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Semi vs. my bike


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On Tuesday morning I was in an accident on my motorcycle while on my way to work. I wasn't even a 1/4 mile from my house when it happened.

Basically a semi failed to yield after stopping at a crossroad. He came across the road into my line of travel and I T-boned him right at his front passenger side tire. There was no sliding into it, I didn't lay the bike down before hand, it was in an upright position when I hit the truck. I flipped over the bars hit the truck with my body, then bounced back onto the road.

It was probably the scariest thing that I've ever experienced because I knew that there was no avoiding it and I knew that I was about to hit the truck.

It's pretty amazing that I'm actually able to type this thread right now. I very well could have been dead. I know that my helmet helped out a lot being that there was a hole in the side of the trucks fender where my head hit it. My bike is completely totaled out and it will be quite a while before I'll be able to ride again.

It was just last week that I was reminding everyone to wear a helmet because my friend just got into an accident. I'm yet another example of living proof that if you're on two wheels you should have a helmet on your head.

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Are you in the hospital? You seem like you're typing and thinking clearly, so I'm glad to see you are ok. That sounds horrible though.

I just got out today, I was in for two nights. Two broken bones in my foot, some mild road rash on my leg and a black thumb nail. It's nothing short of a miracle that I am not more seriously injured. I'm pretty sure that God himself was standing between the semi and me when I hit it.

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glad you're ok, anything happen to the driver of the truck legally?

The driver was cited, and arraigned in court immediately from what I'm told. My attorney is dealing with all the legal stuff and I'm not really sure how it will all turn out yet.

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Thank God you are ok!!! That's definitely a miracle and thats a very good thing that you were wearing a helmet! Alot of people just dont see the importance of them but they WILL save your life when life throws ya these curve balls. Keep your head up and I hope you get a good settlement with the trucking company.. Get a good lawyer and I hope you have a speedy recovery

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A SEMI!!! Holy shit! Nobody walks away alive from hitting a semi on a bike. I've seen sooo many semi/bike pics and nobody is ever intact after.

You got someone watching you man. It just wasn't your time to go. Glad you're still alive! Enjoy your new chance at life! :cool:

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"America stops running without trucks"

How about "Now hiring the most lazy, drunken, drug addicted slackers in the US to drive a 80,000 pound vehicle with no regard to other traffic."

Thats a bit much. I know many drivers and none are lazy, they are drug tested constantly and they drive their asses off. They do, however, put down a few beers in the off time, but dont we all?

Sorry this happened to you s-13, glad it wasnt more serious. I'm sure the driver was as freaked out as you. Hope you heal quickly and get a sweet ass new bike.

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Thanks to everyone for your support. It is amazing that I'm here. As far as the truck driver, I was told that he was really apologetic and worried about whether I was alright or not. It sucks that it happened, but I know that it can't be easy to see a bike from the seat of a semi so I don't hate the driver or anything.

The good news, I did want a new bike, I would have much rather just sold mine to get a different one though haha. The second piece of good news is that I've been trying to quit smoking and being in the hospital I was obviously not able to smoke so it got me past the first couple days of having no cigarettes. My mind has been too preoccupied with the pain in my leg and being messed up on morphine to even want a cigarette.

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Thats a bit much. I know many drivers and none are lazy, they are drug tested constantly and they drive their asses off. They do, however, put down a few beers in the off time, but dont we all?

Sorry this happened to you s-13, glad it wasnt more serious. I'm sure the driver was as freaked out as you. Hope you heal quickly and get a sweet ass new bike.

i agree, that is a bit much. I personally am a CDL driver and im the furthest thing from lazy, never done drugs and would never get into a truck after even a beer. just like my bike.

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whoa, thank goodness you are hear to tell the story! that's definitely a scary one.

On the other hand, I'm sure the truck driver never intended you harm. I feel bad for those guys sometimes, they constantly get cut off and have to make adjustments for idiot drivers. On the other hand, I'm sure he's learned a lesson to look both ways twice from now on.... he's probably so grateful he didn't kill you!

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Dam S-13, thank God you're alright. I hope that everything turns out on the good side financialy and it doesn't leave any long term health effects. A guy I ride with is still having surguries two years later to fix internal damage from an accident he was in. Take care and heal up right, the bike will wait till you finnish this fight. :D

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