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Coshocton R6 crash 07-26-09


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Riding with slow riders keeps you slow. Just look at cruiser owners. :D

But seriously, I like comparing my pace to others. I started out in the rear of the group but it was a little slow for my liking. I found my way to the middle of the group and liked the pace there, mostly at the front of the second pack. When we got going again, I found myself near the front with others gaining on me and determined that the front runners were way above my skill level so I dropped back again.

It's all personal choice and you have to have clear enough decision making skills to know when you're going beyond your comfort zone. I waved more than a few riders past me when I got the chance to and it didn't hurt my ego at all. They are just plain more experienced, and if it kept trying at that level things were gonna go bad.

Overall, I feel as though I went faster, I raised my comfort level with leaning the bike over, and I was challenged in ways I never have been while riding a bike.

Also , I'd just like to say sorry for anyone I may have cut off or gotten near as the pack pulled out from stopping points, things were quite crazy every time we pulled away again. I promise I have no vendetta against you, lol.


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you let a twin pass you on a straight? :nono:

Well I was maintaining the gap between me and John, when all of a sudden Justin whips up beside me and into the gap between John and I. Then he looked like he was trying to pass John, but as I said earlier, John's twin is faster. But I know, it's still a bit shamefull that a v-twin sport touring bike, that is 400cc bigger than my 14 year old 600cc I-4, took me on the straight. That's why I said "screw you Justin."

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Speaking for myself I think the ride went very well, everybody seemed to be patient. I never felt like it was out of control at all. The only problem I saw was the gravel the Coshocton guys emptied out of there pockets onto the road to slow the Cleveland crew down lol

Edited by twisted12
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Riding with slow riders keeps you slow. Just look at cruiser owners. :D

But seriously, I like comparing my pace to others. I started out in the rear of the group but it was a little slow for my liking. I found my way to the middle of the group and liked the pace there, mostly at the front of the second pack. When we got going again, I found myself near the front with others gaining on me and determined that the front runners were way above my skill level so I dropped back again.

It's all personal choice and you have to have clear enough decision making skills to know when you're going beyond your comfort zone. I waved more than a few riders past me when I got the chance to and it didn't hurt my ego at all. They are just plain more experienced, and if it kept trying at that level things were gonna go bad.

That's exactly how I rode...best way to do it if you wanna learn without being bored, IMHO. The trick is to KNOW when you are above your head, and try not to play 'catch the leader'.

Good job!

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Speaking for myself I think the ride went very well, everybody seemed to be patient. I never felt like it was out of control at all. The only problem I saw was the gravel the Coshocton guys emptied out of there pockets onto the road to slow the Cleveland crew down lol

I saw them loading their pockets before we left.

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Not busting on you guys ross, honest. Not saying its your fault either, but there have been several crashes out that way that were announced on here (at least 1 fatal this year). maybe not this year, per se, but look at last year and I can name several forum regulars who wadded their shit up out there. Cheech being the first one (from this site) this year doesnt make it any less taxing on the software (bodies) or hardware (bikes).

I just saying that chasing much faster and more experienced riders might not be a good environment for newbs to learn in. Ride at your own pace and learn how to ride fast slowly.

1 or 2 in 30 bikes going down is a horrible average. 0 in 30 is a good average.

first off that fatal has nothing to do with the group of us on this fourm. casey and brian may have been close to him i really dont know but the rest of us werent. im not going any further into details.

blakes wreck wasnt from our roads or group riding it was because of MOC.

cheech wasnt into coshocton yet.

mikes wreck yesterday was cuz he rides over his head no matter what we tell him.

when ross and calvin went down they were fresh riders.

mine was cuz im a shitty rider.

now how many ppl have wrecked or died in columbus? but yet u still ride in that area??

I saw them loading their pockets before we left.

had to do something to win!

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Ridding with the fast guys this weekend def helped me develop my skills further. This was the first trip where I really got off the bike to go into turns, didn't do it every time, but I only got to that point by watching other guys do it. So thanks to everyone faster than we for letting me learn from you; and screw you Justin and your SV1000, I won't let you pass me again on the straights ;)

:lol: SV1000 - the power of a 600, with the weight of a 1000.

