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Who was looking for a starter bike?


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I was looking at CL and saw this. Somewhere there was someone asking about an inexpensive starter bike. Don't know this guy or true condition of the bike but sounds like something worth checking out if you're looking.;)


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Been looking, that's a bit much for one, even with the low miles (IMHO.) If ya watch, they pop up for under 1500 in nearly new condition from time to time. Methinks $2000 - 2200 is about the tops for a 2007, even with the low miles.

There was a 1996 (I think?) for $800, just over 5k miles, for $800 over the weekend. With the Ninja 250, age isn't much of an issue, since parts are relatively cheap (except upper fairings) and they interchange for so many years.

With all that said, if I had the cash in hand, I would offer the guy $2000 or so for it myself, for the wife.

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Teehee.... "dropped once" + For Sale = Scared of bike.

Low ball him on the price and gift it to the wifey... or just keep it yourself since like Recon said, it looks like it would be fun as hell to trash that bitch... :)

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Not fun to thrash until you get rid of the stock rubber! Trust me, once it's so far onto it's side there's not much shoulder on that tire!

Otherwise I'd say no more than $2000 for that.

Oh and yes, upper fairings are expensive

Can't argue the tire issue! The stock tires leave a LOT to be desired, which can be filled by putting on a set of the Bridgestone Battlax BT45's. I have them now, and the difference from stock makes it feel like a different bike. This is something I reccomend to anyone buying a Ninja 250, get rid of the stock rubber!

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