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HA...I guess that is what she is worth 40 GOATS!


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AIROBI, Kenya - A Kenyan man's offer of 40 goats and 20 cows for Chelsea Clinton's hand in marriage may still be on the table — and Hillary Rodham Clinton has promised to convey the "very kind offer" to her daughter.To laughter at a town hall meeting Thursday in Kenya, CNN's Fareed Zakaria asked the U.S. Secretary of State if the Clintons had made a decision on the dowry offer. In 2000, a Kenyan man wrote to then-president Bill Clinton offering the animals in accordance with African tradition.

After a pause, Clinton said, "My daughter is her own person, very independent, so I will convey this very kind offer."

Clinton has denied rumors that her daughter, 29, is planning to get married this summer.

:lol: :lol:

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Honestly, I think he's overpaying


To have Hillary as a mother-in-law? You'd have to send a dump truck driven by Scarlett Johannson and Zooey Deschanel to my house and unload a pile of money. You can keep the truck afterwards, just send someone around to pick it up. :)

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Dude you can't handle both of them, give me Zooey . . .


Mmmmm Zooey, I don't even remember what we were talking about

That's the best picture you can come up with? :D

You want her? Fine. Replace her with Christina Hendricks and a somewhat smaller pile of money. I'm going to brush up on my motorboat skills.

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Best picture I can come up with? It's subjective, I just figured it was one you guys might not have seen before. Besides, I dig the heartfelt singer look. Dang it I am sooo emo.

Good, so I can expect Zooey to return to the open market after you start randomly cutting yourself? ;)

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You can have her, taking one of those upside the head would surely result in serious injury. An awesome and very enjoyable injury, but an injury nonetheless.

Apparently she's engaged to the mushroom-eating stoner from Super Troopers. My world has been crushed.

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