Trust me though, it took everything that bike had to get around people. Especially with the head shake the bike seemed to have. I still couldn't get around Uncle Punk if I tried.

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Im afirm beliver in riding in a group and that riding with people better than you will make you a better rider
Ridding with the fast guys this weekend def helped me develop my skills further. This was the first trip where I really got off the bike to go into turns, didn't do it every time, but I only got to that point by watching other guys do it. So thanks to everyone faster than we for letting me learn from you; and screw you Justin and your SV1000, I won't let you pass me again on the straights ;)

Sounds like you guys have been to Gixxies riding school :rolleyes:


Overall, I feel as though I went faster, I raised my comfort level with leaning the bike over, and I was challenged in ways I never have been while riding a bike.

Also , I'd just like to say sorry for anyone I may have cut off or gotten near as the pack pulled out from stopping points, things were quite crazy every time we pulled away again. I promise I have no vendetta against you, lol.

Still not the best way for a newb to learn to go fast. I think you proved my point. Not saying you're a newb, I was originally trying to convey to Mr. A that this type of riding might be more dangerous for a first year rider. Think back to your first year on a street bike. Would you have been comfortable riding in a group of fast riders making tight passes and/or cutting you off?

Riding in a small group of same experienced riders lets you develop your riding skills slowly and carefully as opposed to trying to maintain a certain pace to keep from being passed/keep up with your group and losing your concentration, wearing yourself out, overcooking turns ect. I've been there, I've done it that way and I have the scars to prove it. Just trying to share some of my experience with fellow riders. Learn from my mistakes or dont, but I'm sure some of the more experienced riders here will tell you the same thing as I am telling you. Newbs riding with fast groups is a recipe for disaster.

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first off that fatal has nothing to do with the group of us on this fourm. casey and brian may have been close to him i really dont know but the rest of us werent. im not going any further into details.

blakes wreck wasnt from our roads or group riding it was because of MOC.

cheech wasnt into coshocton yet.

mikes wreck yesterday was cuz he rides over his head no matter what we tell him.

when ross and calvin went down they were fresh riders.

mine was cuz im a shitty rider.

now how many ppl have wrecked or died in columbus? but yet u still ride in that area??


i'm not saying that anyone is but don't knock on us from coshocton just because there are a few bad apples on the tree. that would be like me saying everyone from new philadelphia is a fucking squid just because thats where quikzx9r is from.

the group we ride with has had its fair share of incidents but we were all there when they happened and we can all vouch for each other that a wreck was bound to happen where we have all wrecked. i had been riding for less than 3 months when my wreck happened.

am i ashamed of it? no.

was i riding above my level? yes

did i learn from it? you bet your ass i did

riding with a more experienced group is the only way to make your riding improve IMO. if you're the type of person that doesn't ride with a group because you feel that its dangerous because you have heard of a few wrecks happening then so be it.

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first off that fatal has nothing to do with the group of us on this fourm. casey and brian may have been close to him i really dont know but the rest of us werent. im not going any further into details.

blakes wreck wasnt from our roads or group riding it was because of MOC.

cheech wasnt into coshocton yet.

mikes wreck yesterday was cuz he rides over his head no matter what we tell him.

when ross and calvin went down they were fresh riders.

mine was cuz im a shitty rider.

now how many ppl have wrecked or died in columbus? but yet u still ride in that area??

OK this is getting out of hand. AGAIN, I'm not saying any of these wrecks were the fault of any of you guys, there just happens to be alot of bike accidents in that area. I would probably blame it on inexperienced riders on unknown roads, but I dont know all of the circumstances. There are alot in columbus too. I dont ride in columbus. WAY too many bad/illegal/old/unattentive drivers.

I was just trying to get the newbs (we have alot of inexperienced riders on here) to think twice before jumping in on a fast paced group ride and trying to hang.

