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Upcoming Tar Hollow Ride


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You mentioned in an earlier post that you could email a GPS track? If so please send it to mike_wowk@yahoo.com. Also I saw in your video link you had a few of our helmet cam vids linked....:D As it stands now we have a group of 4 riders coming down. Looking forward to it. Thanks for the effort of putting together this ride.

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Is there a fee?

No fee. but as mentioned before this is in support of Cavemanriders.com. to build awareness about the group and hopefully build new members.:)

-Bikes will need to be street legal, I'm not checking so it's YOUR responsibility if you get stopped.

I look forword to meeting you guys.

Edited by buildit
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Looks like the people coming are as follows:

Crazy J


Smiling John


KTMrider and friends?? (ohiorides.org)





Mike TV

Swingset (Lost but not forgotten):lol:







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Looks like there will be 3 of us heading down from up North. I suppose we will hit the road at 6:00am to get us there about 9:30. Looks like it's gonna be a warm one:eek: 93 degrees! Also appears to be about no chance of rain:D.

We'll have me on my 525MXC, CJ my brother on his 450MXC and Unclepunk(Tod) riding my sons 250EXC. We'll be representin' team ORANGE:cool:

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Looks like there will be 3 of us heading down from up North. I suppose we will hit the road at 6:00am to get us there about 9:30. Looks like it's gonna be a warm one:eek: 93 degrees! Also appears to be about no chance of rain:D.

We'll have me on my 525MXC, CJ my brother on his 450MXC and Unclepunk(Tod) riding my sons 250EXC. We'll be representin' team ORANGE:cool:

Cool, I'd help rep the orange team but my new to me KTM is without title still and needs some better tires before it comes out to play in the dirt.:D I'll be the 6'4" guy with the red KLR.

But this will be out to play soon. :o


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you should check out coming to walhounding camp grounds here in coshocton. they have trails and a ncie camping area. holiday weekends are crazy fun!

I've been on their trails, good fun there. There's a few around that area that aren't part of the campground's trail network that are cool too.

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Looks like the people coming are as follows:

Crazy J


Smiling John and 2 friends??


KTMrider and 3 friends?? (ohiorides.org)




Mike TV

Swingset (Lost but not forgotten):lol:








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Is there gonna be a place to park our truck and trailer?

There is normally space at the grocery store next doors. Otherwise there is a little park behind the gas station. If it gets too crazy I guess you can park at Tar Hollow like me and ride to the gas station.

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Ugh Mike, I will be riding the KTM but I doubt I'll be representing Orange. I have a feeling I will be able to rock a scooter after tomorrow though. Spending a day with scooter controls can't hurt.

Ahhh... Young Grasshopper... When you can snatch the pebble from my hand you can talk smack.... Not one minute sooner:p

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buildit was a gracious host and puts together a well run ride and he hustles that KLR like a pro! Organized and on time. Lots of good guys(and a gal) to ride with. Trails were a nice mixture of road vs. trail. Weather cooperated nicely except for it might have been a bit hot for some. Trail conditions were near perfect, Minimal mud and dust wasn't too much of an issue either.

I will have to admit that when we knew there was going to be alot of KLR 650's we kinda figured it was gonna be mainly gravel roads, But we were happy to see alot of trail, creek beds and woods riding. And to you guys riding the behemouth KLR's with darn near street tires..... You guys got GUTS! Good job. Also the guys on 250's with street-ish tires... Good job also. I won't go into the woods with anything less than fresh knobbies:D

Tom on his bike with the bald tires is one hell of a rider. Real fast and he throws that 650 around like it was a 200cc bike:wtf:

And on the the person who impressed me the most. The young lady riding the KLR650.... Road 100 miles to get to the trail to ride another 100 miles offroad and then finish it off with a 100 mile trip home:eek: It was alot of fun watching you ride some difficult terrain on a bike that shouldn't be doing that type of riding. I only wish my wife could/would ride like you.

Thanks again!

