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Bike Week Sponsor To Close Doors (Ohio Bike Week)


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SANDUSKY, Ohio—Organizers of Ohio Bike Week say they’re worried that the closing of a Harley-Davidson dealership in northern Ohio will hurt the event, an important source of tourism dollars.

Roeder Harley-Davidson in Sandusky has been the main sponsor of Bike Week, which has included live music, races and stunt demonstrations and is scheduled this year for June 5-14.

Many events were to originate at the dealership, which shut its doors Friday after its bank started foreclosure proceedings. Harley-Davidson also says the dealership owes it $2 million.

Bike Week organizer Steve Ernst says a portion of the dealership’s campus is expected to remain available, but it’s unclear if buildings will be open.

The event began in 2001 as a bike rally that ended on the shores of Lake Erie.


That kinda sucks!

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some of the new toys and features they are adding to the bikes are defiantly a step in the right direction, new frames, ecu controlled rear cylinder shut off when stopped to aid in cooling, upgraded engine mounts, they are some nice bikes

its a shame they are closing because even though its a Harley its still two wheels and its one less place that would give someone the opportunity to experience the freedom and lunacy that makes motorcycles so much fun

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Other sponsors have already stepped up and it's still gonna happen. They didnt fall on hard times. They are being sued cause they borrowed a ton of money and never made a payment! When HD cut them off they cut a deal with another dealership for bikes and acc. The local bank went to foreclose put found out that they never owned the lot they put the new store on nor do they own any merch thats in the store. They leased the lot with a second party and all merch belongs to south east HD. They just reopened the old dealership but painted over all the HD signs.

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Other sponsors have already stepped up and it's still gonna happen. They didnt fall on hard times. They are being sued cause they borrowed a ton of money and never made a payment! When HD cut them off they cut a deal with another dealership for bikes and acc. The local bank went to foreclose put found out that they never owned the lot they put the new store on nor do they own any merch thats in the store. They leased the lot with a second party and all merch belongs to south east HD. They just reopened the old dealership but painted over all the HD signs.

Hey, thanks for clearing it up and providing the info...it makes me not feel as bad...Harley's are everywhere...how could they not afford to make a payment with as many bikes as they sell? Just goes to show you it can happen to anyone...again, thanks for the info!

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Yeah, not sure why people feel sorry for any dealership specifically. I think it is more a post saying they are bummed that a bike night isn't around anymore vs. a dealership...

There are SO MANY shops that are struggling right now and to feel bad for one just due to a bike night is not really supporting the bike industry as a whole. Plus, HD has allowed so many shops to build what I call Boutique Style shops that they go into so much debt and are never going to pay it off - especially when HD has made it so that any person can pretty much go into an HD shop and get a bike right off the floor. There's no waiting anymore and thus, the image of HD isn't what it used to be...

Sounds as if they somewhat were a little too loose with their money and it bit them in the ass. Too bad as I remember racing with their son and they seemed like a cool family. But, as we have seen with MOC and others, there are a lot of dealers that should have gone out a long time ago from practicing poor business tactics.

I think this economy is going to allow the shops that SHOULD be around to survive and the ones that SHOULDN'T to fade away and die off. Survival of the smartest, if you will...

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I would love to own a Harley because I ride cruisers and have always wanted one,But I refuse to pay that crazy amount of money for it, But anyhow I am thinking of riding up to bike week the monday after it starts.

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