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Wednes Bike Night QSL On Polaris


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Not sure. With Ben's new job and everything else we have going giving up two nights during the week is hard. If not Wed, we will be at the Official OhioRiders' Bike night Thursday!

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I thought i was losing my mind, i knew i posted it up in a new thread, one that everyone is used to seeing.

Being merged like this makes me feel dirty and unpure.

Sorry to those who care. I'll try to make things right next week without any dirty mergings

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MY apologies to mr brett and everyone....i am after all new to this thing.....i wasn't trying to offend anyone or step on anyones toes.....now that i know better i will try not to do it again in the future:(

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MY apologies to mr brett and everyone....i am after all new to this thing.....i wasn't trying to offend anyone or step on anyones toes.....now that i know better i will try not to do it again in the future:(

How dare you disrespect the Brettmeister. The next time i see you....:beating:

Jk. :D

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