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car got broke into

kawi kid

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I am so fucking mad right now!! I dd'ed last night and just brought everyone back to my house to sober up from hitting the bars cuz i am i nice guy. Well i was leaving about 1 this afternoon to take my friend home. And i walk up to my car and realize something in wrong, my center console is open, then my glove box is open. So of course i know instantly that someone was in my car. :nono: My first reaction is "OMG what was in there that could have been valuable!?!?!?!" I get into the car and start looking around my old sprockets off my bike were laying on the floor now they are on my passenger seat with a bunch of trash that was in my center console. But the tool kit from my bike was laying on the floor too :mad: gone!! FUCK!!!! I had it in a Crown Royal bag so im figuring it was just some retarted kids that just wanted the bag cuz my $90 gear wrench set was laying right beside the bag and they left those. Plus my brand new 1800 dollar knee brace i got so i can play sports again in still laying in my back seat. (thank god)

So i went inside and told my gf about what i found and she had the o shit look on her face (:eek:) and said "i didnt lock my car either i think." She runs out to her car to find every car charger she had in her car was gone. but they left her Motorola hands free device, took the charger but left the device. :nono:

I eventually take my buddy home and on the way back i get to thinking my keys were in the ignition......... :wtf: how should i take it that they took the ten dollar pack of tools and left the car. :lol: Whats worse than a crook.............. a stupid crook.

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I had someone get into my car once, they stole all the change out of my cup holder, and tried to get the CD player out of the dash. Turns out they couldn't get the CD player out so instead, they just stole the face for it, so I couldn't use it either. How shitty is that? I mean seriously.

If they were smart, they wouldn't be thieves. Just keep that in mind bruv.

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I had someone get into my car once, they stole all the change out of my cup holder, and tried to get the CD player out of the dash. Turns out they couldn't get the CD player out so instead, they just stole the face for it, so I couldn't use it either. How shitty is that? I mean seriously.

If they were smart, they wouldn't be thieves. Just keep that in mind bruv.

i have a pretty idea who did it. there is this little thugish bastard that is about 23 and lives with his parents across the street from me. he is always in trouble with the law and shit, so when i get back from taking my buddy home who do you think is staring out the front door, yep just looking so being the dick i am i just stop turn and stare right back until he turns around and closes the door

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Sorry to hear that Kawi. I hate thieves with a passion. Sucks to work hard for your shit and then have someone take it, regardless of the value.

yea i know. i have a double or triple of everything that was in that bag except the axle nut wrench. :mad:

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I'm going to break into someone's house and steal all their socks. Then unscrew every lightbulb in the house, shake them hard, then screw them back in loosely, so the people thing "oh odd, and screw it in then have to replace it.

Then, I'm going to take 1 battery out of every device and replace them with completely dead batteries.

I'm going to unplug everything in the house and then go downstairs and flip every breaker.

Sounds like some stupid kids that just took whatever they THOUGHT was worth money, sorry kawi

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I'm going to break into someone's house and steal all their socks. Then unscrew every lightbulb in the house, shake them hard, then screw them back in loosely, so the people thing "oh odd, and screw it in then have to replace it.

Then, I'm going to take 1 battery out of every device and replace them with completely dead batteries.

I'm going to unplug everything in the house and then go downstairs and flip every breaker.

Sounds like some stupid kids that just took whatever they THOUGHT was worth money, sorry kawi

You've put some thought into this huh? :D

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has happened to my twice.. first time the took my cd player but thank god left my subs and amp. then to the inside gloves to my nice 2 piece snowboard gloves. but not the outsides.. second time they took my ipod and the 90 dollar transmitter. though that time they left my blue tooth ... nothing makes me more mad than thieves.. sorry about your luck man.

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After a rash of robberies in my old Apt complex they told us to take everything of value out of the car and leave it unlocked so they won't break a window to find out there is nothing inside.

After a couple of weeks the thieves just faded away, nothing to steal.

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After a rash of robberies in my old Apt complex they told us to take everything of value out of the car and leave it unlocked so they won't break a window to find out there is nothing inside.

After a couple of weeks the thieves just faded away, nothing to steal.

this is like the second or third time....... they never have gotten anythign of value from me. just trash :lol:

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There are nice little battery operated motion detectors, that you can put INSIDE the car, when it's sitting in the driveway. Silent alarm transmitted to a receiver inside the house. No false alarms, it would only go off if something moved inside the car. The receiver can handle signals from four transmitters. Lots of fun.

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There are nice little battery operated motion detectors, that you can put INSIDE the car, when it's sitting in the driveway. Silent alarm transmitted to a receiver inside the house. No false alarms, it would only go off if something moved inside the car. The receiver can handle signals from four transmitters. Lots of fun.

hmmm interesting where can i pick up these little toys??

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nuthing is worse than the feeling of being violated. i grew up in a neighborhood where we didnt have to lock doors or worry about theft. in fact we never locked our doors. the biggest annoyance were teenagers if you got tp'd. the house is mine now, and before we moved to Ohio, we had our garage lifted twice for theft... although i don't remember how bc the door opener should have secured it. its likely someone who knew us -- knew that we generally left the gate unlocked on the side of our house, which new they had easy access to garagedoor button inside the garage. i agree, its likely your neighbor or someone he knows. my dad was always like -- if crooks want in, they'll find a way. why have them break something trying! and nowadays, i better have "good" reason to and file a claim again insurance.

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Ok, there's tons of different setups, and even dozens of types of gear from this one manufacturer. But I bought a simple receiver with one transmitter kit, and added 3 more motion detectors.

Skylink motion detector basic kit HA-318:


Extra motion detectors HA-434A:


All the gear at the website:


They don't work well with animals, which set them off. But I did try one inside the car, and it seemed to work ok for the distance between the car and the receiver inside the house. I think they say these are not for outdoor use, but I'm using mine outdoors, mounted up high under the gutter and overhang, pointed at the driveway, cars, bikes, etc. And that's why the cats, dogs, raccoons, and coyotes set them off at night. Sometimes insects will manage to set one off, if it's up close in front of the sensor. edit: I take it back, they are meant to be used indoor or outdoor. I just checked.

Lots more geeky stuff indoors, but let's just say "Open my door and they are screwed". They would just run away.

I never have trouble around my place anyway, for some reason bad kids tend to stay away...

Edited by ReconRat
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One more thing. Simple motion detecting flood lights all around the house, is still the best thing to do. Whatever is out there, will go away when the lights come on aimed at them. And you don't get waken up by an alarm. And they are fun, because they go off if something as large as a deer walks by at night.

Want to see what happens around when you're gone? Get a cheap game trail camera for hunting, and set it up.

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