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Protect your Knife Rights


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AKTI Opposes U.S. Customs' attempt to classify assisted-opening

knives and all one-hand opening knives as switchblades.

Customs' proposal will make criminals of 35.6 million Americans

The definition of a switchblade or automatic knife has been clear and explicit in federal law since

1958. There have been several state court cases in California, Texas, Illiinois and Michigan on the

issue of assisted-opening knives. Every judge in every case has ruled they are not switchblades

because they do not possess an activating button on the handle.

In fact, AKTI' s bill on the Texas governor's desk now clarified their statute, reaffirming the 50-year

old federal definition, and clearly distinguishing one-hand openers and assisted-openers from

knives classified as switchblades or automatics.

Be warned … AKTI fears that all folding knives will be at risk. U.S. Customs’ proposal indicates it is

directed at only the importers of assisted-opening knives. However, the language used in their

revocation document is so broad and uses virtually every term ever applied to any knife that opens

with one hand. We fear that they are attempting to bypass the will of Congress and that once they

succeed in getting assisted-openers defined as switchblades, they could move against all folding

knives. These include multi-tools, traditional pocket knives, one-hand openers, and assisted-


If you want to view a video of what AKTI fears about this situation and about your being branded a

criminal if you carry a folding knife, go to … http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5KINtCajwI

Source: http://akti.org/legislation/uscustoms.html

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