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So I almost killed two little girls today...


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... seriously. I almost hit two little girls with my work van around 2:30p this afternoon. They bolted out across the street in front of me on Taylor Ave just South of Leonard. I think they only looked one way, it was like they didn't see me at all. I was probably doing 35mph, saw them start to move and locked all four up and came to screeching halt with the one girl actually touching the drivers side front corner when I came to a stop.

Let me just say how shook up I was. I sat in the middle of the road for what seemed like an eternity (was actually probably about 3minutes) before I could bring myself to drive away I was shaking so bad. It looked like two sisters, probably 11 and 8yrs old, the older one was holding the younger ones hand when they bolted out.

The older one actually made it across in front of me with the younger one touching my front end and turning around and went back to the other side.

If it were anyone else that they ran out in front of I would almost bet both of them would be dead right now. I think the only reason they are not is that I have been driving a service van for over 20yrs and am quite in tune with my environment when driving, I saw them there on the side of the road, most other people would have never even noticed them.

If I had not noticed them I would have hit them both full on at around 30-35mph, they would not have made it.

This was something I will not forget for awhile, I'm getting sick to my stomach just thinking about it again. I can't imagine what it would be like to run someone over, let alone two young girls.

Edited by SWing'R
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my little brother got hit in our neighborhood in a similar scenario when he was about 12. rolled up the hood and off the side of the car. pissed his pants and got cited for jaywalking, which the judge obviously dismissed.

good looking out though man. i drive a E-350 van that has upwards of 3000 pound of liquid and solid cargo on board and i know they dont like to stop very well. i always get a bit nervous whenever kids on bikes or throwing balls are around cause they are oblivious.

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  smashweights said:
my little brother got hit in our neighborhood in a similar scenario when he was about 12. rolled up the hood and off the side of the car. pissed his pants and got cited for jaywalking, which the judge obviously dismissed.

good looking out though man. i drive a E-350 van that has upwards of 3000 pound of liquid and solid cargo on board and i know they dont like to stop very well. i always get a bit nervous whenever kids on bikes or throwing balls are around cause they are oblivious.

cited for j walking at age 12?

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It happens way too often.

I see a mop of blonde hair moving between parked cars, fast toward the street, right in front of me. Fast stop, the kid is going to die doing that. Little girl. She was scared, she knew running into the street was wrong. We had a little talk about cars and staying out of the street...

Little boy bolts out of a shoe store, I slide to a stop and he turns the corner of a parked car, flops on my hood and looks at me. The front shocks let loose from the sudden compression of the stop, and rebound, and tossed him in the street, knocking his shoes off. He was ok, but scared to the max. A stranger in the parking lot was nice enough to say that I had stopped way early when the kid bolted out of the store...

I see a tiny toddler running toward morning traffic. This is a nightmare. I'm moving to throw the car across three lanes into oncoming traffic to protect him, and jump out and grab him. Parent does a miracle and comes out of nowhere and grabs the kid by the butt, right at the curb. I stop and stare, I have no idea where the parent came from. He had been running really fast.

These things shake you up. I gave up forever driving fast in residential neighborhoods, after the kid on the hood of the car. It's just not worth it. I'd rather drive slow, and let them live.

When I was 3 or 4 years old, I went out the back door, crossed a field, crossed a four lane highway, and went to the local school. That's where my Mom found me.

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  omgshesaboy said:
cited for j walking at age 12?

12ish, yeah. i think it was just cause they werent finding the driver at fault. my mom was furious though cause the guy had the stones to call and ask us to pay for the broken side view mirror. :mad:

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I know how frightening that must have been, but you made the stop, and no one was hurt. Kudos my friend. Try not to think about what might have been and what really happened. Like knicks360 said, you passed a test. Will be thinking about ya mang!

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I blame the gov't, 8 & 11 yrs old, obviously we need a more serious crossing the street class in our elementary schools.

Seriously, good call bro, as much as I joke around about being a hard case, my insides wrench when someone gets hurt just wrestling around.

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This happens far too often.

I remember when I was little going to "Safety City". It was like a 3-4 day class over summer that taught about crossing streets, lawn mowers and we also drove little cars around the gymnasium.


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Thanks everyone for the positive replies, this really tore me up inside for a couple hours today,

I almost went home from work early. But like most of you have said, it could have been worse,

everyone walked away from it ok!

I gotta wonder if the younger girl will bust out on her sister by accident, you know how kids say

the damned things, I can she her later tonight when moms around saying something like

"sissy tried to kill me today crossing the street" And mom will be like... :eek:

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  JRMMiii said:
Wooo hooo hoooo, Safety City...aren't you just king shit?

I wasn't good enough for safety city, we had safety town. :p

At least it wasn't Safety Village

I still remember how much fun it was.

All kids should attend it.

Edited by RC51 John
Remove the :lol: because this thread isn't a laughting matter
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I hit a little girl on her bike ..she came right out in front of my car and didnt look to see if there was traffic. I didnt even have time to stop. I hit her straight on ..her head hit my windshield and almost went all the way though. It was the worst feeling I have ever felt. She was bleeding from her head and I about had a panic attack I could barely breathe I was so shaken up. Luckily she was fine and I wasnt sited her mom was upset with her for being at my apt complex bc she wasnt supposed to be riding over there. Horrible feeling for sure :(

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