant program; and


promotes research on firearms safety and gun violence prevention.


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It's because they're the defenders of truth, justice and the American way.


No wait, that's Superman. Shit. I can't remember why I'm voting straight dem this fall. To be honest I haven't been paying attention to politics and I'm just brainwashed by the liberal media.



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generally requires individuals to obtain a license to purchase, acquire, or possess a firearm or ammunition; >>already have ..I'm ok with this


raises the minimum age—from 18 years to 21 years—to purchase firearms and ammunition;>>if you can go to war at 18 you should be able to buy a gun..not ok with


establishes new background check requirements for firearm transfers between private parties;.>> do this anyway....not really ok with it


requires law enforcement agencies to be notified following a firearms-related background check that results in a denial;..>> I'm ok with this


creates a statutory process for a family or household member to petition a court for an extreme risk protection order to remove firearms from an individual who poses a risk of committing violence;>> not ok..so i get into an argument with my wife and she retaliates and I get a red flag set against me


restricts the import, sale, manufacture, transfer, or possession of semiautomatic assault weapons and large capacity ammunition feeding devices;>> don't agree


restricts the manufacture, sale, transfer, purchase, or receipt of ghost guns (i.e., guns without serial numbers);>> I'm ok


makes trafficking in firearms a stand-alone criminal offense;>>define trafficking then I'll say yea or nay


requires federally licensed gun dealers to submit and annually certify compliance with a security plan to detect and deter firearm theft;>>ok


removes limitations on the civil liability of gun manufacturers;>>not ok AT ALL


allows the Consumer Product Safety Commission to issue safety standards for firearms and firearm components;>>yeah..NO


establishes a community violence intervention grant program;>>pay for it with something else than my tax dollars..use entitlement cash..ss and medicare ARE NOT entitlement we paid into it


promotes research on firearms safety and gun violence prevention.>>sound like a scam..no

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Purchasing a firearm does not currently require a license, right? And by law the atf is not allowed to store anything related to a background check, so the government does not already know that you own firearms.


That's my understanding of the status quo. One of us is misinformed, can anyone confirm?

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Purchasing a firearm does not currently require a license, right? And by law the atf is not allowed to store anything related to a background check, so the government does not already know that you own firearms.


That's my understanding of the status quo. One of us is misinformed, can anyone confirm?

there is a paper trail thats it. IIRC all gun sales through a FFL do get recorded in a book once that book is full or maybe its yearly its turned in to the ATF.

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So I looked it up, the paper trail has to be kept by an ffl for 20 years and only turned over to the atf if the ffl goes out of business (and therefore can't keep their records for the required time period). They do not turn over records as a matter of course, only to law enforcement during an investigation. And this of course doesn't apply to private sales.


Bottom line, as far as I know the government doesn't know if anyone has guns as a result of the background check process because they don't log any records. So when Mace said "The feds already know I own guns because of the federal check" I don't believe that's accurate.


Important to be informed of the facts when voting, I say. :) (lighten up)

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To further clarify, this bill goes further than even Mace realizes, setting up federal licensing for gun ownership and therefore giving the feds access to information they don't currently have, namely which citizens have guns. For those concerned about confiscation, this has and will continue to be an absolute deal breaker.


Me, I don't care about that part of it, but I'm vehemently against every red flag law I've ever seen because it takes away a constitutional right without due process (I think felons should be allowed to own guns as well). I also think the requirements it would put on FFLs are ridiculous.


And I'm still not going to vote for any assclown Republicans in November. Bunch of corrupt chodes.

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It would suck going into a war zone for the army at 18 and not being allowed to have a gun to defend yourself


Honestly with this and the drinking age they should just not let anyone under 21 join the military. It would solve soooo many problems. Probably bankrupt the Dodge and Ford dealers near bases but oh well.

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I don't approve of a lot of that. Still voting straight dem this fall.


:lol: Tragic. "I don't approve but I'm gonna vote for it" is mind bottling to me. That makes tater sense.


Purchasing a firearm does not currently require a license, right? And by law the atf is not allowed to store anything related to a background check, so the government does not already know that you own firearms.


That's my understanding of the status quo. One of us is misinformed, can anyone confirm?


You sweet summer child.


Also, if the .gov can hand an 18 year old kid a rifle and tell him to go murder folks in another country for their interests or "to defend his country" they sure as hell better be ok with any other American owning a firearm to defend themselves.


It would suck going into a war zone for the army at 18 and not being allowed to have a gun to defend yourself


Someone buy this man a drink. He gets it.


Me, I don't care about that part of it, but I'm vehemently against every red flag law I've ever seen because it takes away a constitutional right without due process (I think felons should be allowed to own guns as well). I also think the requirements it would put on FFLs are ridiculous.


And I'm still not going to vote for any assclown Republicans in November. Bunch of corrupt chodes.


You, sir, are an enigma.


this whole bill sounds pretty infringey.



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Not a single fucking thing in that bill makes any sense at all.


And not a single one of those points would keep the hoards of African American folks out of the Trauma bay at your local hospital, save for the maybe the community intervention program (but probably not even that). That's where your true numbers come from yet nobody gives a shit about that. You want those numbers to go down? Here's a novel idea: increase policing. But that's not gonna happen cause its actually hard to do and we're not actually looking for a solution, just the illusion that we're (politicians) doing something. Oh, and its 2020, and everyone knows the police are all bad.


Fuck everything laid out in that bill.

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Tragic. "I don't approve but I'm gonna vote for it" is mind bottling to me. That makes tater sense.


My vote is not going to be specifically for this bill so I don't see the contradiction. Has this bill been passed by the house? Has it even made it out of committee? Are the democrats going to win the senate, and if so are they either going to win a 2/3 majority (lol) or are they willing to change the senate rules to pass this on a simple majority? It all seems like a pipe dream. This is a democratic fever dream of gun legislation and if you actually think voting D in the fall is going to make it a reality then, OH sweet summer child.


Politics is a compromise. How many libertarians HATED the infringy PATRIOT act but then kept voting Republican. Hint- all of them. Mind bottling indeed.



You sweet summer child.


Explain. Are you suggesting that the atf has been illegally logging background check data for years and has somehow kept it a secret? Nobody's blown the whistle? None of the thousands of employees who must know? The government is inept but also super successful at keeping massive secrets? Lol. Look I trust the government with data even less than you do but this is a theory too far.


You, sir, are an enigma


No I'm just the brainwashed liberal soy boy cuck that CR so desperately wants me to be so. Bernie 2020! ACAB! Communism or bust!

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They're all corrupt. The Republicans were just the ones dumb enough to get caught this time.


Otis! Look at this mind bottling statement! They're all corrupt AND they got caught but he's voting for then anyway?! Tater sense! Tater sense!


Meh, not as fun as I thought it'd be. Maybe if you do it :)

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Honestly with this and the drinking age they should just not let anyone under 21 join the military. It would solve soooo many problems. Probably bankrupt the Dodge and Ford dealers near bases but oh well.


May as well raise the voting age to 21 as well. Can't do adult stuff at 18 then are they really an adult?

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May as well raise the voting age to 21 as well. Can't do adult stuff at 18 then are they really an adult?


Can't argue with that. Age of consent too. Contracts. Student loans. All or nothing, I say. If we're going to decide arbitrarily that people need to be 21 to make good decisions then we shouldn't let them make any decisions.


(in case it's not obvious, this is an argument for lowering the drinking age to 18 and not implementing stupid rules requiring gun owners to be 21. The current hodge podge of age restrictions is clearly silly, as this argument demonstrates)

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