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I'm back and resting with a few beers.....great time, thanks Luke for putting it on it was a great mix of roads, trails and creek beds!

Nice to meet some new faces, and to see some old ones again. Every time I think I'm improving as a rider, I see someone on a heavier bike, smaller than me, who's kicking my ass. Today it was a lady.

So, I suck but it's ok....having fun is what it's all about!

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I'm glad you guys made it home safe and (almost as important) that you had a good time. This was the largest group ride I've ever lead with 18 riders of mixed ability doing sections of single track. I felt lucky we only got split up a few times. I hope we'll all be able to do many more rides together.

*** Special thanks to Smiling John for taking on the thankless job of playing clean up! ;) I owe you one big time my friend. :)


Now some photos:

Meeting up in Laurelville


As usual Becky showed the guys what she is made of! :o


I only caught one rider going down in a simple area. Lots of us were getting tired and started making errors.


Speaking of errors sorry for the turn arounds due to GPS/ Luke error. Glad John knew the right way! I put too much stock in which way my GPS tells me to go. :p

You guys were awsome on those little Honda 230s!


And our KTM guests really showed their grit and skills.


Love this view ;D


And of course HC made it. Hope you enjoyed just being able to ride for a change HC. ;)


Thanks again to everyone who showed up and special thanks to those who helped keep me sane. ::) I'll try to get some video up in the next few days but I might need Crazy Johns video filter to stabilize some of the rear cam footage.

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Thank you so much for putting this ride together, I had a great day and can't stop thinking about it. Of course if I do stop thinking about it just moving reminds me because I'm sore all over and it's getting worse as the day goes on. I would also like to thank the guys who sacrificed their ride to make things go smoothly.

Everyone was really nice to me and if they were complaining about me I didn't hear it. I hope I didn't hold up anyone too badly and ruin their ride. This was only my third time riding a dirt bike since about 1976 so I was just holding on for dear life thinking to myself this is going to hurt. I got lucky and didn't hurt myself or the borrowed bike I was riding. I'm sorry for not being more social but most of the conversations were about dirt bikes and types of riding on trails most of which I know nothing about so I mostly just listened to try and learn something. I wish I could have help people when they were stuck but I was having a hard time just staying on the bike.

At one point going up a climb I had to stop, I couldn't breath, my muscles were like jelly and my brain said it wasn't going to make another decision. I sat there for a few minutes then CJ (KTMRIDERS brother and my personal baby sitter) said just make to the top then take a break. I make it to the top when KTMRIDER and CJ say "That was a fun climb lets go back down and do it again." meanwhile I'm gasping for air and need to lie down. I guess when you don't have a death grip on the bars and you remember to breathe because your not scared to death riding is much easier.

I would also like to thank KTMRIDER for letting me use his son’s bike, that recluse clutch made things a lot easier for me out there by taking one more task off of my hands to let me enjoy a great day which I know I will remember for a long time.

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UP, you did fine I was behind you for a few sections and you handled the bike very well....there were plenty of a spots that were a little tricky and you got through them unscathed so I'd say for your experience level you did great.

I returned to dirt a couple years ago and it was nerve racking, more than I thought it would be so I know where you're coming from...luckily this outing you had a very light, flickable bike, and that helps a lot. Keep at it, it's fun and a great workout too....what wore you out, as I'm sure you know now is being overly tight....it's hard not to be sometimes. The more I ride the more relaxed I find myself in technical sections. At first I have to really stop and focus on staying loose, relaxing my arms and grip and then it starts to become natural.

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Yeah UP you did great and represented the KTM riders well! You were not alone as someone without lots of offroad experience. There were several people who are just getting into the Dual Sport activities. I still struggle with picking lines and knowing how much power to use in technical sections. Lucky for me I know most that area and therefore kind of know what to expect and what lines to use.

So I made it to my Moms' today and thanks to road runner have some video to post up here.


Swingset, we still need to get together sometime and re-explore the Cashocton/Dresden area a bit. :)

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