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Your first bike...was is a 250???


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It seems to me that lighter, less powerful bikes are easier to handle and thus easier and safer to learn on. They are certainly much more forgiving to a novice rider.

The down side seems to be that you out grow a small bike very quickly and soon you want a bit more out of the throttle than it can give you... I thought my little GS550 was scary fast the first time I cracked the throttle wide open, now I could take a nap at WOT on that thing.

Oh, and a slow bike will still smoke the average passenger car. (that weight to power ratio thing...) Even my '78 GS will toast most sports cars. (and a modern bike of similar displacement wont need half it's throttle to smoke the GS)

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my first bike was a 5hp tecumseh minibike...I was 6 and couldn't get NEAR touching the ground (i could barely reach the pegs) so I put a cement block in the yard and learned to stop with one of the pegs on it.


my first "motorcycle" I got when i was 12, It was a Kawasaki 550 LTD (like strictly street's) It had no title, due to a bonfire accident years before i got possesion.


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The U.S. would benefit from a tiered system.

Fuck that shit, while I have little doubt that this type of system would be beneficial to many people it would rightfully be met with much opposition to the point I would hope of defeat. Stupid hurts, stupid should hurt, big brother is not responsible for me nor should it be.

Socialists. I don't want the government telling me what I can and can't ride.


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my first street bike was an '82 Honda CM400. Got it as a gift when my buddy went off to basic, gave it back to him a year later w/another 25k miles when I went off to basic. Fast forward two years to Hawaii, and I stepped up to a 1000cc Honda Hurricane (yeah, I just aged myself with that one). I laid that bike down twice, in full gear, (roads in Hawaii aren't exactly street bike at speed friendly) before selling it and moving back to the mainland.

Didn't ride for about 12yrs or so, then I got the VROD. After such a long hiatus from riding, I decided to enroll and do the MSF course again.

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Just give me a VRod with my GSXR and we'll be one big happy family!...
But it's still got enough balls for a cruiser and that's the whole reason I want it!

You are truly a wise woman

You know a stock vrod is only pushing a lil' ovr 100hp and 85# torque and weighs about twice what your 600 weighs.

and that is why the VROD is a power CRUISER, not a sport bike or a sport tourer.

I'm not sure how a V-Rod does it, but it's performance is impressive when I ride with one. Just huge amounts of torque available at all throttle. Having a very wide power band is something most bikes do not have. It will not flick around like a lighter bike though. You set your line and ride it.

I don't know, VRODDave throws his around pretty well in the twisties.

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My first bike was the '03 600RR Cheech now has. You can screw up very fast on it but the power never screwed me.. it was the damn pot hole I didn't see and stuck my foot in when stopping :( I'm too short for that crap. Bike fell on me while I was stopped.. Damn WV and their shitty roads/parkinglots.

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No guy by any means but I'll put in my 2 cents. I'm wanting a 250, just because. My sister had an older style way back in the day, got rid of it. I like the newer style myself....Basic point for me is I'm not riding anything that I don't feel comfortable on. If I can't pick it up after I drop it (which I'm sure I will) I have no business riding it...PERIOD.

Not out for "I'm bad a bad ass bitch bc I ride a bike three times the size of me"...To those who rock that out..awesome! For me, no thanks!

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Maybe not a tiered system in the same aspect as the Europeans. But maybe do like the boating regulations in OH. Being born after a certain date, if you want to own/operate a watercraft you have to go thru a safety course. So if you want to ride a bike, you have to take the MSF course. :dunno: Not really trying to be a socialist. More like trying to prevent younger kids from making the same mistakes that we all did.

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Basic point for me is I'm not riding anything that I don't feel comfortable on. If I can't pick it up after I drop it (which I'm sure I will) I have no business riding it...PERIOD.

that was my dad's rule...

"you can ride it when you can pick it up"

he layed the 550 on it's side one summer and said "go for it", I righted it, put it on the stand and made a deal to trade him the tecumseh for it...

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Looking down on someone for starting on a 250 is lame and any guy afraid to be seen on a 250 is compensating for something.

my .02 cents

Ummm I think I wrote that I rethought what I said to the dude AND was a bit under the influence when I said it. It was Mexico and all inclusive. The drinks were quite abundant down there!

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