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Co-worker dropped his bike yesterday


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So my co-worker, who hasn't taken the MSF and refuses to, dropped his bike coming a redlight yesterday. He said he was wearing shorts and was paying attention to a girl in a car next to him. He ended up getting 2nd degree burns on his leg, from his exhaust. He refuses to go to the hospital and says that his exhaust is clean and doesn't need to put anything on it other than aloe lotion.

I asked him if he learn his lesson for wearing shorts? He said no. "If I'm not comfortable while riding my bike, then there is no need to ride it."

I don't like riding with him, because he doesn't know proper bike etiquette. He likes to ride right beside me, even going around corners. So I try to let him say far ahead of me. He says that if he takes the MSF, it would be the advanced one and not the basic course, because he has been riding for a year and he wouldn't learn anything.

I kinda feel sorry for him, but he said he will continue to do what he is doing. So I feel that he is asking for it.

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You've done all you can do...these type of people don't usually ride for long...

either they have a wreck, and mess up their body, have a wreck and mess up their bike, or get bored with it.

the others buy harleys...(i keed i keed)

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1st degree is the mildest burn (looks like just a sunburn) I've had people get 2nd degree from just touching my pipe so I assume you're buddy got a bad 2nd degree.... maybe even 3rd?

I wouldn't ride with this guy, no bike etiquette means no fun... also MSF doesn't go over proper group riding really, that's just common sense shit...

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Yeah, it's a second degree burn, not a major 2nd degree though. I looked it up on Wikipedia.

As far as riding with him... If I ride my bike, most likely he is riding his bike and we always go to lunch together. So I'm kinda stuck. I just hope to God he doesn't do something stupid in front of me.

On another note... He probably won't be riding for a while, with his leg the way it is.

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Here's what you do. Kick him in the nuts, now...that he's leaning over....uppercut him to the face...with the most absolute for you can. The key here....is to try and knock him out. If he's out....stick a post it note to his face, telling him he needs to get his shit together.

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OUCHY@ 2nd degree burns!!

But ... uhmm who in their right mind wants their bare leg up against an extra hot exhaust pipe?? Sad to say but he kinda had it coming. He knows how to prevent burns and injury, but refuses? I'll take "Natural Selection" for $400, Alex.

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OUCHY@ 2nd degree burns!!

But ... uhmm who in their right mind wants their bare leg up against an extra hot exhaust pipe?? Sad to say but he kinda had it coming. He knows how to prevent burns and injury, but refuses? I'll take "Natural Selection" for $400, Alex.

Hopefully he doesn't have any kids to pass the genes down to

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We all learn at our own pace, some just take longer than others. Might wanna inform your buddy that the danger isn't from the pipe but from outside infection on a burn like that. Maybe you should talk him into a trike so he doesn't fall over again? :lol:

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I don't even think they will let you in the advanced course if you don't take the basic course first.

Your friend is an asshat. If he didn't learn from this gentle nudge that his skills aren't as great as he thinks they are, he may learn when it is too late. I had been riding for over 15yrs before I took the basic course. I was extremely surprised at how many bad habits I had picked up.

As far as his riding etiquette when riding with someone else, you need to tell him straight out what you expect from someone riding w/you or your group. If he can't conform to that, then you need to stop riding with him, or risk being collateral damage when Darwin catches up to him

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Here's what you do. Kick him in the nuts, now...that he's leaning over....uppercut him to the face...with the most absolute for you can. The key here....is to try and knock him out. If he's out....stick a post it note to his face, telling him he needs to get his shit together.

Hmmm.. I thought you were going to say had he been wearing proper attire he wouldn't have felt the punches as much.. sort of a lesson...

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I don't even think they will let you in the advanced course if you don't take the basic course first.

Your friend is an asshat. If he didn't learn from this gentle nudge that his skills aren't as great as he thinks they are, he may learn when it is too late. I had been riding for over 15yrs before I took the basic course. I was extremely surprised at how many bad habits I had picked up.

As far as his riding etiquette when riding with someone else, you need to tell him straight out what you expect from someone riding w/you or your group. If he can't conform to that, then you need to stop riding with him, or risk being collateral damage when Darwin catches up to him

True- If he was "advanced" material he wouldn't have been so stupid.

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So, he is an advanced rider and a practicing doctor. You are obviously not smart enough to tell him anything so why bother. Stay away from him as much as possible when riding; you don't want his special kind of stupid to affect you.

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I just took the MSF course at Hinderer Honda this past weekend and I recommend it to EVERYONE (no matter how much experience you have and how good you think you are)!! Not only was it a complete blast, but it was cool to see how maneuverable bikes are at super slow speeds. Everyone can get something out of this course! Plus its a great time to experiement on someone elses bike that you can drop! Take it :)

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I just took the MSF course at Hinderer Honda this past weekend and I recommend it to EVERYONE (no matter how much experience you have and how good you think you are)!! Not only was it a complete blast, but it was cool to see how maneuverable bikes are at super slow speeds. Everyone can get something out of this course! Plus its a great time to experiement on someone elses bike that you can drop! Take it :)

It was really fun! The instructors would jump on the bikes during breaks and just rip them around the course, 35 mph full lock turns around a cone... was just really funny considering what they had us doing :)

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I always tell people if you wanna get better at riding on the street learn to ride on the dirt. Riding a bike through the woods teaches you to look ahead, pick a line, use peripherial vision, get off the seat, clutch control, throttle control, leaning, breaking in adverse conditions and how to fall down. :)

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