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Canton area ride this weekend... ?


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I can't believe we actually have a solid plan! I'll be at starbucks at 12. Txt me if anyone gets there earlier. I'm only 5minutes away

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The timing may work out for me if I can get some things done in the morning but to be honest I'm a little intimidated by group rides....

I've never done one and don't really know what to expect or what it's like.

Heck I don't even ride with a buddy - I've always riden solo.

What should one expect on a group ride?


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When riding in a group..you'll have riders of different skill levels. Some folks like to do a leisurely ride, some like to attack the corners or straights. When *I* organize a ride, I make sure no one is left behind...first and foremost. So, no matter what your skill level, no one feels out of place. If we're riding and the lead bikes come to a turn, they wait for everyone to catch up. Don't expect the lead bikes to go slow for everyone to stay 'grouped'...it doesn't work that way. What they will do, at least if I'm involved, is ride their ride, but wait for the rest of the group if they come to a point of the route that requires a turn in the other direction.

If we're hitting the twisties, I would expect that we have decent spacing between us...in case gravel or traffic or some other hazard pops up.

Other than that, know your hand/foot signals.

We promise not to bite. Come on and check it out if you want...ride in the back if you just want to get your feet wet.

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*update* after yesterday water and bar adventures, and todays ride im gonna pass on the ride. im just very tired and sore. sorry if this screwed anything up, but i doubt it. i will get out with you guys, but not at this time. sounds like there will be several people going, so be safe and have fun

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*update* after yesterday water and bar adventures, and todays ride im gonna pass on the ride. im just very tired and sore. sorry if this screwed anything up, but i doubt it. i will get out with you guys, but not at this time. sounds like there will be several people going, so be safe and have fun

I'm gonna pay someone to tea bag you.

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When riding in a group..you'll have riders of different skill levels. Some folks like to do a leisurely ride, some like to attack the corners or straights. When *I* organize a ride, I make sure no one is left behind...first and foremost. So, no matter what your skill level, no one feels out of place. If we're riding and the lead bikes come to a turn, they wait for everyone to catch up. Don't expect the lead bikes to go slow for everyone to stay 'grouped'...it doesn't work that way. What they will do, at least if I'm involved, is ride their ride, but wait for the rest of the group if they come to a point of the route that requires a turn in the other direction.

If we're hitting the twisties, I would expect that we have decent spacing between us...in case gravel or traffic or some other hazard pops up.

Other than that, know your hand/foot signals.

We promise not to bite. Come on and check it out if you want...ride in the back if you just want to get your feet wet.

Thank you for the info - I'll be honest I don't know some or most of the hand/foot signs.

Where can I study up on these so when I do decide to d one I can be somewhat prepared?

It's looking like tomorrow may not be a good thing just yet.

I don't want to make an arse of myself - and I'm still being extra cautious on the bike with the new meds I'm on for my back.

So if you'd be so kind to help with the hand/foot signs I'd like to try and learn a bit.

Thank you very much.


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i just dont think i can ride from 10-5 after the past few days. out of shape i guess. if i could make it i would but im spent bro. you guys gotta take 77 down anyways to canton no?

No worries...just giving you a hard time. I'd rather have you sit out than make the ride and put yourself in a bad spot.

Sal, take a look at this:


The most important are the hazard, turn/stop, fuel, and the "I SEE A COP" signal, which according to this page is the same as the high beam signal.

Don't stress it right now...just lurk in the back and watch everyone in front. That's the best way to learn.

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sal just come and do it! i'm a cruiser for christ sake... lol I'll be in the back (maybe lol) don't worry... group rides are awesome! you'll get it quick. no worries... we're not that bad. lol

damn Dude... i was hopin to met as many of you fuckers as i can... maybe next time. go get an iv.

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Just come on out and try it.No one is going to judge you or leave you behind. At the most, just come to the meet spot knowing how to ride staggered. The rest you'll pick up by watching.

Oh yeah...wear some gear too. :) Flip flops and shorts are not an option.

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Don't worry about a group ride. I just got my ass kicked on a fucking 9hr ride with a couple of people who pretty much left me in the dust, but one of them races so I don't feel too bad. What a fucking day...

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Worrying about being fast or slow is a good way to get into trouble (as I must remind myself again every year).

OH-164 is definitely a 'ride your own pace' kind of road, but honestly, it's good fun at just about any speed. Plus there are plenty of places to wait up for people.

Come on out, it should be a great time.

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If you get sucked into thinking that you can keep up with someone with more time in the seat, you're finished. Rt. 164 is NOTHING compared to what I rode today. I was schooled for sure but at the same time it didn't bother me that much. Don't ride over your head. Try playing around southern Ohio and then see where you're at.

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If you get sucked into thinking that you can keep up with someone with more time in the seat, you're finished. Rt. 164 is NOTHING compared to what I rode today. I was schooled for sure but at the same time it didn't bother me that much. Don't ride over your head. Try playing around southern Ohio and then see where you're at.

True, SE Ohio > other parts of Ohio (at least for roads). Where did you guys wind up going? 536, 556, etc?

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To be honest seems like you (inya) and myself are set for the Bp take off point not sure who else is meeting us there for sure :cool: so if its just us then we can leave from there at 10:31 for all I care...then meet DUDE off 77. steve said hes getting his codes checked on the RC51 so not sure if hes coming ??

and anyword on krazy white guy ??

I am going to be at Avon Honda at 10 to get the bike.If it's done and ready, I will meet you guys there. Obvuously if not, I won't but don't wait on my. Come 11, if my big ass ain't there, go enjoy your ride.

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