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To the tool box on the white GSXR100 and OSU tee on 270...


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I laugh when I hear the surprise in peoples voice about people lane splitting at high speeds and being wreckless on Ohio roads. I'm NOT saying it's right but having been in California-stan for work a few years back you see some REALLY crazy shit!:eek: I suppose it is slowly moving this way and we can expect to see more and more of it.

On another note, don't take the law into your own hands by trying to scare or swerve into someone driving like this. YOU are making yourself liable for wreckless opp or worse yet Vehicular Homicide should you cause them to wreck and they die.

AMA still states that lane splitting is not covered under Ohio laws, but also says' that it can be considered wreckless operation. I Do lane split at times when doing so allows me to get away from a bad situation. Nothing like being trapped behind a blue hair who won't pass an 18wheeler with 15 mad driver pilling up behind you.:rolleyes: In cases like that I'd rather risk a ticket than become a smear on the road.:D

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You guys are right. I was just pissed that he puts himself into a scenerio where he cuts between cars and blasts off with no care in the world. That type of shit gets me upset and I wouldn't have been a dick and pushed on him at all... I just wanted to. Reality gets me most often and I do the right thing.

Bone head move and thought on my part... My bad, guys.

Dude don't be sorry, you don't have to change how you drive to make this ass hat be an idiot. I sure as hell would not get out of his way or give him the room to act stupid. This does not mean that I would chase him down or crash him but I would not change my driving to let him get through.

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Just because it is legal in several states in the US and most of the rest of the world doesn't make it right

just because it isn't legal in OH doesn't make it not right.

In the immortal words of Morpheus, "Free your mind"

Edited by AOW
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corrected for bad grammar by a guy spelling his name with 2 g's.....priceless..

See, I understood that, although you have room for improvement. Very good stoneage, thank you.

Also, I wasn't correcting your grammar, more like trying to understand the language you speak. Far out, dude.

Edited by natedogg624
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just because it isn't legal in OH doesn't mean make it not right.

In the immortal words of Morpheus, "Free your mind"

did you just back up your thoughts with a quote from the matrix??? i dont think that will help people take you seriously :lol: jk

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