Why is everyone getting defensive about that? :wtf:

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First off, my little apology there involved moving at 5 to 10 mph. Getting the group sorted and moving was a little crazy but once underway everyone kept an appropriate position. I wasn't cut off nor involved in any close situations by anyone at speed. You're thinking too much into my post.

Second, yes the roads are challenging. I knew that going into it. I made them challenging by choosing the pace I did. If you put your ego away and have your head on correctly then there's no reason you shouldn't be able to choose your own pace and ride without issue. Except for devil road, I'd still suggest any newb going out with someone like Adam to ride the roads. Adam was a good leader for the second group and kept a good eye on things.

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the group we ride with has had its fair share of incidents but we were all there when they happened and we can all vouch for each other that a wreck was bound to happen where we have all wrecked. i had been riding for less than 3 months when my wreck happened.

am i ashamed of it? no.

was i riding above my level? yes

did i learn from it? you bet your ass i did

so other newbs should learn the way you did or would you like them to learn from your experience?

riding with a more experienced group is the only way to make your riding improve IMO. if you're the type of person that doesn't ride with a group because you feel that its dangerous because you have heard of a few wrecks happening then so be it.

I have ridden in many group rides and I know how dangerous they can be when you mix riders and experience levels. I have been riding since 1990 and learned all the lessons the hard way. I am just trying to save the new guys the pain and expense of learning the way I did.

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I was just trying to get the newbs (we have alot of inexperienced riders on here) to think twice before jumping in on a fast paced group ride and trying to hang.

i still don't know why you keep referring to it as a "fast paced group ride"...i've said it before on here and before we start a ride, leave your tape measures at home because this isn't a dick measuring contest.

i'm not trying to start shit by saying any of this but these rides are open to anyone that wants to go is more than welcome and shouldn't have a fear that they are in for a balls to the wall everyman for himself race.

even though some of the group will take off out front, we don't leave people behind that don't know the area. the cleveland guys and dayton guys that have been with us all seemed to think we did a good job on keeping the 1 large group together even though it broke down into 3-4 small groups as the ride began.

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I have been riding since 1990 and learned all the lessons the hard way. I am just trying to save the new guys the pain and expense of learning the way I did.

Hate to be the Negative Nancy here, but sometimes for some people, experience is the best teacher no matter how much the idea is preached.

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I have ridden in many group rides and I know how dangerous they can be when you mix riders and experience levels. I have been riding since 1990 and learned all the lessons the hard way. I am just trying to save the new guys the pain and expense of learning the way I did.

so where in that quote did i ever say "you're not going to get better unless you wreck and eat shit."

i'm done wasting my time in this thread. its the interwebz so i'd rather rub my dick on a cheese grater than argue over something this fucking dumb

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i still don't know why you keep referring to it as a "fast paced group ride"...i've said it before on here and before we start a ride, leave your tape measures at home because this isn't a dick measuring contest.

i'm not trying to start shit by saying any of this but these rides are open to anyone that wants to go is more than welcome and shouldn't have a fear that they are in for a balls to the wall everyman for himself race.

even though some of the group will take off out front, we don't leave people behind that don't know the area. the cleveland guys and dayton guys that have been with us all seemed to think we did a good job on keeping the 1 large group together even though it broke down into 3-4 small groups as the ride began.

+1 This wasn't a ride where every single person was going light speed like the front of the pack.

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Look gang, we can agree that different people learn in different ways. If it suits you to learn riding with a group of more experienced riders, then there isn't anything necessarily wrong with that. Same thing goes for riding with similar experienced people.

If you choose one and are wrong, one of two things can happen. One, you get bored with the newbs, make a mental note to go to the experienced group, and go on your way. Two, you overestimate your ability and end up punching out. Take your parts home and evaluate what you've learned.

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Well I was maintaining the gap between me and John, when all of a sudden Justin whips up beside me and into the gap between John and I. Then he looked like he was trying to pass John, but as I said earlier, John's twin is faster. But I know, it's still a bit shamefull that a v-twin sport touring bike, that is 400cc bigger than my 14 year old 600cc I-4, took me on the straight. That's why I said "screw you Justin."

Ill pass you on my V4!!!

Edited by blake1221
early drinking
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